Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
We are booksellers who want to talk about bookselling and the book industry with other manner of booksellers and book people -- the good, the bad, the ugly, the sincere, the lies ... all of it.
Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
Hannah Oliver Depp (Loyalty Bookstores, in Washington, DC and Silver Spring, MD)
Season 1
Episode 1
In our extra special first episode we sip from tiny cups while speculating wildly about the future of this podcast, and chat with Hannah Oliver Depp, owner of Loyalty Bookstores, about a little bit of everything: SBA loans, distribution monoliths, the power of Jameson for former academics and what the hell we’ll all be doing going forward. Enjoy!
* Update: What is geography, anyway? We identify one of Loyalty Bookstores' locations as Baltimore. This is not the case! We're told that Baltimore is, in fact, an hour away from Silver Spring, Maryland. So ... FYI! & remember you can always fact-check us & call us on our bullshit at facedoutpodcast@gmail.com!