The Causey Consulting Podcast

The Great Resignation, Part 1

Sara Causey Episode 107

Take this job and shove it!

More people are deciding to quit rather than putting up with a micromanager or jerky boss, working constantly, having to get on 58 Zoom calls a week, etc. So what's'a'goin'on with all of this?

Key topics:

✔️ In the same way that no one cares if Billy Bob's Staffing Agency won't represent them if they decline a job offer, guess what - the same is true now with actual hiring companies. The days of ghosting candidates and acting like an a-hole during the interview process yet still expecting to attract in talent are gone.
✔️ Likewise, acting like a jerk to your employees and expecting them to stay and obey = not gonna do it.
✔️ People are getting tired of trading time or labor for money. Let's examine the results and stop obsessing about the process.
✔️ "But, but, no one wants ta work now!" Really? A person applied to 60 jobs he was qualified for, got 1 offer and it was a lowball. Companies are the candidates now. Job seekers want to know what you have to offer them and it ain't foosball tables in the break room or unlimited sodey pops in the fridge.

Links I discuss in this episode:

Russell Brand's episode:

Logical Finance video:

Need more? Email me:

Welcome to the Causey consulting podcast. You can find us online anytime at And now, here's your host, Sara Causey. Hello, Hello, and thanks for tuning in. So today finally, without further ado, I will be talking about the great resignation. If you're not familiar with the term, I mean, honestly, by now you should be. But if you're not familiar with the term, it really refers to this exodus out of the workforce. I'm going to read a paragraph from an article in The Atlantic. It was published by Derek Thompson in October of this year, and it's called The Great resignation is accelerating. The byline is a lasting effect of this pandemic will be a revolution in worker expectations. And the first paragraph reads, I first noticed that something weird was happening this past spring. In April, the number of workers who quit their job in a single month broken all time us record, economists called it the great resignation. But America's quitting spirit was just getting started. In July even more people left their job in August quitter set yet another record the great resignation, it just keeps getting greater, and quote, put simply, in my mind, a lot of people are just fed the hell up with bad behavior, whether it's people who have office jobs that can easily be performed from home, but their employers or some awful boss is wanting to hurry up and herd them back into the office with some bogus excuse. It could be well, you know, guys, we really need to have this spirit of collaboration, it's just a lot more difficult. When we're all on Zoom, it's time to go ahead and come all back to the office. People are savvy, and they're catching on to the fact that what the boss really means is come back to the pan Opticon I need to be able to surveil you, or I'm an extrovert who can't you know, find a social life on my own. So I have to force my employees to come in here and play friendly with me like to use the phrase does your Come on, man. People don't want that and they're fed up with it. They're also fed up with these long, protracted ridiculous hiring cycles and interview processes. I myself had a galling experience the other day, and believe me, I am tempted to divulge the name of the company, I'm not going to but believe me, I'm tempted to q4 can be kind of a strange time. And it tends to be feast or famine, you're either so busy that you're like oh my god, I'm gonna have to just lay the law down to my clients and say, here are the days that I will be unavailable due to the holidays, or you're more in the famine cycle. And it's like, man, nothing's going on, I can't get people off of high center, everyone's just given themselves over to holiday inertia. There doesn't seem to be a lot of middle ground, especially during that sort of six or seven week period of time, in and around Thanksgiving going into the new year. It's easy for people especially like the executives and the quote, decision makers who have a lot of PTO anyway, or can just leave the office and say To hell with it. They're not wanting to get super engaged in a lot of things. So I really make sure I've learned from past mistakes, I'm pointing to the old dog here. I've learned from past mistakes, don't allow that inertia to impact you make sure that you continue your business development and your marketing during q4 Don't give in to the temptation to say, Well, nobody's really wanting to do anything right now. So I guess I won't either I'll just lay up at the house and eat ice cream and watch Netflix like now he stay productive and stay on top of things. So I was doing a bit of said marketing and business development. And I had sent some materials over to a company that was hiring. And by all outward appearances, they met the criteria of what I look for in a good prospective client. So I'd reached out to them. And I have never in my life received a rejection more immediate than the one I got from this particular woman in their HR department. There is no way there is physically no way that she could have even read even a scintilla of what I sent over and it's not like I sent over a package you know, or some scope of work that was page upon page long. She couldn't even have even done more than the six second pan and scan. It was that immediate was like I hit send and then almost within 30 seconds here she pops up going nope, not you don't want your help. And instead of just shrugging my shoulders and