Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 143: What Would You Say You Do Here?

Cal Newport Season 1 Episode 143

Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to

DEEP DIVE: What would you say you do here? [3:05]


 - What time management strategies do you suggest if I work a 9-5 and want to pursue master's or phd? [13:32]
 - How to overcome productivity pr0n?  
- Lifehacker addict is hung up on the fomo (fear of missing out) of potential shortcuts. [19:51]
- could save time
 - How to time block deep work while juggling the demands of "in the moment questions". [25:03]
- Pharmacist manager gets bogged down with constant questions despite needing time to do deep work.
 - How do you differentiate productive meditation with "day-dreaming mode" to solve problems?  [32:28]
        - Relaxing the pre-frontal cortex
 - What are your thoughts on scaling up for sole proprietors? [35:37]
- A digital marketer thinking of outsourcing for book keeping, etc.


 - What do you do/read to keep the path of living a deep life?  [38:57]
 - What's your class policy regarding your students and their phone use?  [42:38]
 - How do you combat confirmation bias as an author and academic?  [44:58]

 - How do you balance reading new books and re-reading books (especially past ones that have proven valuable)?

Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music and Mark Miles for mastering.