Strive Seek Find

The Power and Peril of Milestones

Chance Whitmore Season 3 Episode 10

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This week we take a brief look at milestones, what they are and some huge ones that have hit in my house this week.

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Hello there friends, both old new welcome to strive seek fine podcast, I'm your host chance with called a bite size lifestyle advice from a fellow traveler on the road to a better life. Brought to you by longtime educator, brighter parent, and outdoor enthusiast, you may just may like a good DRAM, because our future is set, not just through our choices, but our willingness to explore and find a better way. It was a busy week, back to work after the holidays, everyone in the family hit the ground running. It's mostly been a blur, mixed with lack of sleep, and generally just trying to remember how to do things efficiently. When I got to the end of it, I realized some pretty big things had happened in a very short period of time. Which, of course, brings me to the concept of milestones. What's the origin of the term? And what milestones did we hit this week? Come along and find out. The origin of milestone is really, really simple at its heart, just a mile marker, just like we see along roads. And according to the website, Wonderopolis. Conceptually, it dates back to the globalists that the Romans, of course it was the Romans would line the roads with to let travelers know how far they'd come. And in my head right now, I just have this image of Roman Highway Patrol asking someone on their Nokia brick, which mile marker they buy. And, like we are a species love to do. We took practical distant markers, and began to apply it to our lives. Somewhere along the line. Long before any of us were born. Milestone came to mean any sort of important development in our own personal history. And since I have kids of a younger age, I got used to hearing the term developmental milestone, and worrying if they were on track at all times, like parents do. That's definitely not the time of life, or the milestone that we are living in as a family anymore. Instead, I'm watching the increasing number of co workers and friends walking successfully into retirement having reached their work milestone and moved into a next phase of life. Watching friends children, hit the milestones of high school and college graduation, and starting their own lives. And for my family this week, it was literally back to back to back milestones, a milestone Palooza so to speak. And know if you're curious, I haven't found a way to suddenly retire. Instead, I did something else to make me feel a little bit older. I took my oldest to the DMV this week, and walked her through the milestone of getting her learner's permit for her an exciting step down the road to independence for me, and embodying sense of terror. But with pride, because of the grace and responsibility she has shown by working to make sure she was prepared for this experience. It was a milestone that served as a conversation starter. As we talked about not just driving, but responsibility at the other far end of the scale. This same weekend, my youngest, celebrated turning six. And as I record this, her birthday is actually tomorrow morning. And let me add in this case, with all the piss and vinegar that means and fathers of girls, especially the girl who is the youngest, will understand what I mean. And tomorrow morning, my mother steps on a plane out of the country for the first time in her life. It's a huge milestone for someone who gave up so much craziness. And finally, I hit a milestone of my own. And I loathe to admit it, but I hit the big five oh, with all that means. My first invite to AARP, and I'll admit that one hurt a lot. Starting a new trip or out in the sun is always good. And well life doesn't feel any different. Things move forward at the same rate. I'm still a caring, if honor a person or at least that's what it reads on my business card. This milestone was just a little bit depressing for me, in part because it felt a bit like the beginning of the end. rather than the end of the beginning, and I do realize this is more of me getting in my own head than anything factual, while the days leading up to it felt like a low grade, impending doom. The reality of it is, my problem was more with mindset than mile stone. That fact is, a milestone is exactly what you make of it. I am blessed to have a family that loves me. Friends who rally around and support me. And just having the visible reminders of that this week was good enough to wipe worry and depression away from this milestone and remind me how good life is. And that was awesome. Just quick programming note, I have a major technology upgrade coming that I'm excited to share. I'm hoping to have it by the end of this week. And once I have it in hand, I'll share what it is. Well friends. That's it for this week's episode of strife seek find. If you'd like to help support the show, please suggest the podcast to your friends or leave a review on your favorite podcast. If you'd rather show a little financial support, I have a buy me a coffee setup 100% of it goes towards purchasing materials that will keep the podcast moving forward both in the form of research and materials and more technological upgrades. And of course, thanks again for listening. Until next time, I'm chance Whitworth keep seeking your own brilliant future