thinking, Oh, well, you're lost. You'll have fun filling all of your open positions that you're clearly not able to. I I clapped back, I thought we're in this time where we Workers and consultants and freelancers have more power than we ever have before. And I was legit offended. You know, I hate the word offended in so many ways because people have taken it and used it and abused it. It's like the least little thing. They see a feather blowing in the wind, and they're offended by it and want to make a big federal case out of it on social media. So I almost even hate to use that word. But, you know, my friend, Eric is kind of helping me redeem that word, because he talks about situations like, Okay, if I can let it go, that's going to be the best for everybody involved. But if I become legit, offended, if you have really offended me, then it's on. And I kind of like got into that legit offended space. I thought, there's no way that you even read this. I don't know what your problem is. But I'm not just gonna lay here and take it. Not today. So I just wrote back like, wow, that was lightning fast. But thanks, anyway. And it sort of reminded me of like the old school staffing days, where one of the big threats was, well, we just won't work with you, again, we won't represent you, if you lie to us, or you mislead us in any way. If we get you an offer, that's exactly what you asked for. And then you don't take it, then we won't represent you again, this is this is kind of a big, small town, everybody knows everybody, you don't want word to get out that you're not a cooperative, compliant candidate, fall ball, you know, I look back on it now. And it's like, that was just a different freaking time, you even back then those kinds of threats didn't carry a lot of water. Because at the end of the day, it's your life, it's your career, it's your happiness. And if a recruiter gets you a job offer, and then you have a better opportunity somewhere else, where you're looking through the Summary of Benefits or something about the company has turned you off, you're not under any obligation to take that offer. So I look back on on co workers and managers peers making those kinds of threats and suggesting that I do the same. And it's like that, that has absolutely no meaning anymore. And it's quite laughable. You know, Billy Bob's third party staffing agency won't work with you. If you don't do what is in their best interest. It's like, who cares? But here's the thing. The reason why I'm bringing that up is because it's the same way now, with actual hiring companies. I want to I want to say that again, and I want to really draw the parallel out clearly. It's not just about oh, my god, Billy Bob's third party staffing agency won't represent me anymore. What a tragedy. It's also like, Okay, if this company, this actual hiring company, mistreats me if they give me an immediate rejection, and it's quite frankly, offensive, if they give me a lowball offer, if they want me to go through 58 interviews before they even make me an offer. If they lowball me on PTO, if they want me to come back to the office with no real gameplan or solid reasoning as to why. Who cares? There are so many companies out there needing good employees and looking for talent, that these threats of lol we just won't represent you again, or we're going to put some kind of ugly mark against you in our ATS system. Who cares? No, I remember in one of the episodes where I was talking about this before I was talking about hitting it with some echo. So let's let's do that again. I'm just gonna do it manually. Who cares? So like with the people that offended me, and I clapped back a little bit. I didn't just lay there and take it. It's like, wow, okay, thanks. And yes, I did say it sarcastically as I was writing my email and said it sarcastically in my mind, who cares? You know, if they put a nasty mark in their ATS system about well, I talked to this consultant, and she didn't let me abuse her and insult her intelligence, who cares, cares, cares. So this is something else that I want to say in particular about the great resignation. We have many people who have decided to escape the cubicle escaped corporate America and go out on their own follow their passions, or, at the very least transmogrify their current career path into something that they can do from home on their own terms. There is enough business to go around, we get ourselves into trouble from a mindset perspective. When we start thinking about everything in life as a zero sum game. There's not enough to go around, somebody must win, somebody must lose. There's not enough money. There's not enough business there aren't enough clients. So if I don't bend over backwards and turn myself into a pretzel to please someone who is a complete nightmare, a tyrant or maybe they're just not usable at all, I'm going to go broke. And then from there, we can go into a really catastrophic spiral, I'll be homeless, I'll lose the car, I won't be able to eat, I'll die under a bridge, we could have one bad phone call or one negative experience and start turning it into this giant mushroom cloud of despair. Don't do that. Don't get all up into your head over a few bad experiences or encounters with a few bad apples. In the same way that you might have a job interview that doesn't go well, you might have a marketing or prospecting call as a freelancer that doesn't go well. It's okay. It's not the end of the world, you will recover from it, you just have to always remember, there's plenty of business out there to go around. If I encounter someone who on the surface appears to be a great prospect. But then once we get on the phone, or we start