Spirited Word

The New is Here - 2 Corinthians Part V

Adrian Kitson

Living in the new creation community of Jesus - what it looks like...

What do you do when you are mostly misunderstood by someone; misjudged to be a weak person, your work to be unimportant, your contribution to be of minimal value in the community? Do you come out swinging or escape into the shadows?

In this last part of this second letter to the Corinthians it is clear that the Corinthians have considered Paul to be weak and of minimal value to them. Some have misjudged him, misunderstood him and miscalculated his value to Jesus’ new creation kingdom coming.

In so doing they show that they have missed God’s new creation. They have gone back to the old – judging everything on performance, strength, winning, beauty and power…..