Strive Seek Find

Escaping to Scoria

Chance Whitmore Amy Whitmore Season 2 Episode 19

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So…  life is the most normal that we have seen around my house in the nlast several years.   The latest sign of this is… everyone…  Has activities.   Basketball, dance, and martial arts (my daughter is already groaning at my Kung fu jokes. So when there was a chance to sneak away for an hour  this weekend.  We ran with it.  


What was supposed to be 3 quick winery pickups (so that Amy could pick up her wine club wines) turned int to a sit down and discuss tasting at  one of our wonderful local wineries..

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In life, we have two choices, to experience or to exist. Every week, each of us makes that choice to either seek a better way to live or to get by. walk alongside me each week on the strive seek find podcast as we continue to seek our own brilliant future. Welcome to strive, seek fine podcast. I'm your host chance Whitmore. So life around here is the most normal that we've had around my house in the last several years. Latest signed in this is that everyone and I do mean everyone has activities, basketball, dance, ballet and tap and martial arts. My eldest is already groaning at my kung fu jokes, and rightfully so. So when we had a moment to sneak away this weekend for an hour, we ran with it. What we were supposed to be doing was a quick out and back. Amy has three wine club memberships, and we haven't been out there to pick them up in a while. So plans change. We moved from quick out and back turned into a sit down and discuss while tasting at one of our wonderful local wineries. For our non Idaho listeners out there, the southwest region of Idaho has a thriving wind scene, especially out in what is known as the sunny slope area west of Boise and west of where I live in Caldwell. We were visiting scoria Sunny slope tasting room and it's an always welcoming location and today was no exception. warm and inviting Rachel our server made it an experience that was top notch. Now let's get started. So today we're at scoria and we are checking out their wine list today and we're trying to 2019 estate and dry rosae so what Amy is forgetting to mention is we are hitting a bunch of places that she likes and is a member of and this is the first time we've had a chance to be in for inside and without other people in about two years. Oh man it's been a long while. We thought we were going to run out here do this and of course if you're picking up the club vino, you've got to taste the new Vito. Yay. We love the new vino. This one is 100% mirlo blend, and I have found that while I thought I didn't like roses as a general rule, I do like the 100% varietal roses and so I'm learning that I actually do like roses. I'm just pickier than I thought. Oh, am I'm learning I like wine. I'm just pickier than I thought. So dear, we've heard you talk about what you like about different whiskies and whatnot. What is it about wines that keep coming back? Because I will say that if anybody has seen a picture up there that listens to the podcast at Meijer liquor cabinet, they will recognize the fact that there is a tremendous number of wine bottles on the bottom. There's no collection going on. So could you explain the appeal of having collecting tasting wine? Okay, well. Where do I start? I love different kinds of wines, because each one has such a very unique flavor profile. And what I find interesting about wines is that the years are different. And so you could like a say, well, we just did the rosae say you like the 2019 rosae. That's 100% mirlo but it has a different flavor profile and smelling profile. I don't know what that's all a factory or something like that something fancy. But anyway, it would actually taste very different from another year because the grapes are harvested and so many environmental factors, right. I was gonna say yes, and sorry. You're here. Oh, thank you. Okay, it's for 10 months and friendship. How's that buttery toasty finish and a little bit of embarrassment. Who Thank you so much. And so depending like I want to say 2012 was a really great year for wine because it was a really hot, dry summer. And so the the grapes were harvested, and were a little sweeter because of that, because of the heat. And so they taste different. And in the same year, grapes tastes different depending on where they're grown. And so or what they're grown by. And so they will have a different flavor, flavor because of that. And because we're over here by the sunny slope, we have a lot of volcanic activity in our ground around here. And so it actually has a different flavor here than it does say in Walla Walla, or in Oregon, or in Washington or other other places I've tried from isn't this winery named after that fact? Yeah, scoria actually is, I think, isn't it the, the volcanic rock, the name of it. And so that's kind of cool that they have named it after that we're actually sitting next to a wine bar that is a metal cage filled to the brim with wine rocks as we as we say, it looks like pumice. What are we trying to tasting now? So this is a 2019 Chardonnay from scoria. And it is yes, very buttery. very dry. And I'm looking for the pair that she didn't catch a pair. I got a little bit of vinegar at the end. I okay, I get pair with the aftertaste who after I after I've taken a sip. Bye. Can you taste it in the back of your mouth? No, but I like pears that much. So I kind of like pears but they're kind of a once in a while thing. Really buttery, though, like it's good wine. And I'm not in I'm not a huge Chardonnay fan. So anytime I find a Chardonnay that I like I'm like, Ooh, this is good. I'm usually a red, red wine club member of most places. But most of the places that I am a wine club member at I also like their wines. And a lot of the places that you're a member of right now are small enough that you can't just be a read member because they may not have enough read to go around or to fill the club orders. Actually, that's not true. All three of them. Nope, all three of them. They can fill the orders for either white or red than I am wrong. Yeah, I know. Because usually I'm a read club member. And Katrina is a white club member, usually. So I was just thinking, wine tasting has changed for us. Once upon a time. We'll say pre