engaging in an email chain back and forth, I realized that this is not an ideal fit. After all, it's okay. It's not the end of the world. And it's so much better. If you can suss out on the front end, woof, I wouldn't be a good fit with this team or they would not be a good fit for my practice. I feel like they would be Ned the needy or Mike the micromanager and my life would be a living hell, it's better if you can determine that before you get engaged in a project, it's a little bit more difficult to try to extract yourself from the process if you get in, and then you realize you were the victim of a bait and switch. So don't take it personally. And don't start freaking out. If you get on the phone with somebody and you realize, ooh, this isn't going to be the thing. At the end of October, Russell Brand recorded a great video called you can shove your job why are millions quitting work? And he talks about the great resignation and the pandemic and strike Tober Of course, I will drop a link to this video in the write up for this podcast. It's definitely worth watching and listening to one of the things that he talks about his workers also known as human beings are quitting their jobs. And I'm like, Yes, exactly. Human beings, not robots, not machines, but people with hearts and souls and emotions and goals. We're just not in that old school old fashioned era anymore. You know, there's a book that's coming to my mind at written by Larry Winget. And the book is titled it's called work for a reason. And the little blurb says it's time for a swift kick in the pants from the pitbull of personal development. Larry Winget study say that we actually work only half the time we are on the job, whether you punch a clock on your own business or manage other people, Larry's advice will work for you. And I remember reading that book when I had to go back to corporate America with my tail tucked between my legs. And I was trying to like tough love myself and just say like, Well, okay, this is how the world works. I guess you're just supposed to be really freaking miserable at your job. And I mean, thankfully, I concluded that no, life is too short. I don't want to sit and be miserable all day, or I don't want to try to gain the system in some way and figure out like, Okay, well, how can I do the work that I need and the production that I need to keep this job and then spend the rest of the time staring off into space or fantasizing that I'm somewhere else? You know, I mean, we never, we never know for sure when our numbers gonna get called, and we're gonna get taken out of the flesh suit. So why spend your life miserable. And in the book, he talks about his father and how his father worked for Sears for decades, and he always made this deal, I will show up and I will do the job. As long as you keep paying me I will trade my time and my labor for money. If you ever saw paying me that I'm going to stop showing up. But as long as you keep cutting these checks, and they clear the bank, then I'll keep showing up and giving it my all. And it reminded me of my grandparents. You know, I think that that sort of speaking generationally, when Larry's talking about this father, they would be about the same age as my grandparents. And I remember my grandmother worked for Sears Roebuck for years, and years and years. So as I was reading this, I'm sort of picturing people and about my grandparents generation, more or less. And I may get some hate mail or some rotten tomatoes thrown at me over this, but I just want to be real with you guys. Times have changed and things that people in the greatest generation or in the the last generation, the baby boomers, things that they might have been willing to accept at work deals that they were willing to make are just not acceptable to people of the younger generations anymore. We don't get to retire with a full pension full benefits. That's the gold watch. There's just no such thing as too big to fail or some game plan for retirement that's rock solid and guaranteed to work. I mean, there's just not. There's a person who comes on every Monday afternoon on one of the TV stations locally. So CPA and financial planner, and he talks a lot about retirement, and What's your game plan, the difference between the acquisition phase of your life where you're working, and you're making money, and you're acquiring things versus your retirement years as being the distribution phase of your life where you're not working, you're not bringing in money, but you're spending money, money is going out, and you better have enough of a nest egg to survive that period of time. And I always sit there and laugh going, Nope. Again, it's like Captain America at the end of endgame when he's like, No, I don't think I will. Like I don't ever, ever plan on leaving the acquisition phase of my life. As far as I'm concerned, I will have billable hours and checks coming in the day that I leave my flesh suit. When I croak and say, sigh and are into this dimension and go on to the next one. Yeah, I'm still gonna have outstanding balances do. Don't ever plan on just distributing and not acquiring. But that's me, you I'm sort of born towards the latter part of Gen X. So I got to see the too big to fail and the corruption, the S&L scandals, and by that I mean savings and loan, not SNL the show for some of you Young Bloods, and Enron and all that mess. You know, it's like, there's no such thing as this guaranteed pension. And, you know, okay, I'm going to trade 30 years, the prime of my freaking life I'm going to give to you so that in my retirement years, you're going to pay me and you're going to take care of my medical bills, and all that all my