The Way We Roll

45: The Phil & Simon Show No 45 Doctor, Doctor, give me the news

April 24, 2020 The Phil & Simon Show Episode 45
On virtually every Covid 19 show we’ve done, disabled people have expressed concern about how they might be treated if they went to hospital with symptoms. We speak to Dr Frances Dockery, Consultant geriatrician (physician specialising in medicine for older people) about what her work is like. She is a guest in a personal capacity, and is compelling. Equally listenable is Jamie plus Lion. By day he is BBC Senior Research Engineer, he also hosts BBC 1800 Seconds podcast and he talks about being autistic. Jamie’s routine has inevitably been disrupted and if change can be difficult, and you have limited energy, have do you navigate your way through? Laurence Clark, stand up comedian, writer and exhausted dad explains that after years of resisting the term ‘vulnerable’ and having regular shopping deliveries from Sainsbury’s, the deliveries have now stopped and he can’t convince anyone that he is vulnerable. Every week Geoff Adams-Spink gives us a news update. This week, are Care Homes being ignored at the expense of the NHS is the focus as well as two requests for information for you to participate in. Social Care ADASS letter ( & Equalities Select ( committee asking for evidence of impact on people with protected characteristics from lockdown..Instructions to the NHS ( about advance care planning7 Predictions ( for Post-Virus World 1800 Seconds ( podcast Laurence Clark  (