Staying Disciplined With The Profit First Model Helped David Pupo Grow His Business
Profit First for Real Estate Investors
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Profit First for Real Estate Investors
Staying Disciplined With The Profit First Model Helped David Pupo Grow His Business
Mar 16, 2023 Episode 164
David Richter

In this episode, we’re speaking with David Pupo, a real estate investor and the visionary of Florida House Buyers. He studied marketing and finance and worked a corporate job right out of college before transitioning into the real estate industry.

David is a big advocate of the Profit First method. He first applied it after realizing he had been spending so much on taxes and realized he needed a system to manage his money. Despite initially struggling to maintain the model, he has recently seen how much of a benefit it is to his business through following Profit First with discipline.

Tune in as we discuss his investment journey and how every investor needs Profit First.

Key Takeaways:

[00:46] Introducing David Pupo and His Background
[03:44] David’s Entrepreneurial Journey
[07:57] Encountering the Profit First Method
[10:16] The Value of Profit First After David’s Full Implementation
[11:56] Struggles Before Fully Implementing Profit First
[15:58] David’s Teaching Niche in Real Estate that Includes Profit First 
[17:58] David’s Future Goals for His Business
[20:51] Hardest Lesson Learn as an Investor
[22:10] Advice for People Who Want to Implement Profit First.
[23:13] Connect with David


[10:31] “[Profit First is] sheer discipline, that's what I see coming out from the other side is just a consistent action to make sure that at the end of the day—when it's tax season, you are not gripping, you're not holding for dear life.”
[21:11] “You don't need a partner for everything that you might think. You can delegate and hire out a lot of those responsibilities…I always thought that I needed a COO…While I know that there's a lot of benefits to having that COO, I've also been able to realize I can delegate and hire out a lot of what that responsibility was.”
[22:31] “[Profit First is] very elementary. It's very action and step oriented…to the point where I can show people that I'm bringing it on as coaching clients in the first two weeks of the program.”

Connect with David:

Instagram: @dollarswithdavid
TikTok: @dollarswithdavid

Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. - David