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Chance Whitmore Season 2 Episode 16

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Sometimes Its life’s small events that remind you of what’s important.   That’s been my weekend.  And with gratitude I thought I’d share this with you today.

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In life, we have two choices, to experience or to exist. Every week, each of us makes that choice to either seek a better way to live or to get by. walk alongside me each week on the strive seek find podcast as we continue to seek our own brilliant future. Absence does more than make the heart grow fonder. It oftentimes creates a chaotic environment. Welcome to strive, seek fame podcast. I'm your host, Chad Whitmore, sometimes the small events that reminds you of what's truly important. And that's been my weekend. And so with gratitude, I thought I'd share some of this with you today. Now, let's get started. Life tends to be about rhythms. And the people you depend upon are a huge part of that. Case in point, my life is generally centered around two things. family, family comes first and work. And when there are changes in the people in either place, it throws me off my game ever so slightly. Now, that's assuming it's just the people being out of place. Things steamroll quick. In this case, my wife took off for a weekend and had some Adventures of her own, alongside some of her friends. It's awesome, and she needs it. And more to the point, they all hit. So while Amy and her crew were hiking, exploring, tasting wines, and and I'm saying this in quotation marks, exotic Phoenix, the girls and I were left her own devices. And while I like to think I'm more than capable of running my own life, I did it for a long time before I got married. Being without your partner puts you off your game. Now over the past 17, maybe 18 years, our time together has created a division of labor that works for us most of the time. And without both of us, life gets interesting and a little more difficult. For instance, on the average week, I wake the kids and get them moving in the morning. And this is a tremendous feat since two of the three take after her and would rather gargle broken glass than actually climb out of bed. In the evenings. On the other hand, I work on projects, whether it's podcasting, cooking, building, or the less productive project of binge watching TV. Amy puts the girls to bed. This has come about because let's be honest, end of the day, I'm out of gas and I'm out of patience. I can do it. But we're Amy does storytime and cuddles and ma she's my responses. Go to bed, stay in bed. Without Amy. Nothing gets done in the evening. The girls are everywhere. Disappointment abounds. As dad doesn't do it right with no marshy not on only the shortest two stories. In other words, frustration of balance on all sides, while one of the partners is gone. And that's just one example. There's a casual, I'm going to call it semi efficiency. Because with children come chaos. It's temporarily flummoxed with one of us gone. So in this case, the weekend flew by survival level things got done. And honestly, not much beyond that. All this to say. I'm grateful to have my wife walking alongside me. And I don't know how single parents do it. So whether you're married to her or not, or him or whoever. Make sure you're taking care of your partner in crime folks. Life is a lot easier with shout outs. And this one comes from Dave from beer in front again. One of the beers that he managed to get to me was a wonderful day. Coach, and I tried it this past weekend. It's not a German coach, which is admittedly my go to. But it is without a doubt the best coach I've had from an American brewery. Thanks Dave for sharing it with me. If you aren't paying attention from the land of big companies doing ever, whatever the hell they want, comes an article from Matt Novak, who was entitled nine horrifying fact from the wait Facebook whistleblower 60 Minutes interview. Now I've admittedly been submerged on the news for the last few weeks. So I was unaware of this. But a whistleblowers come forward with 1000s of pages of documents dealing with some of the worst business habits that Mark Zuckerberg his company has, admittedly, I either want you to go find the 60 minute segment, or to read this article. Because Either way, it's disturbing. Much like the social media documentary I suggested a few months ago. You have bold faced in intentionality, in driving things towards the negative because it makes people react and engage and pay attention. It's horrific to think about. Well, one of the examples involved European political action groups who figured out the only way that they could get their ads to actually pop up on people's screens was to take a negative approach, and keep it that way and let it get more negative. And that's a fairly minor offense as far as this goes. And with as much of the control as seems to come from these companies, Instagram, Facebook, what app and how much of the discourse seems to rotate around it, we all need to be paying attention. And ironically enough, what happened to Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp yesterday, the day before I recorded this, which is 10, five of 2021. Facebook doubt went down for six hours. Personally, I didn't notice I was working. Just as glad I didn't notice. kind of funny though. worth mentioning. So I've been to two movies since theaters have reopened. And this weekend as a treat, I decided to take the girls to the latest Marvel movie Shengshi and the legend of the 10 rings. Make no mistake it is Marvel to the core quips mid credit scenes, though works, but it is an absolute beautifully made movie by leaning into the fantastical elements, specifically that around Chinese mythology and taking an innovative approach to the action. Marvel brought something new to what would otherwise been another paint by nor number origin story. The impact is something that the girls and I found extremely engaging. And that alone makes it worth mentioning. Shang. She is currently in theaters and coming soon to Disney plus, I'll go a step farther and mentioned that all three of my girls ranked it as a 10. I did not. So watch it. Check it out. Let me know what you think. And that concludes this edition of strive seek find. Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, or would just like to support the podcast. Here are a few ways you can do it. You can leave a review on Apple podcasts or pod chaser. They will help bring more listeners to the podcast. If that isn't your style, you can buy me a coffee or purchase some mirch links are in the podcast description. Finally, if you have ideas or feedback, please reach out to the strive seek find page on Facebook or to @chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. Until next time, keep seeking your own brilliant future. Have a great day.