benefits are going to be covered. And we'll just have this little comfy arrangement, it just doesn't work that way anymore. And people are more savvy than they ever have been about, I am not going to give up the prime of my life in the hopes that you'll take care of me later. It's just like a deal with the devil or some terrible bargain that corporate America won't live up to. And I applaud people who have cracked this riddle and said, No, No, dammit, I refuse to be miserable during the middle part of my life in the hopes that maybe I'll have some peace and serenity later. Something else Russell Brand says that I think is so spot on. And he makes a comment like people are awakening from this dream, that you have to spend your life tyrannized by labor, a men, that also makes me think of Larry's book, like, No, I don't think that I will trade these huge chunks of my time and effort in order to, you know, punch a clock and walk around in a store unnecessarily. Like, I'm just not going to do that. And so many people are also awakening from that dream, and saying, No, I don't think I will. Back in episode 100, where I had Scott Grayson, come back as a guest. He talks about people breaking away from the old model of doing things where you're supposed to be sitting there, but in C, from eight to five with someone watching you. And instead of saying, Look, we're going to be here in the office, and someone's going to be monitoring us all the time, we're now going to be judged on our output. What do we produce? What are the results for the client? Not the process? Not how many hours did it take to get there, but what is the actual result and the outcome or the deliverable? I for one thing, it's great because it does give you that opportunity to do other things during your day to wake up when you want to go to bed when you want to take care of your kids be available to go to various special events. Take care of your house, grow a vegetable garden, read, learn, learn language, do a hobby I mean, it gives you the opportunity to to do things that there's no way in hell you could be doing. If you were sat in a cubicle if you had a long commute and you were oppressed by someone else's agenda for your time, which let's face it, the typical sort of punch a clock and do what you're told, sit down, shut up and let us watch you. It is oppressive. I'm just going to say it I'm going to call it what it is. It is oppressive. Some of the comments that people have left on Russell's YouTube video are also incredibly savvy. One person writes people are getting sick of working for yesterday's wages for tomorrow's prices. Another person is written the lockdown made us realize that we don't want to just survive we want to live. Someone else writes in the same vein My theory is that the pandemic has confronted everyone with how precious life is how precious time with your loved ones is and how unsure tomorrow is. Doing a job you hate and or working for a boss you hate is then re evaluated by many someone else's Written people don't leave jobs if they are treated as a human being people leave when they get fed up for working for narcissistic sociopathic bosses. Yeah, no joke. I think a lot of us have been there and done that. I remember when I recorded the episode about the situation with Bob and Rick and how Rick just honey, unapologetically stabbed Bob in the back led him on strung him on promising him a promotion that he later gave to his, you know, under qualified and underwhelming daughter in law. And then told Bob, well, don't worry, we'll get you next time you make sure you stick around and wait for that. Yeah, it's not a wonder that people quit in situations like that. And I think it's good when we can call people out for their BS, whether it is one of those long protracted hiring processes where they want you to go through 100 interviews, or they, they want to make sure that you have round robin interviews eight different times with half the company, including people that you're never even going to work with or have have any reason to deal with. It's like, okay, well, that's insane. Why are you doing that? And or, like, in my situation with someone sending me a rejection email, when they there's no way that they could have even read the materials that I sent. It's like, I could let this go. But I don't think I will, I think I'm going to clap back. Because in case nobody has ever told that person, this is shitty behavior, the way that you are treating me has no dignity to it. And I really don't appreciate it like that person needs to be told that. So it's not a wonder that some of these companies are floundering, it's not a wonder that they're not able to find and retain good talent. There's a story that has gone viral about a man in Florida who apply to 60 entry level jobs. And to say that again, six zero 60 Not 16, 60. That'd be bad enough 60 entry level jobs in September and only got one interview. So here we are, all of these companies are having a whine and moan about we just can't find people. Nobody wants to work. All these reminds me of like the old folks with the hippies, all these damn hippies, they just don't want to have a job. It's like, okay, now wait a minute. So this guy in Florida decides to take this experiment on because he's like, he finds it hard to believe that like medical professionals, white collar people were quitting their jobs over $1,200 stimulus checks. So he decided to perform this experiment and figure out like, Okay, well, this is what we're being told, but what's actually going on. So after two weeks of performing the experiment and sending out 28 applications, he only had nine email responses, one follow up