30. Lisa Zanotti on VOX and the Far Right in Spain

RADIKAAL Season 2 Episode 2

My guest today is Lisa Zanotti. Lisa is an Associate Researcher at the Research Institute for Social Sciences of the Diego Portales University in Santiago de Chile. Lisa finished her PhD on “Populist Polarization in Italian Politics: An Assessment from a Latin American Analytical Perspective” in 2019, shared between Leiden University and Diego Portales. She has written articles on the Great Recession and populism and is co-author, with José Rama, Stuart J. Thurnbull-Dugarte and Andrés Santana, of the new book “VOX: The Rise of the Spanish Populist Radical Right”, which will be out with Routledge this summer. Lisa tweets at @LisaZanottiPhD.

LIsa and I talk about the new populist radical right party in Spain: VOX. Why did it succeed where others failed? What is its ideology and who votes for them? What has been its impact on Spanish politics?