Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
We are booksellers who want to talk about bookselling and the book industry with other manner of booksellers and book people -- the good, the bad, the ugly, the sincere, the lies ... all of it.
Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
Madeline Gobbo - Skylight Books (Los Angeles)
September 18, 2020
Season 1
Episode 7
So much happening in the book world the past couple of weeks. From hijinks at purportedly venerable indie bookselling institutions, to a world-famous children's author double- and tripling-down on hateful trolling, to West Coast fires, to ... yeesh, what else?
This episode has it all -- including a hotline! That's right, we're on the bleeding on edge of technology, and have created a phone number for booksellers to call and contribute to our "Oral History of Pandemic Bookselling." What's the number? Why ... you have to listen to find out, sillies!
We're joined by Maddie Gobbo, wonderful "events maven" from one of our favorite stores, Skylight Books. We're very fond of this episode, and hope you enjoy it.