call, and one interview with a construction company. The construction company that interviewed him had been advertising at $10 an hour, but whenever they offered him the job, they were trying to offer him minimum wage, which in Florida, apparently is $8.65 an hour. And he's like, Well, where are you advertising it at 10. But they only want to pay 865. There's a very clear discrepancy there. He didn't apply for anything that he wasn't qualified to do if the job posting requires certain experience, he didn't apply for it. If he didn't have that experience, if they required a degree he didn't apply for he really tried, from all appearances to comply with whatever the people were requesting in the job descriptions. But I think this sort of highlights what's really going on behind the scenes. So I'm going to read from an article on Business Insider where this young man talks about his experience. And he says, in a Facebook post on September 29, which went viral on twitter and reddit as well. Holtz, which is the person who did this experiment, Holt said 58 application says y'all aren't desperate for workers, you just miss your slaves. My opinion is that this is a story. familiar story too many, in quote, Word, it really is. So it's like, okay, well, what, what actually is going on? If somebody is standing there saying, hey, I can help, like, I'm interested, I want to get hired and you're going, yeah, no, not you. That's sort of how I feel sometimes with you're trying to help clients improve their hiring funnels and telling them, okay, you've got way too many steps. People are dropping out of your hiring funnel because of XY and Z. We need to streamline this and cut out any of the filler and the Bs and they're like, no, we want all the filler and the Bs, it's like, well, that's why you don't have people. Heller. I love that Russell Brand says this shift is really suggesting that people are no longer willing to rent their time to these employers at the rate that's being offered. I would also add to it, you know, as a Smee, that it's also about the process to you know, it can be A rude experience with someone like the you know, like getting an immediate rejection or getting completely ghosted, not being told at all what's going on, we're expecting you to show up unnecessarily beyond 15 Zoom calls, get the buy in of 84 different people just to hire you for a temp assignment. So it's not just about the money, but it's also about insulting your intelligence, wasting your time, and just fundamentally treating candidates in a way that shows no dignity, no basic respect. In the YouTube video, Russell quotes from an article in Time magazine called Why literally millions of Americans are quitting their job. Naturally, I will drop a link to that in the write up for the podcast. There's a bit of it I want to read because I think it it sort of highlights that this is more than just the money. I'm going to read from the article. Now. Those stats may seem puzzling. After months of economic and Pandemic fueled uncertainty, things are finally looking up. I'm going to break in here and just say, I don't really know about that, considering how high inflation is right now. But maybe that's a topic for another time. I'll continue to read. Schools are reopening the vaccine is widely available, businesses are expanding and the economy is broadly resurgent. But labor experts say that rosy picture doesn't take into account the national mood. Americans they say are simply burned out and emboldened by the current labor market. Now, in this article, the author is about to quote, employees don't want to return to backbreaking or boring, low wage shit jobs. Robert Reich, former US Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration tells time workers are burned out, they're fed up, they're fried. In the wake of so much hardship, and illness and death during the past year. They're not going to take it anymore. And quote, yeah, exactly. So if you are if you have a long protracted hiring funnel, if you have somebody in HR talent acquisition that speaks to candidates like their pond scum, I mean, it's not only not a wonder that you're not able to find and retain good talent, you frankly don't deserve to, it's time to get with the now and understand that we're not living in the 50s or 60s anymore gang. The company is not God, the hiring manager is not gone. It's not the candidates responsibility to come in there and grovel, oh, please like Oliver Twist or something. Oh, please, Mr. Hiring manager might in mind I have a job at your company. I've just always wanted to work here. Oh, yes, I'll take a minimum wage and a bowl of gruel. Oh, yes, thank you, I'll sleep on site, I'll do anything for this place. People are just not willing to put the bit in their mouth and do that anymore. I feel like the solution to the problem in thinking long term. It's not just about leaving the cubicle. It's not just about quitting on managers that are psychos and trying to get away from toxic company cultures and crazy backstabbing co workers. It's not just about that, because leaving that environment, to go out on your own to own your own business or to have your own freelancing desk. If you turn around and allow those same toxic people into your practice, what have you really gained, you might be able to sit at your desk back in your home office, you don't have to worry about ferrying the kids to daycare, or worrying about who's going to take care of your pets all day, you may be sat back there in sweatpants instead of business trousers, but what have you really gained, because for one thing, if you're allowing those people into your practice, you're going to turn your own