Take Your Power Back Show

The Best Is Yet To Come

November 21, 2022 Kim Yeater

Peak Performance Master Coach Kim Yeater, Host of the Take Your Power Back Show interviews the 1st minority woman to be on the ballot for Secretary of State in America, Tore Maras of Tore Says Podcast. !! Tore brings the Whistleblowing Truth to the light as she shares her years of experience working with the Global government to rig elections in other nations. Tori’s journey from darkness to light will empower you to take your power back!! The best is yet to come!!!


LISTEN IN LIVE SATURDAYS 11AM PST 96.1FM NORTH COUNTY, 1170 AM SAN DIEGO or VIA STREAMING at: https://theanswersandiego.com/radioshow/take-your-power-back


Dr. Douglas G. Frank In Action Exposing Voter Fraud with host of the Take Your Power Back Show, Kim Yeater RMNNT's Alana Sorensen, Sovereign Radio's Scotty Saks, Eye of The Storm host Audra Morgan, San Diego Troubadours Robyn Groen, & David Burton.

The National Take Your Power Back Expose Voter Fraud Initiative LIVE EVENT PART 1


The National Take Your Power Back Expose Voter Fraud Initiative LIVE EVENT PART 2



Join our National Take Your Power Back -Exposing Voter Fraud Team at: Kim@KimYeater.com





The Take Your Power Back Show with Peak Performance Breakthrough Coach Kim Yeater is an empowering program that will encourage you to step into your power and take action in your leadership and allow your voice to be heard. Every week we will highlight freedom-loving Americans who are making a positive impact in the world by standing in truth amid adversity. Learn how to Take Your Power Back in your Freedom, In your personal & professional life, in utilizing technology & creativity, and in your Faith. Be inspired, Be encouraged, Be transformed! Together, Let’s Take Your Power Back!