British History: Royals, Rebels, and Romantics

Remember the Road to the 5th of November: Encore episode (ep 134)

Carol Ann Lloyd/John Cooper Season 3 Episode 134

Special encore episode featuring Dr. John Cooper.

The Gunpowder Plot changed history. Just not in the way the plotters imagined.

Show Notes

Host: Carol Ann Lloyd
Guest: Dr. John Cooper
Project at Westminster:
The Queen's Agent: Sir Francis Walsingham and the Rise of Espionage in Elizabethan England (Pegasus Books)
Creative Director: Lindsey Lindstrom
Music: Historical Documentary licensed through Audio Jungle/Envato Markets


The Gunpowder Plot was a turning point in history. Dr. John Cooper joins us to explore the connections to Elizabeth I's reign, introduce us to Guy Fawkes and the other plotters, and imagine what the world would be like if the plotters had succeeded.

History shows us what's possible.