Biblical Foundations Academy International Podcast with Keith Johnson

Prophet Pearls #10 -Miketz 1 Kings 3:15-4:1

Keith Johnson Season 1 Episode 10

This week’s Prophet reading—traditionally called the Haftorah—is 1 Kings 3:15–4:1. It accompanies the Torah portion Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1–44:17).

In this passage we read a famous example of the God-given wisdom of King Solomon. The king’s life-saving solution to a bitter dispute inspired his people and demonstrated his special ability to administer divine justice. Listen to Keith Johnson and Nehemia Gordon as they discover priceless gems in this installment of Prophet Pearls: Exploring Biblical Prophecy for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

If you would like to listen to Keith and Nehemia discuss the Torah portions that correlate to the Prophet portions here are the original Torah Pearls programs recorded in 2011-2012.

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