Ordinarily Extraordinary - Conversations with women in STEM

99. E-liza Dolls - Eliza Kosoy; Founder of dolls that teach girls to code

Kathy Nelson

Eliza Kosoy is the Founder of Eliza Dolls, a doll which teaches young girls how to code and build hardware through custom, tech-enabled projects based on things girls love. Eliza is also a PhD Student at University of California, Berkeley working in child development and Artificial Intelligence.

What do we talk about in this episode?

Eliza shares how she came to start E-liza Dolls and what her goals and aspirations are for her company. She also shares how her work in her day job as PhD student studying children and AI and how E-liza Dolls has affected her research.

  1. Eliza shares how starting E-liza Dolls will hopefully change future generations and encourage more girls to go into STEM fields.
  2. Girls play and interact with coding differently than boys.
  3. How does an idea become a prototype and then become a product? How do you find investors, factories, and get a product to market?
  4. Normalizing girls being interested in STEM and women going into STEM fields - this needs to be part of our everyday, normal lives.
  5. What is an angel investor?

Music used in the podcast: Higher Up, Silverman Sound Studio


E-liza Dolls - https://www.elizadolls.com.

An angel investor (also known as a business angel, informal investor, angel funder, private investor, or seed investor) is an individual who provides capital for a business or businesses, including startups, usually in exchange for convertibledebt or ownership equity. (Wikipedia)

Girlboss, neologism popularised by Sophia Amoruso in her 2014 book Girlboss, which denotes a woman "whose success is defined in opposition to the masculine business world in which she swims upstream". The term became popular in 2014 after Sophia Amoruso used it with a hashtag prefix in her bestselling autobiography, which was adapted into a TV show of the same name. Its early usage was defined by perceived empowerment. Its popularity led to it becoming a "a template for marketing and writing about powerful women in virtually every industry". (Wikipedia)

Sophia Amoruso launches Trust Fund for founders - https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/19/sophia-amoruso-enters-venture-with-her-trust-fund-nasty-gal-girlboss/

"How Things Work" Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-things-work/id1524856935

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