kids, let's just say that we go out. You would be we'd be all dressed up. It was romantic. It was a date. It was a date I would pick up I would hope they would have a beer and drink water. If not, Amy would drink the wine. And when we talk about the future now we sit here and we talk about what we're going to have kids do this week or what's coming up. It's not nearly as romantic but we still get to have wine. We don't dress up but we get to do it without the kids so it's still a date my Spider Man t shirt is dressing up well I guess you could say baby Yoda kind of fits the theme then you know we're kind of we got superheroes and Star Wars. Again we're at sweet Yes, we're at scoria Winery and they just gave us the opportunity to try where Amy is a member a we got the cab the 2000 we have a 2018 est cab Salvi on and then we have a reserve here from the same year so we're doing a side by side taste test. So I'm gonna let me start now that the line is set for a minute okay, I'm gonna smell both of them hang on Okay, so I kind of get a light Terry like dark cherry kind of a light cherry I get a little bit more smoke more tannins. I think from this one smell this one. No, I was getting a sense of of that state that the what reminded me of is a whiskey with it's been aged in Sherry burns for some reason. Oh, this is much more fruity though. To me. Yeah. I'm still waiting my turn to taste them because we're still smelling Let me just okay, I tried the first one really round bodied flavor has a lot of cherry dark cherry flavors, almost kind of a plummy taste. What's your take on it? It's very fruit forward, but it is full bodied and trying to think of what it it's tart in the back of the mouth tart in the back the mouth doesn't but it doesn't not so much it dries out. True. It's a very drinkable wine. This would be good with a, like a ribeye with something with a lot of fat in it. Okay, the reserved one is dry. Try this one. Okay, this one is more the leather. This one leaves kind of a dry tongue and a dry or taste in the back of the mouth. Really good, but just a very different mouthfeel this one I would want with smoked meats. Yeah, this one this one can hold up to it to a heftier piece of meat. I mean people do this with when we do try tip or even like trying to think like, brisket, maybe would be a good Oh, right. Yeah, this one has more of a. If I were to equate it to colors, this one's purple headed to brown. This one has a much more ripeness to it. Does that make sense? Not not. Brown is in too ripe, but Brown is in more leather. Let me try the other one again. Yeah, this other one is much more on the red spectrum. This one is a little is much lighter, more acidic. It's hard. That's also one of the things that I love about wine is that it makes you associate with what foods it would go with. And I love to do wine tastings that are paired with foods when they do our d'oeuvres and things like that to go with it because it is amazing. It is such a different experience to try it with certain different foods. Just like scotch is really good with like pecans and things like that. Wine is fantastic paired with the correct food and even wines that you're not a big fan of if it's paired correctly. It's phenomenal. It's amazing Come to think of it wasn't the last time we were out here for official tasting wasn't our our friends The horse was Yeah, the cake, they were catering and they had created little bento boxes. And there was a little bite sized bite to go with each of the wine tastings that day. And it was such an amazing experience. It was great. And I think we're gonna pause for just a second and finish this wine up and we'll be right back. They are so different. That's so good day. Yeah, yeah, I was gonna say incredibly different. Both really, really nice. Really drinkable a lot more acidic and read on that one a lot more. So this is a new one. Yeah. What more fruit forward and the newer Yeah. All right. Well, next one is our mirlo out of all have our reds I felt like this was called the most minerality out of the rocks. What year did this though, try to remember what year did this finally open up we open the tasting room and 16 sticks to the first grade some of the 14 Hey, thank you very much. Fun fact we have been a member here since no Amy has been a member here since we first stopped in on her 40th birthday. Oh dear. You're right. And other fun fact I will now be sleeping in the garage for the next two weeks. So one of the cool things is if you can visit the tasting room here at scoria they have a tremendously picturesque light fixture in the middle of the room and I forget the story about it but it's actually a handmade light fixture that they pulled from the East Coast I want to say from it was from somewhere big man I'm gonna butcher it but anyway they they were demolishing it and they and because they knew the people that created the light fixtures they actually got it and had it installed here. It is breathtakingly beautiful. It is so out of place. And Idaho of all places. It's kind of one of those places you walk into and you're like whoa, I've kind of stepped into a wall you know, fancy place here to set the stage so it makes sense. This is a metal farm barn basically. It's a shed From the outside, it's a white metal shed and then in half of it is storage but then you step into the tasting room. It is very modern, very modern sleep sleep, a lot of stainless steel, a lot of glass, a lot of rock, black on the walls and some just some wonderful metalwork and their pictures are all in black and night and just gorgeous. They have the Snake River Valley carved out of the tables and then the carvings set out onto the wall as picture displays it's really quite fascinating. The light fixture itself is a huge Bell and it's black on the exterior and then it is it glows red from the interior it really is eye catching and then of course the scoria rock is around the exterior of the hostess area and so you get to actually see this screen which is all set up and it's really nice and they're so friendly here we are trying the estate mirlo and I'm not I've never been a huge mirlo fan it's growing on me it is one that it's a little dry in my mouth. I can totally see them when she said when she mentioned minerality I can taste It's like there's a little not a bad metallic finish but you can there's a there's a