Strive Seek Find

Louder is not Better

Chance Whitmore Season 2 Episode 15

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The old saying is  the squeaky wheel gets greased.  To certain extent that is true, but somewhere along the line  people have translated this to mean  “Whoever screams loudest and longest get’s there way.    And honestly,   that’s problematic.

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In life, we have two choices, to experience or to exist. Every week, each of us makes that choice to either seek a better way to live or to get by walk alongside me each week on the strive seek find podcast as we continue to seek our own brilliant future. As every adult in Charlie Brown's world said, walk walk walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. Welcome to strive, seek find podcast, I'm your host chance Whitmore. The old saying is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. To a certain extent that's true. But somewhere along the line, some people have taken to translating this to mean, whoever screams the loudest and the longest, gets their way. And honestly, that's problematic. Now let's get started. Once upon a time, there was an understanding that public discourse was an important part of deciding public policy and to an important extent interrelating with people, there was value seen in teaching the skills of logical argumentation. Somewhere along the way, in a time where we make decisions on sound bites rather than research, it has become much more common that if you feel something passionately, no matter what the facts are, use, and you say it loudly enough, you can create capital T truth. Or possibly to be more honest, you can scream your yourself into getting your way. If you can honestly say you haven't seen or experienced this in the last few years, I'm honestly not sure how. But why is that how it works right now? Shouldn't it be something more? I admit, sometimes, it's definitely how it works. We've empowered people to behave badly and get their way. In certain times in certain places. We've empowered people to behave badly, to the point where they have at times been surprised when they don't get their way. But let's be honest here. Often, setting your heels and screaming just makes people tune out your message. And tell your passionate pontification sounds like something out of Charlie Brown's teacher's mouth. The classic Womp womp womp womp womp womp, wah wah, wah wah. So rather than screaming, when you want to nail your complaints to whoever's door, how should you handle it? What should you do? It's not easy. But nothing worth doing is there are no shortcuts to solving a problem. You have to go at it one way or another. And if you want positive change in long lasting results, you start with things that they're most basic. You create a situation where you get to state your problem, as you understand it, because let's be honest, point of view plays into this. And when you state it, do it calmly, thoughtfully, and concisely. Leave emotion at the door as much as you can. The more angry you are, the more important the issue is, the more important it is that you're operating in a calm manner. Why is that? Why not give in to the adrenaline. Because as soon as you get elevated, as soon as that adrenaline rushes your body, you're no longer operating at your cognitive problem solving best. You're operating in your lizard brain, fight or flight. And the ability to solve a problem becomes most rudimentary at best. After you've stated your problem, listen. Now, dealing with someone in customer support, for instance, that oftentimes is reasons why your problem can't be solved, or reasons why you're wrong. But listen, it's important to listen more than you talk, because that's how you're going to find the holes to solve the problem. Next, you attack with probing questions, not accusations. Can you explain this policy further? Or why was this situation handled this way, and not that way. Try to come to an understanding, because there may be misinterpretation from your point of view, or the other person's. In order to get to a solution, you need to seek to understand, and that's hard. But if we want to find the right solutions to our problems in life, it takes more than a rage beast. It takes people willing to listen and have hard conversations. It takes asking hard questions, it takes challenging assumptions. And that doesn't go hand in hand with rage. And find a way to a solution sometimes means compromise. And other times, it means continuing to work towards something else, when compromise is inappropriate. Gonna Say it again. None of this is easy, but it's important. Because we are adults, we should seek to understand and work forward. not throw fits to try to get our way. A couple of shout outs today. First off, check out the not before coffee podcast to hear me and Ray talk about one of my favorite books. It's always fun to talk about a book you love. And this was no exception. As we talked about good omens by Neil Gaiman, and by extension, the series of the same names. Give it a listen. I've included the link on the Facebook page. And Ray. Thanks again for having me. It was a great time. Second shout out goes out today from the beer in front podcast, and of the 10 questions episode. Who just sent me a tremendous care package of beverages and merchandize Thank you very much my friend. worth mentioning. If you're looking for something inappropriate to laugh about, try Letterkenny. Letterkenny is a sitcom setting the fictional ontario canada town of the same name, centered mainly on the life of a group of Hicks in the town as they interact with the jocks and skits. Jared kieso the actor and half of the creative team is hilarious is Wayne, a farmer and the main hick. He, along with a colorful eclectic cast are an effective showcase the entertaining parts of small town life. Letterkenny is truly an adult comedy now available on Hulu, and that makes it worth checking out. And that concludes this edition of strive seek find. Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, or would just like to support the podcast, here are a few ways you can do it. You can leave a review on Apple podcasts or pod chaser that will help bring more listeners to the podcast. If that isn't your style, you can buy me a coffee or purchase submerge. Links are in the podcast description. Finally, if you have ideas or feedback, please reach out to the strive seek find page on Facebook or to @chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. Until next time, keep seeking your own brilliant future. Have a great day.