Scalable Real Estate Investing

#27 How to Build the Right Team for Your Land Investing Business with Christina Walls

Mason Klement Season 1 Episode 27

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Christina Walls is an active land investor and coach for Jack Bosch’s Land Profit Generator program. She grew up in a single parent home as the youngest of four kids in a farming community. As an adult and a mother, she worked regular jobs and then started a cleaning business so she could support her son. She later joined her local REIA where she took a local class on land flipping with Jack Bosch. After dividing into Jack’s Land Profit Generator Program, she completed her first deal and made $8,000. In this episode we go into detail about how she continues to grow and scale her land investing business.

Helpful Links and Ways to Contact Christina:

Key Takeaways:

- Joining your local REIA (Real Estate Investing Association) can be helpful if you don’t know where to get started

- Land investing allows you to do it remotely, from anywhere, and doesn’t have the obstacles that come with houses 

- The Land Profit Generator consists of 2 tiers, 1 being a series of step-by-step videos, about 45 minutes each. The other is one-on-one coaching.

- One-on-one coaching is key to overcoming mental obstacles and serves as an important catalyst to growing your real estate investing business.

- The programming of your mind is even more important than money. You can’t make 7 figures if you’re operating on a 6 figure mind set.

- Surrounding yourself with a new group of people that are operating at the level you want to get to is extremely important to reprogramming your mind and staying motivated.

- The best time to start hiring virtual assistants (VAs) for your business is when you’re encountering time sucking activities that prevent you from closing more deals.

- When hiring a VA, list out all of the tasks that you want to do and all of the tasks you want them to do. That way it is super clear how each VA will help grow and scale your business.

- Consider having a personal assistant that’s local and can help you with running errands and other physical tasks that overseas VAs can’t do.

- Segregating your workflow into batches can help stay on top of things. For example, one week send out your mailers, the next week do property due diligence on all leads, the next week make offers on all of the leads, repeat process.

- Always set annual and quarterly goals and break those down to weekly and daily goals.Then reassess at the end of each month and quarter to measure your progress toward your business goals.

- When raising capital, never ask for money. If you say you need money to do deals then you look desperate and will not secure any funding.

- You can add value to land in a number of ways. It can be as simple as clearing it and adding a fence, or splitting into smaller lots, or splitting into smaller lots and adding modular homes or converting it to an RV park.