Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
We are booksellers who want to talk about bookselling and the book industry with other manner of booksellers and book people -- the good, the bad, the ugly, the sincere, the lies ... all of it.
Faced Out, with Brad & Liz
What's Being "Indie" Have To Do With It? (Part One)
Brad & Liz
Episode 11
Hey there! It's been a while. Two months, in fact. We're making up for lost time with the first installment of a two-parter! (Hang on to your seats for the cliffhanger ending!)
In this issue we talk about what we've been up to since our last episode in early January, an assortment of labor issues, laugh at the expense of megapublishers, and just keep circling around this question: "What the hell does 'indie' really mean?"