Strive Seek Find

I'm so Tired

April 19, 2021 Chance Whitmore Season 1 Episode 45

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.   One of the things that I remember quite well from last year  at this time was how energetic and productive I was.    The garden boxes , the the table, the yard and garden were done and incredible shape. The universe was making things difficult, but I was personally kicking a little ass.   

But life is a marathon, not a sprint.  And that manic energy, at least in my case has waned as pandemic time has marched on. 

I keep looking at things and thinking:  I should have this done.   I should be further down the road on that.  

And I come back around to I’m so damn tired.  

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Before I get started today, I want to ask a favor. As you listen today, if you like what you hear, please leave a review and share the episode. If you want to discuss anything from this episode or any other, please reach out to the strive seek find page on Facebook or to@chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. Thanks for those of us who are old enough to remember Lily Vaughn stoops famous song from Blazing Saddles. I'm tired. And while the thrust of this song is both inappropriate and doesn't match up with I'm feeling I at least get the sentiment Welcome to the strive seek find podcast. I'm chance Whitmore one of the things I remember quite well from last year was how energetic and productive I was. The garden boxes, the table, the yard, the garden, they were all done by this time, and they were incredible shape. The Universe was making things difficult. But personally I felt I was kicking just a little bit ass. But life, life is a marathon, not a sprint. And that maniac energy, at least in my case has waned as the pandemic has marched on. Right now I keep looking at things and thinking I should have this done. I should be further down the road on that. And then I come back to the fact that I'm feeling so damned tired. So as a result, last year, during the early part of the 2020 lock in, there was evening walks. There was a lot of time in the yard. At night, during my lunch break. Obviously when you're back in the office that can't happen. Things that were designed to keep me moving keep me feeling productive. Now 2021 as the world gets a little more normal, I'm haven't been reading. Instead, I get home and I stream or I listened to watch some brain sapping equivalent to comfort food. In other words, things I've seen a lot things I'm comfortable with. And rarely do I extend outside that comfort zone. Probably the best example of this is I have watched Star Wars Rebels four times this year, not the episodes, the entire series, all while carving a homer simpson esque, but groove right into my sofa. This spring, instead of the garden being ready. I've barely started my spring cleaning, which should have there's that phrase again, started six weeks ago. So the gardens not planted, let alone having home grown seedlings to start it from. Now getting home from work has become a flop down on the bed or on the couch to try to reclaim enough energy to start another day. And most of the time, exercise was that walk up the stairs to get to bed or back out the door to get to work. But there are signs that things are starting to get better for me on this front. workout workouts have started again, slowly and poorly. The spring cleaning is almost totally done now. And if you love burning weeds, my weekend would have qualified as a raucous party as the fire pit got a strong workout, burning tumbleweeds that had blown into my backyard. I guess what I'm trying to say whether it's depression, anxiety, exhaustion, or just change fatigue, and you aren't at your most productive. I get it. Many of us have hit this point. And I've been struggling with that because I know I need to be more. But what I'm trying to remember is to give myself some grace for not being at that place or point. Take time to rest or at least give yourself a mental break. But not to flop for the day or work on a butt groove. For me right now. I'm having to get back to my roots, back to the basics. Simplifying the garden. I reminded myself I don't have the same time I did a year ago. So I'm going to be satisfied with that. Tito's carrots, tomatoes and against this year and not nearly as many of them. So there's going to be some of those nice new garden beds sitting empty this year. And I'm at peace with it. I'm trying to reset my goals to fit the current reality. We're all different people than we were a year ago. And so a real valuation is just a smart process to take. Some goals are dropping off, some are getting new timescales, whatever you need to do, to start moving yourself forward and working on those goals mentally as a sign that you're no longer living in crisis, and are starting to move yourself forward. And for me, at least, that ends a whole bunch of navel gazing. As I start to forward plan rather than worrying about what's next survival step is going to be for me, just beginning to drop the word should be from these conversations will go a long way to help. And at times, that's going to have to be enough. So that when I'm on the couch at 5am, watching Robin Hood with my youngest, I will strive not to think about what I should be doing. But rather just hugger close and live in that moment. I don't want should be to steal away those memories and those moments. Please take care of yourselves. thought I'd share something new I'm trying out. So what I started to try for my workout was completely kicking my rear end. I'm going to continue to try with modification. But it's not the pain. It's just I don't move like that right now. So I have been having better luck. Getting ready to go hiking by throwing some weight, mild backpack and getting out on the road. I believe the technical term these days is rocking. It's helping because it allows me to get a workout in while I wait for my middle daughter at her football practice. I'll let you know what I really think of it after I have a few more miles under my belt in a couple of weeks. But for now, it seems to be doing some great things for me. I'll take a quick shout out. I don't know if most of you know that there right now. Approximately 1.8 million podcasts out there. According to a statistic I saw recently, only about 800 or 900,000 them are currently active. Alongside this. The average podcast goes for about six episodes. So when you find one that is hit the markers of 2535 4550. You've got someone who has been consistent and putting time into their craft. And so I want to reach out and congratulate the Paul and Griff show for hitting that milestone this week. They do good work. They're solid supporters of this show as well. So congratulations, guys, very happy for you. worth mentioning. I haven't made a lot of time to read as of late combination of exhaustion, and lack of focus make it very difficult to wrap my mind around the written word. This weekend, out of need for some sort of release, I reached out to the bookshelf and grabbed an old friend of mine. In this case, it was the songs of distant Earth by Arthur C Clarke. Now, Arthur C. Clarke is famous for books like 2001 in 2010. So this is not one of his most famous books, but in my opinion, it is one of the top two that he wrote. And it's week by week for me to tell you which one I would put first over the other. This book deals with a first encounter between two human cultures. One from a now destroyed Earth and a colonial culture that had been shipped there centuries before. The world building in this book is brilliant, as is the character work that is done around it. My favorite bit in the whole novel, his description of why the Jeffersonian constitution version 3.0 that is used by the colony is written so that the greatest disqualifier for the presidency is not wanting the job. It is a book that is intelligent and well written. And you absolutely need to check this out. That's it for this week's edition of strive, seek fi Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review. It really helps. If you have feedback or ideas please reach out to the strive seek find page on Facebook, or to @chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. Until next time, keep seeking your own brilliant future. Have a great week.