The More We Know by Meer

#1- Financial Freedom with Entrepreneur and Wealth Coach Daniel Alonzo

Sameer Episode 1

Daniel Alonzo is a wealth expert, entrepreneur, media personality, podcaster, speaker and author of the forthcoming book Wealth on the Beach. He brings his messaging of creating a life of passive income and financial independence to 30,000 organic social media followers and speaks in front of hundreds and thousands of people a year who also has a net-worth of 17 million+

From a very early age, Daniel Alonzo knew he wanted to be somebody. When an injury in college ended his dreams of playing high level baseball and his dreams began to fade, one of his friends introduced him to a Leading Financial Services Company. From that introduction, age 21, he knew he wanted to win in business.

Even though he endured many rejections, he knew he had to commit. He was young with very little credibility, so he had to get up earlier and stay out later. He had to out work his competition.

It only took Daniel a few years to become a Regional Vice President (RVP) and open his own location. By the age of 24 he was making $100,000.00 a year in passive income.

Less than a year after he went RVP, Daniel married Karma, his high school sweetheart. The two had together built a business and now wanted to build a life. They bought a 1,200 sq ft condo and continued to focus on growing their business. Daniel went in the field, recruiting and training, while Karma took care of the administration in the office. Karma also helped with thank you notes, pending business, building relationships and keeping our agents accountable. What a partnership! They believed that with a Big Dream, anything was possible.

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