SES1. Sarah de Lange on the 2021 Dutch Election

March 21, 2021 RADIKAAL Season 2 Episode 0

This is the first of a new special series of RADIKAAL, the Special Election Series (SES), in which we discuss a  very recent election with an expert.

My guest today is my colleague and friend, Sarah de Lange. Sarah holds the Dr. J.M. Den Uyl Chair at the Department of Political Science of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. She has published widely on far right and populist politics in Western Europe and is also involved in research on social democratic parties. A much-consulted expert on Dutch politics, she is the perfect guest for the first Special Election Edition of RADIKAAL, which focuses on the Dutch election of last week. Sarah is very active on Twitter, where she tweets in Dutch and English on Dutch politics, social democracy, and the far right and populism. Do follow her at @sldelange.