Biblical Foundations Academy International Podcast with Keith Johnson

Prophet Pearls #25 -Tzav-Jeremiah 7:21-8:3 and 9:22-23

March 25, 2024 Keith Johnson Season 1 Episode 25

This week’s Prophet reading—traditionally called the Haftorah—is Jeremiah 7:21–8:3 and 9:22–23. It accompanies the Torah portion Tzav (Leviticus 6:1–8:36).

This Haftorah contains Jeremiah’s scathing rebuke of the nation of Judah for its desecration of the temple called by God’s name. He also announces the coming punishment. The reading concludes with a familiar passage in which God admonishes us not to trust in our own wisdom, strength, or riches, but to walk in harmony with Him by adopting His character attributes of faithfulness, justice, and righteousness. Listen to Keith Johnson and Nehemia Gordon as they discover priceless gems in this installment of Prophet Pearls: Exploring Biblical Prophecy for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

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