Spirited Word

Quest 11 Tenth Commandment - Wanting People

Adrian Kitson Episode 11

Conversations in the basics of the Christian Faith from Luther's Small Catechism to help young people live it full and free.

Tenth Commandment
Do not want anyone else's husband or wife, servants, animals, or possessions.
What this means for us
We should honour and love God, and so we should not try to take away from other people their marriage partner, or anyone who is close to them. Instead, we should encourage people to be faithful and loyal.

What God says about all these commandments
God says:
I am the Lord your God, and I demand all your love. If you reject me, I will punish your families for three or four generations. But if you love me and obey my laws, I will be kind to your families for thousands of generations. (Exodus 20:5,6 CEV)
What this means for us
God threatens to punish everyone who disobeys the commandments. So we should be afraid of God's anger and not go against what he says. But God promises to be kind and merciful to everyone who obeys the commandments. So we should love and trust God and be happy to do what he says.