Ordinarily Extraordinary - Conversations with women in STEM

73. Dr. Hanine Salem - Policy analyst and strategist specializing in public sector development and education

Kathy Nelson Episode 73

Dr. Hanine Salem is a policy analyst and strategist specializing in public sector development and education. While her interest is concerned with improving leadership's decision making process through policy analysis and results oriented public management methods, our conversation focuses on a specific Cybersecurity program she is involved in and encouraging girls to get into fields such as cybersecurity. Hanine has a Master's Degree in Organizational Communications and a PhD in Organizational Performance Measurement in the Public Sector.

Episode Notes

Hanine is passionate about bringing change through public policy, curriculum development and education. She shares information about a specific cybersecurity program she works with to encourage girls (and boys) to go into cybersecurity (Girls make up only 24% of people working in cybersecurity). She also talks about other work she's involved with such as programming to develop the human-side of our youth (a.k.a. how to develop good humans), entrepreneurship, and personal finance.

She shares her passion for public policy. (Thank goodness there are people who are passionate for this as it's such hard and important work) and how her journey to encourage girls to go into cybersecurity circles back in a round about way to career aspirations she had earlier in life to be an architect.

Music used in the podcast: Higher Up, Silverman Sound Studio

Acronyms, Definitions, and Fact Check

Cyber Citizenship program discussed in the podcasthttps://www.novusgroup.co/cybercitizenship 

There are several scholarly articles regarding COVID mental health effects on youth. Here is one article. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s13034-020-00329-3)

Results show that there has been a statistically significant decrease in stigma among survey respondents. Statistical significance means that the results are not likely to occur by chance. The surveys show that from 2017 to 2019: More people feel comfortable talking with someone about their mental illness (66% to 71%) (https://www.healthpartners.com/hp/about/press-releases/stigma-of-mental-illnesses-decreasing.html)

Do girls outperform boys academically? Yes. Here is an article and there are many...(http://ursa.browntth.com/the-blog/why-do-girls-outperform-boys-in-school)

"Men outnumber women in cybersecurity by three to one". (https://www.isc2.org/-/media/ISC2/Research/ISC2-Women-in-Cybersecurity-Report.ashx)

Cybersecurity is a subset of computer science, and in today's computer-reliant world, it has its own field of study and degree programs. Those interested in cybersecurity usually earn a bachelor's in computer science. (https://sopa.tulane.edu/blog/cybersecurity-vs-computer-science)

Cyber hygiene is a set of habitual practices for ensuring the safe handling of critical data and for securing networks. ... Cyber hygiene practices include the inventory of all endpoints connected to a network, vulnerabilities management, and the patching of software and applications. (https://endpoint.tanium.com/what-is-cyber-hygiene-and-why-does-it-matter/)

There are lots of interesting articles with interesting statistics about women entrepreneurs. This is an interesting article that breaks out where female entrepreneurs are most and least common. 51% in Angola and 0.9% in Italy (of the 43 countries that responded). (https://www.statista.com/chart/19254/female-adult-population-engaged-in-entrepreneurial-activity-per-country/)

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