little bit of metallic in it that you get from the from the back end of the line. that's a that's a good way to put it I like that that's a great description it's not a bitter wine it's just my favorite wine is okay honey you're gonna have to help me What's my favorite one you love temper NEOs temper Neo so I like that. That it's apparently bold right? It is this one this point seems like comparison fairly thin to me. Yeah, that's the style. Yes, that is very true. And I'm gaining an appreciation for her load but it is not my go to but I've also been told that it depends on what I pair it with. And so we just we need to find a pairing that we like for my low Alright, so now we have the 2017 est petite virto and the 2018 est petite rideaux we're doing a side by side again. And they were saying that they use new new oak on the 2017 Yes. And they used old oak on the 2018 this is another connection to the whiskey world I mean I was just watching the documentaries on both bourbon and scotch two different documentaries last night and just watching these guys go off about the same oak barrels that they use in the aging process. So it's interesting the the role that Odin plays in wine and spirits so the 2018 actually I get a lot more fruit from it. She said we would and I actually smell it. You can smell it right off the bat. Yeah, that's interesting. Okay, so I'm gonna try the 17 I always think I don't know why I always think green when I think petite Rideau and I don't think either of those words mean green. But that's why I think of I don't know why this one's buttery. Yeah, I get better. But I get I get green. I don't know why. Ooh, interestingly enough, I don't feel I don't think of the color green when I tried to 2018 it's a lot more tannic? Yeah. A lot more tannic to it a lot more fruit to it. More fruit forward. rounder, more bold flavor. And the bolts good wines but I definitely will say right now that just was one sip. I prefer the 17 Oh really? I do I like the spiciness. Oh really? Yeah, cuz I actually prefer the 18 Well, that's interesting to the eight and I'm gonna finish Okay, I'm gonna try that 17 one more time. Yeah, I still think the color green. kind of feel like Lord of the Rings joke can save my precious or something as I'm going grabbing for the one I like better months to go with these journals where we sort of start bottling this. We're hoping to bottle it sometime in January this winter sometime okay. Then we're also hoping that it will be part of mastering releasing. Oh that's awesome it still has some time in the 100% American Masters is fine is it American white oak or is it just an overall you don't really know I don't know more details. Okay, I've just been watching a lot of documentaries regarding scotch and bourbon right now and just have been hearing the words white Alcoa so I'm curious Wow, that's really good. I do like I do like MOBA axes in general though. And this is a barrel tasting. So this hasn't even been bottled yet. This is awesome. So how should it develop then? Between now and April? It'll just continue to soften. Okay, okay, because the finish on it is it's a little bit fuzzy. Is that the right word? I don't know. But it makes sense. I don't generally like malbecs but this is really good. Really I really like mailbox and so actually I I don't know if you guys could hear over there but I asked her I said so why why are we keeping it in the barrel till April because I really like it now that she says it will soft in between now and then. This is a weird one. But this reminds me of the finish on it reminds me of tea. Really? Yeah. Okay, I'm looking for it. It does have a tea leaf kind of bitterness in the back. Not good British. No iced tea. Yeah. Kind of a Yeah. Interesting. It kind of fizzes in the back of my throat. It kind of does that make sense? Does that, uh, I don't know if that's a term, but it kind of has an effervescence to it, that it's lighter than most small decks. I think. It's just, it's very smooth. And you can tell them the ends notes are going to smooth out. Right? Yeah, yeah. That's gonna be a good mall back though. Oh, yeah. And I'm gonna get a shout these guys out one more time. Thank you scoria for rolling out the red carpet when we just dropped by randomly. Yeah, and this is also the wineries on the sunny slope here are fantastic. But do pay attention if you have a group of six or more because they do appreciate a heads up so that that way they have enough servers to catch everyone a bus just arrived and you notice that they are prepared. They knew that word come in. And but yeah, it is one of those things that that if you can avoid the crowd, it's always nice to. And if you live out here you go. In the summers, you avoid going on the weekends go right when they open up. You have a lot of time and to yourself with your server and can learn a whole lot about the lines this or that. And sometimes you even get to talk to the people who actually make the wine which is really fantastic to all of those good wines. And getting to try a barrel tasting for the first time was a wonderful new experience for me. I put the website for scoring on the strive seek find page on Facebook. worth mentioning. Today I'm digging back into one of my favorite YouTube channel. This case Joe Scott's answer with Joe. The episode in question. This battery could drive a car 1500 miles. But there's a catch deals with the possibilities that are currently out there for aluminum air batteries. As always, the channel is well researched, engaging and thoughtful. Joe show shows the true enjoyment of science while discussing it in an understandable manner. This episode brings in some of those truly interesting possibilities and that alone makes it worth mentioning. And that concludes this edition of strive seek find. Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed the episode, or would just like to support the podcast. Here are a few ways you can do it. You can leave a review on Apple podcasts or pod chaser that will help bring more listeners to the podcast. If that isn't your style, you can buy me a coffee or purchase some merchandise. Links are in the podcast description. Finally, if you have ideas or feedback, please reach out to the strive seek find page on Facebook or to@chancewhitmore5 on Twitter. Until next time, keep seeking your own brilliant future. Have a great day.