RO&Ming with Lil

14 Fostering professional development - Darren

August 20, 2020 Lil Deverell Season 1 Episode 14

This episode, we’re talking with Darren Moyle, an O&M Specialist who works for Vision Australia in Melbourne. Darren has a passion for integrating sport and technology into O&M programs. He loves working with kids and he has just become a dad himself. Darren describes some of his Aha! moments in training as an O&M specialist 9 years ago, the things he finds life-giving about the job, and his own use of technology in navigating public transport and travel while working in Melbourne suburbia as an O&M specialist who has low vision. Darren is on the professional development committee for the OMAA, so we are spruiking the forthcoming OMAA Online Symposium on 22 September.