Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 151: Should you move to the country?

Season 1 Episode 151

Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to

DEEP DIVE: Should you move to the country?  [3:55]


- Is it worth time blocking for long projects? [20:11]
- What’s your (Cal’s) opinion on bosses stopping by the office to chat?  [22:16]
- How can I remember all of your advice? [25:39]
- How do I avoid the feeling of just going through the motions? [32:41]
- How do I better get started in the morning? [38:31]


- What’s your advice for studying while also working in a warehouse? [44:38]
- How can I improve my meditative walks? [50:10]
- How can working parents maximize time spent with children? [54:12]
- Are you so good you can’t be ignored in computer science?  [58:40]
- How do I choose a thesis topic? [1:03:41]  

Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, and Mark Miles for mastering.