CHP TALKS: Jacob Reaume: Antichrist and His Ruin

Rod Taylor

My guest this week is Jacob Reaume, Senior Pastor at Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo, Ontario. Jacob is the Executive Director of a recently-released documentary: Antichrist and His Ruin. The film takes its name from a book written by John Bunyan in the 17th Century; it highlights the Canadian pastors who have taken a stand in resisting tyrannical government edicts over the past couple of years. We discuss the film and the importance of churches holding to the biblical view that Christ—not any human government—is head of the church. Jeremy Bundy is the Producer and main videographer of Antichrist and His Ruin.

Antichrist and His Ruin can be purchased for online streaming at:

Learn more about Pastor Reaume and Trinity Bible Chapel in Waterloo at: