Strive Seek Find

The Special Hell

Chance Whitmore Season 1 Episode 47

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 Farmer’s market it was a wonderful escape prior to yard work today.  Looking for plant starts. Lots of baked & handmade goods. Families strolling in the sun.  Watching the entertainment.   What I didn’t go for was to hear  people  lectured about why their beliefs were a recipe for an express elevator to hell.  Well this got me thinking as I wandered and things got worse.  How so?   Well let’s get started and find out

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Before I get started, I wanted to ask a favor as you listen. If you like what you hear, please leave a review and share the episode. If you want to discuss anything from this episode, or any other, you can reach out on the Strive Seek Find page on Facebook, or to @ch ncewhitmore5 on Twitter. Thanks. If your idea of winning people ver to your side of an argumen is to use a loudspeaker to call a group of Cloggers, Jessa b lls, you have not only lost pe spective, but any sense of the oral high ground Welcome to stri e seek find podcast. I'm chance hitmore farmers market. It was reat escape prior to yard wo k yesterday. Looking for plant s arts looking at the baked g ods and handmade goods, familie strolling in the sun enterta nment provided. What I didn't o for was to hear people lecture about their beliefs, especia ly when the people talking are making it clear that your be iefs make you a candida e for the Express elevato to hell going down. Well, this got me thinking as I wandered, and things got worse. How so? Well, let's get started and talk about it a little bit. So I didn't see these guys right away. But you could hear him, the loudspeaker was in full effect. But as I could. There was one wearing a vest with a list of the sins they were talking about people Bernie and l four. Some of these scents included other religions. Some of them included sexual orientations. Act, who knows, maybe late library books I didn't get looked that close. The other guy carried this portable loudspeaker and letting us know what he thought. Or let's be honest, in his worldview, what is the capital T truth? I'm going to be honest, I tried to ignore it. And as they got rolling, really rolling, many of these religious groups and other groups were points for forsake what you believe, or how you live, repent so you can be forgiven and avoid burning in the fires of hell. To be clear, in my mind, the only thing missing from this scene was a guy in a red devil suit dancing around poking people. But it wasn't really that funny. I was trying to make sure that I didn't take it too seriously. I'm going to add that if you know me, you know I have a very interesting relationship with faith, but you don't treat people this way. And then these two guys get louder. The entertainment on Saturday was a group of Cloggers ages, and I'm guessing it looked like ages six through high school. As they got started dancing, with their parents watching with a crowd around them, that somehow offended this guy, specifically the music they were dancing to. And he started to attack them as being Jessa bells for dancing to music that was done by the singers in Hollywood, and continuing to raise the attacks with every song. Now, on the upside, he didn't go full horror Babylon. But like every other action this guy took this day, it was to build conflict. Parents were angry. Shoppers were uncomfortable. The poor shopkeepers just wanted him to go away. And the ones closest to where these guys were standing, didn't have much in the way of business. as I got closer, I start to get a little more irritated. Because as you look at these guys, you can see from their faces, they're relishing what they're doing. They want conflict, they're prepared for it. They're their camera at the ready to record any encounter. They have an edit it as they see fit. So when the police arrived to move them off the private property, the conversation changes. Obviously, they record the officers. I was impressed with how professionally they dealt with this. They move these two right to the end of the property. And they stood there with their toes barely behind the property line. And they're more angry because they're not sitting They're right in front of their audience, everybody walking by. So their rhetoric changes. They move from just attacking people to attacking the police indirectly, for taking away their free speech. Call it the farmers market, North Korea, where the Word of God is not allowed to be spoken. That would made me grin a bit for two reasons. One, I had a feeling that somewhere in the group of people that were had been bothered, someone's prayers have been answered. And I don't think this guy thought it through and realize that his style of protest would have lasted about, oh 15 seconds in North Korea before he was dragged off by the police. All this led to toothpicks made me think about the fact that people only tend to scream for free speech, when speech matches their own beliefs. If either of these men had been shopping, and someone had been preaching for one of the religions they had targeted, they would have wanted to shut it down. And I'm guessing here, but their methodologies lead me to that belief. Even if the person preaching had done nothing wrong, not screaming, not talking through a loud speaker, not attacking kids, just talking to people, at the best of times, it's hard to hear points of view that disagree with your own. There's a couple of ways to deal with it. If you're looking for growth, you have to open a door and welcome discussion, rather than just lecture. If you're looking to start a fight, you're looking to justify your beliefs. Nothing more. And let me be clear on this. These guys as much as I disliked their process and how they're handling their business, I support the right to speak their beliefs. I do not support how they chose to do it. And the part that makes me most angry is I can't support attacking children who are there for an event who are there to entertain. And I'm going to quote one of my old favorite television series here. Firefly as Shepherd book, a preacher on that show said, there's a special hell for people like this, alongside child molesters, and people who talk in the movie theater. The other thing This reminded me of is a simple idea that there's a difference between being strong in your beliefs and being an asshole. And that difference comes down to compassion for others. Honestly, I don't think that one needs any more explanation. And it's time to move on. Shout out. Thanks to everyone who checked out and voted on the new logo on the Facebook page. I appreciate you share your thoughts. Let me add it didn't turn out quite the way I thought it would. So hopefully, it is now visible and active. And I fully intend to use both those logos for different purposes over the next few months. So keep your eyes open. They're going to be out there worth mentioning. Speaking of perception. Last night, I finally watched Tennant and I'm still processing this movie. Like most of Christopher Dolan's work, it plays in the high concept realm, this time in the usage of time. It's not a time travel story, so much as a flow of time story. If you've seen it that'll make sense to you. At this point, I'm not sure if this movie is brilliant, or just messy, but it is engaging, well acted and the film craft is top notch. And that alone makes it worth mentioning. You can currently find Tenent on HBO. hat's it for this week's pisode of strive seek find. hanks for listening. If you njoyed the episode, please eave a review. It really helps. f you have feedback or ideas, lease reach out to the Strive eek Find page on Facebook or t@chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. ntil next time, keep seeking y ur own brilliant future. H ve a great day.