31. David Miliband on Social Democracy, Refugees, and the Age of Impunity

February 14, 2021 RADIKAAL Season 2 Episode 4

My guest today is David Miliband. David is CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development NGO, founded in 1931 by Albert Einstein.  Before joining the IRC, David held several cabinet positions in various Labour governments, including that of British Foreign Secretary. In 2017 he published the TED book “Rescue: Refugees and the Political Crisis of Our Time” and in 2019 he gave a Fulbright Lecture entitled “The New Arrogance of Power: Global Politics in the Age of Impunity”. If you want to know more about the IRC, you can go to their website at www.rescue.org. You can follow David Miliband on Twitter at @DMiliband.

David and I talk about the Third Way, the future of social democracy, the plight of refugees, and the "age of impunity" and how to overcome it.