Chatting About Change with Dr. Jim Maddox

Gestalt coaching and using one’s self to be in the now: A conversation with the co-founder of the Gestalt Center for Coaching.

Jim Maddox Season 1 Episode 25

Episode 25

My guest this episode is Dr. Dorothy Siminovitch, from Toronto, Canada.  Dr. Siminovitch is a global executive coach, speaker, author, Director of Coach Training, presence, awareness & somatic coaching.  She is the co-founder of the Gestalt Center for Coaching and author of the book, Gestalt Coaching Primer.  She has her Ph.D. from the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University.  We discuss the concept of vertical development and how we use ourselves to recognize when something is disrupting us or catching our attention that requires adaptability, creativity, and innovation.  She talks about Gestalt and using the “now” in adaptive ways, remaining grounded in the present moment.  We discuss the global need to be resilient and agile and how to use Gestalt principles for personal and organizational development and growth.