RO&Ming with Lil

4 Using VROOM and OMO for the first time - in telepractice

Lil Deverell and Jo Anson-Smith Season 1 Episode 4

Jo Anson-Smith is a dual qualified Occupational Therapist/Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialist working in Newcastle, Australia. When we talked with Jo in Episode 2, she was exploring tele-practice with occupational therapy clients, but she hadn’t yet made the leap into O&M tele-practice. In this episode we talk with Jo about teaching the long cane to a man with intellectual disability, via Zoom. Then Jo describes her first VROOM and OMO functional assessment with a client, via FaceTime – how she prepared, the technology she used, what worked well, and some scoring questions that arose: what if we don't or can't assess in a dynamic environment?