BaseballBiz On Deck

Chris Smith, Perseverance in Pitching from High School to Yankees - Part 1

BaseballBiz - Mark Corbett & Chris Smith Episode 171
  • Chris & classmate Adam Duvall @ Butler High School in Louisville. Both made the Varsity team in their sophomore year
  • 4 years at Kentucky Wesleyan    played as a position player but later became a closing pitcher
  • Lake Erie Crushers in Avon – Chris was 6th pick out of 350 players for workout
  • No pressure – by the way you are now starting in the 10th inning &  a Grand Slam against Chris
  • Independent ball is cut throat – not much room for player talent development
  • Chris returns to Louisville as a fitness consultant & freshman baseball coach  @ Butler High School
  • Chris’ goal & vision for his career changes as new opportunities arise
  • Traverse City Beach Bums later call Chris back to the game. 
  • The Bums had called up 42 pitchers to try out for 12 spots. 
  • Training was brutal but . . . 
  • Chris gets a tap on the shoulder. He is being cut by the Bums and he returns home.
  • A turbulent Red Radar flight in a matchbox plane – next stop Pecos League
  • White Sands Pupfish & Motel 6
  • Bring your own uniform pants
  • Chris’ Professional baseball contract  - $0  salary
     Some players were paying $350 to play with the Pupfish
  • Chris delivers 13 punchouts – bonus payouts
    Washington Wild Things in 2011
  • Chris Dugan, Observer Reporter puts Chris on the Wild Things Dream Team.
  • Chris @ 2nd pitching start with the Wild Things  – parents in the stands.   First 6 batters get on base and score. Turning point in Chris’ career - Darin Everson, Pitching Coach & Manager visits Chris on the mound and helps him turn it around.
  • Tampa Bay Rays  - strong tryout throwing 92 –to 95 and striking out 4 of 5 batters at Charlotte
  • Spring Training, Bubbles & Chopping Blocks
  • Chris continues to expand his game traveling on a 16 hour flight to Brisbane to play in Australian Baseball League
  • Chris throws his first No-Hitter in Australia, ABL
  • Field Announcer counts down each strikeout as Chris pitches another strikeout record
  • Houston Astros come a courting
  • Chris accepts contract with New York Yankees 
  • Chris' journey into Major League Part 2 coming soon

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Special thanks to XTaKeRuX for the music "Rocking Forward"

Research sources included:
Wild Things Dream Team: : Chris Dugan,

Chris Smith Wikipedia,_born_1988)

Chris Smith on Baseball Reference