Honest as a Mother

Breastfeeding, Sleeping, Soothers and Comparing our Children to Others with Blaire Appotive


Amanda is joined by Blaire Appotive this week on the podcast. Blaire is a full time working mom who runs the instagram page @theparentingseries where parents can find tips and courses from parenting experts.

Included in this episode:

  • How Blaire wanted to exclusively combo feed but decided to breast feed because she felt pressure to the "breast is best" and how that effected her mental health.
  • How moms "should feel grateful" because they are able to breast feed.
  • Pupps Rash - What is this horrible thing?
  • Sleep - Co-sleeping and the pressures around that
  • Soothers - Use them? Don't use them?
  • Developmental Delays - Amanda and Blaire both have experience here and are sharing how comparing their children to others stole joy from their parenting experience.

Follow Blaire on Instagram @theparentingseries and find her courses at: https://parentingseries.com/