Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 119: Does Accomplishment Require Overload?

Cal Newport Season 1 Episode 119

Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to

DEEP DIVE: Does Accomplishment Require Overload? [3:16]

 - How do you figure out what to get good at? [15:35]
 - Should I quit teaching to become a lifestyle coach? [23:24]
 - Why did I (Cal) become a computer scientist? [28;39]
 - How do I stop my firm from killing itself with email? [34:07]
 - As the multipurpose nature of computers a problem? [39:23]
 - What do I (Cal) think about four day work weeks? [41:30]

 - Should I reschedule miss deep work for later in the day? [46:56]
 - Do you (Cal) ever fix your big picture plans once in motion? [48"37]
 - Should I apply 4DX to my deep life buckets? [56:09]
 - How does one balance deep work with a partner who is equally as ambitious? [1:01:42]

Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music and Mark Miles for mastering.