Strive Seek Find

What's the Shame in Caring for Yourself

Chance Whitmore Season 1 Episode 46

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  I’m good at reminding others to take care of themselves.   I’m less good at actually doing it myself.  I know  that this probably holds true for many of us. Right now, as we are continuing to grind through a world that is still in flux, taking care of yourself is mission critical.  So as we begin to move toward summer, its  important to remind us all of a few parts of this… and hopefully  just hopefully make  taking care of ourselves feel slightly less  shameful.  

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Before I get started today, I wanted to ask a favor as you listen, if you like what you hear, please leave a review and share the episode. not discuss anything from this episode or any other, you can reach out to the strive seek Find page on Facebook or to @c ancewhitmore5 on Twitter Thank you. Shame, shame, shame. Ring the bell. Shame, shame, shame. I can almost hear the bell ringing. And unlike the psychotic sirsi we're not being publicly shamed. But sometimes it feels like welcome the strive seek find podcast. I'm Chad Whitmore, I'm good at reminding others to take care of themselves, I'm less good at actually doing it myself. I know that probably holds true for many of us right? Now, as we continue grinding through the world that's still in flux, taking care of yourself, yourself is mission critical. So let's begin to move towards summer. It's important, probably critical that we remind ourselves of this. And hopefully, just Hopefully, it will make taking care of ourselves feel slightly less shameful. So right now, and in the past and across my life, to be honest, if I take a day off work, it always stresses me out. For one, it leaves more work for other people. For another, I have an overblown sense of responsibility for what happens there. It doesn't matter if I'm sick, watching a kid, or trying to take personal leave, the guilt and stress is palpable. It keeps me on my phone and on my computer and prevents the time away from being as effective as it could be. And as at my heart, I'm a little bit of a grinder. Needing downtime leads to the feeling that I am failing. Time away is healthy. If you want your mental focus to be strong, and rest leads to focus. Reducing Stress, even if only for a few hours, makes your head much more clear. Which allows you to do more work than you would have otherwise, especially a worn out stressed version of you spinning your wheels while the world burns around you. Think of it this way. We're like old iPhones with bad batteries. When you're stressed out and worn out, you're only charged halfway, then you run out of battery really darn quickly. Time away is necessary. I always say and I know a lot of people do the same thing. family comes first. And if you're not taking care of home, stress goes up. And you aren't as effective about reaching your work goals. Let alone you're homeless. And let's be honest. If your home life is shit, you're not going to be your best at work. And I'm going to be honest right now. This episode is actually inspired by the fact that I had problem this week, staying home with a sick daughter. And one day I realized that I had started prioritizing what was necessary at work over what needed to be prioritized for my family. I don't think I'd ever done that before. And it terrified me. reflection, giving yourself time and space to reflect without guilt. It will help ensure you're focused and working on the right things. And if you aren't focused on the right things will help you realize it so that you refocus your goals to where they need to be. And finally, if you're stressed, worn out sick, and you're not taking care of yourself, it's only gonna get worse. A Wayback Machine story. The first year I was married three kids. I caught pneumonia. I was at the point in my career where the wrestling room didn't really get along with my lungs. I felt like garbage. It was bad. I was doubled over coughing, couldn't catch breath and I was trying to go about my They got to the point where I was working from a couch because I couldn't move around. And I got sent home doctor knew what it was kept me at home. Well, I'm stubborn. So I try to find a way back into work sooner. Which of course leads to me getting even more sick. To the point where one day I was laying in bed watching TV, out of my head. And I, all of a sudden, the mouse were not moving the way they should be for the words I was hearing. And then I realized I really wasn't seeing pictures. And there was something hard against my cheek. And then I opened my eyes and realize that I was laying halfway across the room against the wall. And somehow I had coughed hard enough that I'd thrown myself out of bed and was facedown against the side of the room. My wife was fairly sure she was going to be a widow in our first year of marriage, and so she started staying home with me to keep me in bed until I at least passed out. I was out of work for almost a month, because I couldn't let go and couldn't take care of myself. I would hope I'd got smarter. Most of the time. Yes, sometimes No. All this to say you need to know what you need. advocate for it. Let go and be okay with it. Otherwise, you'll never be your best for yourself or for those around you. And it's hard to work for your own future when you're so ground down that you can't see your way forward. And there's one cliche that we probably should remember at this point. No matter how important you feel your work no matter how what position you hold. If you drop dead tomorrow they'll have somebody in your seat before your corpse is called your family and those who really care about you deserve more than a complete and total focus on work. Give yourself space to take care of yourself because the people that are most important to you need your more shoutouts so over on the strife seek find fi page on Facebook this week, I posted the question what are people doing this summer? I got some very cool responses, especially considering that we're still struggling just a little bit with COVID thought I'd share a few jille families headed to Disney World coming home with droids I'm envious because the only reason I want to go to Disney World or Disneyland is to see Star Wars land. Megan plans to sleep and my my counter to that is I have a feeling she's going to be in the pool a lot. Kim is making trips to both coasts to see grandkids. Russ is taking his daughter the east coast on a road trip for a month. And Brenda is on her retirement adventure. They're loading up the motorhome and hitting the open road. That's all very cool. What are you doing? What are you going to do with your summer? Let me know. Either message me on Twitter, or drop into the growing Facebook community and share. worth mentioning this one really only impacts those who like good gin and tonic. I have a new favorite gin. The Ryan Reynolds LeVar Burton shilled Aviation gin ended up i my liquor cabinet on a friend' advice So I dug in and replaced my normal tank array, which I do still adore with aviation and was shocked at how it paired with the citrus. To enhance the flavor of my gin. Tell brave new heights. It's definitely worth trying out. Additional side note, tune in later this week. And I have a new challenge with my gin and tonic game as whiskey with the Whitmore's will return with a gin and tonic challenge. That's it for this week's episode of strife seek fine. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a review. It really helps. If you have feedback or ideas please reach out on the Strive Seek Find page on Facebook or t@chancewhitmore5 on Twitte. Until next time, keep seekin your own brilliant future Have a great day.