Biblical Foundations Academy International Podcast with Keith Johnson

Prophet Pearls-Tazria-2 Kings 4:42–5:19 and 7:3–20

March 25, 2022 Keith Johnson Season 1 Episode 28

his week’s Prophet reading—traditionally called the Haftorah—combines two passages and covers 2 Kings 4:42–5:19 and 7:3–20. These Prophet readings accompany the Torah portions Tazria (Leviticus 12:1–13:59) and Metzora (Leviticus 14:1–15:33).

These Haftorahs relate the history of two miracles. The first caused the Syrian general Naaman to declare: “Now I know that there is no God in the whole world except in Israel!” The second was the supernatural rescue of the city of Samaria from a Syrian invasion. Listen to Keith Johnson and Nehemia Gordon as they discover priceless gems in this installment of Prophet Pearls: Exploring Biblical Prophecy for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

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