Your Turn To Fly

Improve Relationships and Abundance Using the Enneagram Process, with Tracy O'Malley, EP24

Thor Challgren

“I have used the Enneagram for eight years in every aspect of my life, and it has moved the needle in all areas of my life, in ways I never would have imagined a decade ago.” That is Tracy O’Malley, my guest on this episode of the “Course Change” podcast.

Tracy is multi-million dollar entrepreneur, speaker, and author. I talk with her about how she’s used the Enneagram personality typing process to accelerate transformation, build effective and compassionate leaders and create sustainable and lasting change. 

When you’re going through change, it’s important to have an understanding of your own strengths and personality. Tools like Meyers-Briggs, the DISC profile, Strength Finder and the Enneagram help you better understand your own innate strengths.

As Tracy shares, “It all begins with you. If you can lead yourself and how you show up in the world; if you are coming from a place of truth and love, that is going to radiate out into the world. And the ripple effect of that is you'll start to attract a different kind of people into your life. You'll start to attract a different kind of abundance in your life.”

More About Tracy

Instagram: @tracy_omalley
Podcast Episode #56 The Enneagram Types

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