The Way We Roll

44: The Phil & Simon Show No 44 How are you doing?

The Phil & Simon Show Episode 44
How are you really doing? A top tip on checking on someone’s wellbeing is to ask twice. So you get beyond the automated answer ‘fine thanks’ and it shows you are actually interested. Anxiety, relief, confusion, loneliness, all perfectly normal in these different times.In our new show, award-winning comedian Lost Voice Guy makes us laugh with his topical tales. And he only wanted chocolate buttons!Well-known comedian and mental health Ambassador, Juliette Burton talks of how she is getting on and provides some ideas for finding strength. Even News specialist Geoff Adams-Spink gets in on the ‘calm' theme with some apps and games that are helping him after his news round up.Transcript ( us know what you think  Any ideas from you? Take care of yourself, and each other.RIDC research  ( Shields  ( Mowing ( (  ( Burton  (  ( Mental Illness ( Voice Guy (