Chatting About Change with Dr. Jim Maddox

Left Brain – Right Brain thinking and the role of Human Resources in shaping organizational culture.

Jim Maddox Season 1 Episode 29

My guest is Nikki Beyrle, the Senior Director of Human Resources for the LDF organization.  She works with a variety of large beverage companies and their HR and talent development teams.  She talks about the need as an HR professional to integratively use both sides of her brain; using the left side for the transactional/analytical aspect of HR and using the right side of the brain for the transformational/strategic side of HR.  We talk about the challenges of this type of diverse thinking and offers tips on how to effectively juggle both divergent types of activities.  We discuss the need to create learning cultures to adapt to ongoing change and the ideas around creating leaders within the organization to be fluid and adaptable.  We take a deep dive into what shapes culture and strategies for translating values into actual everyday behaviors to intentionally create a desired culture.