business into the hell that you wanted to escape, you're going to turn around and make yourself miserable all over again. The other thing is, let's don't give these people a space to perpetrate nonsense. If we have sort of collectively as a workforce said, No, we're not going to put up with asinine zoom calls all day. No, I'm not going to let you webcam film me while I work. No, I'm not going to download something that match monitors my keystrokes all day. And if I type something you dislike, then you're going to crawl up my butt about it. If we collectively decide we're not going to take it, then we need to hold the line. So that we're saying sort of like a strike Tober and workers unions and things but collectively as freelancers, we need to just say, No. Net nine. I'm not going to put up with you coming into my freelancing practice and treating me like dirt. Not that people will then either go out of business, they will have to change and accept reality. And that will be an improvement for everybody. That's sort of like the old phrase united we bargained for We beg, if we create a united front that just says No, dammit, I'm not going to put up with mistreatment, cruelty, abuse, racism, sexism, etc, then we're starting to flesh out people who just don't be long in our practices. Anyway, I have more to say, I really suspected that I would hide don't want this episode to go way too long. So I feel confident that there's going to be a second part to all of this. What I want to say before I wrap up this particular episode is there's also a video by logical finance called the Great resignation, corporate America is dead. Of course, I'll drop a link to it. One of the things that they point out at the beginning of the video is when you look at Google Trends, the phrase, when will life return to normal, there was obviously very high spikes of interest for that phrase on Google back in 2020. And sort of near the beginning, I'm gonna say maybe q1 of 2021, there was high interest for it. But somewhere along July of this year, interest just plummeted there. People are not looking so much as when are we going to get to go back to the before times, when is it going to be like 2018 2019, I think people have looked at maybe what we can gain as positive revelations or positive developments and they want to take things in a different direction. I remember seeing a post on is maybe Instagram or Twitter. And this woman was talking about how she now views her pre pandemic work routine, as unfathomable, getting up at like five o'clock in the morning, getting herself dressed in business, formal attire, leaving the house having a long commute, stopping for coffee to go in the office, and doing all of these things being away from home away from her spouse, and her kids for this prolonged period of time, like basically having to devote the hours of 5am until about 8pm. To work, because it's not just about the time that you're sat there, but in seat from eight to five, it's also about the commute. And the time that you have to spend getting ready, especially if you are in one of those environments where they require you to put on a business suit to dress a certain way to groom a certain way to project this image of success to your clientele. It's taking up so much time, out of your day, so much time out of your life. And then on the weekend, you're just exhausted, you want to sleep, it's hard to get motivated to do much other than Let's just all pile up on the couch as a family and and binge watch NetFlix and sleep. That's not really living. It's more like existing, and people know it. They've clued in now and they're like, do I really want things to go back to 2018 2019 when I was on the subway all the time, or when I had to be sat in the car driving and dealing with road construction and idiot drivers. And if it was raining, and there were car wrecks everywhere I knew I was gonna be late like, No, I don't think so. In the follow up episode, I will talk more about burnout. This is something that I think the logical finance video does an excellent job of pointing out, we suddenly went into this mode where work is ubiquitous work is constant. I mean, Europeans would would highlight the folly of this for Americans. Like when we get six weeks off, we're not expected to be called by the boss at 8pm. In fact, it's illegal in our country. Like, we have hobbies. We have a family life like we're not expected to be on call or on zoom all the time. That's nuts. But that's one of the things that happened, the zoom, the zoom, and everybody wanting to be on Skype and slack. Like we're gonna monitor you some way dammit, it doesn't matter that you're at home, we're gonna make sure that we know exactly what you're doing. And if we want to force you to have virtual happy hour, in a normal circumstance, let's say if you were commuting to the office, you might say no, I really have to get to daycare on time. I cannot go to happy hour if I don't pick up my kid they're gonna call DHS on me. Now the expectation is no, you're gonna do virtual happy hour, you must be one of us, one of us. So I'll be talking more about the Zoom boom, why I freaking hate it. Why I purge zoom and slack and Skype and all of that crap out of my practice, which you can do it too, if you choose to, and how the ramifications of all of that are also a factor driving the burnout and a great resignation. So be sure to tune into next week's episode where I will follow up. See you next week. We hope you enjoyed today's episode. If you haven't already, please take a quick second to subscribe to this podcast and share it with your friends. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next time.