More Profit First Lesson and Tips from Jerry Green, founder of Real Estate Solutions, Inc on how
Profit First for Real Estate Investors
Profit First for Real Estate Investors
More Profit First Lesson and Tips from Jerry Green, founder of Real Estate Solutions, Inc on how
Feb 23, 2023 Episode 158
David Richter

As investors, we’re always at the mercy of the market. Because of that, learning how to navigate economic challenges and adapt your business is crucial to keep your business surviving and thriving.

At 28 years in the business, our guest today has experienced the many changes in the economic climate and the real estate industry. Jerry Green is the president and founder of Real Estate Solutions, Inc., beginning his journey in wholesaling and retailing. Now, he is a successful business owner and has expanded his mission into sharing his knowledge with other people who want to enhance their businesses.

Tune in as we talk finances, operations, sales, and the many systems that make a business work from the insight of someone who has been tested by time! 

Key Takeaways:

[00:45] Introducing Jerry Green and His Background
[07:30] Making Money and Keeping Money are Different Skills
[08:38] How Jerry Would Rank Business Skills
[10:27] Entrepreneurs Who Get Into the Real Estate Industry and the Tendency to Not Initially Treat It as a Business
[19:12] “Hodge-Podge” Properties
[23:28] Real Estate Entrepreneurs and Having Financial Systems
[25:30] The Importance of Knowing Your Numbers
[28:12] Advice for Real Estate Investors: Make Sure Your Sales Team is Dialed In
[31:55] Connect With Jerry


[07:10] “Now what happens is all these mortgage reps, they have to sell [but] they don't know what to do…It's the same way with real estate investors…they've got to change us up here first to realize that it's no longer the marketplace that's going to take them through, it's their skills.”
[12:50] “Real estate's no different than any other product or service out there….All we [have] to do [is[ concentrate on the business component…If we build that up, then that allows us to be able to turn more product.”
[30:57] “We can grow during this time (of economic shifts). We can produce more revenue…we just gotta realize that now’s the time to grow up and be business owners—true business owners.”

Connect with Jerry

Real Estate Training Website:
REI Sales Academy Website:

Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. - David