Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Inner Healing Through Relationships with Britta Neinast

January 03, 2023 Season 2 Episode 71

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Connection, healing and freedom. Do those words come to mind when you think about a committed relationship? My guest this week is here to share with us how to access connection, healing and freedom and put the next steps into place to create the relationships you desire.

Her name is Britta Neinast and she helps unhappy women work get clear about what they want in their marriage and how to make that happen. Britta is a licensed therapist and relationship expert. After years of working with women, whether it's to stay and work it out or gracefully leave, she will help you know exactly what you need to do next.

Enthusiastic insights for your unique journey from this episode:

1. Understanding how to work your divine inner GPS
2. Accessing the divine masculine energies within
3. Flowing with your divine feminine energies
4. The challenges of raising children
5. Everyone using the same spiritual vocabulary- just different words
6. God and accessing a higher power
7. Unfolding western focused approach to therapy 
8. Creating a relationship that you truly desire
9.  True awareness around committed relationships
10. Accessing connections for support when you need it

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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I'm your host Teresa. Connections, healing and freedom. Do these words come to mind when you think about a committed relationship? Well, my guest today is here to share with us how to access connections. healing and freedom, and put the next steps into place to create the relationships you desire. Her name is Britta Neinast and unhappy women work with her to get clear about what they want in their marriage and how to make that happen. Britt is a licensed therapist. And relationship expert. After years of working with women, whether it's to stay and work it out, or gracefully leave, she will help you know exactly what you need to do next. Welcome, Britta. Thank you so much for being here and inviting me to be here. I'm really honored to be here to meet you. Well, a tie of relationships are a big part of why we're here on the planet. I mean, because so being in relationship is key to our learning and growth. And so I'm so excited to talk about this today because I have been and then happy woman for years before I met my current husband and a lot of that unhappiness was really under the surface. So I know you're about helping unhappy women and I want to ask you what brought you to this work and what you're doing now? Oh, you know, that's a beautiful question. What brings us to often what we do is because of our own life experience, I found myself in a marriage and unhappy and it is it was to a really good guy. And so I didn't have a reason I didn't have something to pull from and I couldn't figure out why. I was doing all the things I was supposed to do. I was taught to do I was socialized. To do. And I had to really look deeper and ask myself what is really going on and what's happening in this relationship? So I delved into it became a therapist started working with families. And then I moved into working with women to help them get a lot more clear about what they're doing and why so that they can actually find the happiness that they really are seeking but they're not getting and they're not feeling and so I know I want to bring in obviously spirituality since this is a doozy. basically spiritual. So I know in your current, what you're doing with your coaching and your in your working with women is not really traditional. It's a little more geared towards spirituality and awareness. So I'd love to talk a bit about that. Absolutely. In our therapy and in our training, are very western focused medical model approach talk therapy and I don't want to discount the value of that. But I started to see that there is a huge component that was missing. And as I delved into a more holistic approach, I saw better results. So and I am a spiritual person, I do adhere to a spirituality and a sense of God and higher power in my life. But of course, I don't want to impose anything on anyone else because everybody has their own journey. But as they started opening the door just to have that conversation and for women and clients to explore that. It opened up a whole new idea of how we can heal when we get more connected in mind, body spirit. So I started to incorporate that into my work. It is a part of who I am as well. And I just saw incredible results. And so I had to start moving in directions that was working for clients. And that's how I did that. Love it and so you found that more clients do open up to the aspect of spiritual addicts. I know there's a big, you know, awakening right now on the planet. And like you just said, everyone's in different variations. And it's all good, right? I mean, in all the different you know, religions and spirituality and metaphysical whatever, but have you found that with your clients in the past couple years that they've really been embracing more of, really their essence is why cuz I'd say and spirit. Yes, yes. When we started to have more conversations on this deeper level. What was happening is everybody is describing the same reality or experience about using different words. So what one person might call energy or vibe, another might call higher power or God, but they're the same experience. So it doesn't make them right or wrong. It's just that we're using words that can be very limiting to describe an infinite reality. So the more we started to have these conversations and just explore what does this mean to you, it opened up all kinds of awareness with my clients and healing started happening. It was an incredible result. And I know you've talked some of Well, I had to do a little pre interview survey. So you mentioned about masculine and feminine and the difference between men and women and communications. So I for myself, I noticed that women really embrace a lot of spirituality a lot of connection that feminine aspect, that nurturing you know, vibe we all have and, or we have at some, you know, embrace it more, and men are different. So I'd love for you to share a little bit about the differences that you've noticed in your therapy and working with women and then the men that around them. Oh, this is so great. So I use a lot of history when we talk about how we socialize our kids, and how little boys and girls develop into the idea of becoming men and women and then how they develop relationships and the masculine and feminine energies coming from the Divine concept. The Divine Masculine is that structure and protector and that sense of safety and and a place to call home. And the feminine the divine feminine is where we get to flow in and out of all the rooms of this incredible home. And so when you bring those two energies together, then you have a complete there's a completeness to it. And each of us has divine masculine and feminine in us but we also have it in each other. So there is a combination of our own essence connecting with a partner and how we dance together. You know, I call this the energetic dance of the relationship with the divine and the masculine and with our history, most men were socialized more into that masculine concept. And previously more in my generation, we were socialized more into being the good girl playing nice getting along collaborating. And we have an explosion of empowerment going on in women. So now women are stepping more into a lot of masculine energy, but the men were not brought along in this process. So if you look at the last several decades, there's been a shifting that's happening and relationships are hurting for different reasons today than they did 50 years ago. So it's incredible when you start looking at how bringing those two divine concepts together creates actually the best combination, and that's really our design. So I go into a lot of teaching on that and how to do that. That's lovely, because that is so needed. Yes. And it's interesting too, with the dynamics because I mean, I was I was born 68 I don't know when you were born, but it's probably the same type of generation. Okay, yeah. And so like the newer younger generations that are on the planet now that are really embracing or kind of confused and not certain about the masculine and the feminine and moving forward and I'm talking about the transgender community and other you know, and different aspects like that. And so it's interesting that they're kind of like, teeter tottering on both, which is really kind of interesting in the dynamics of like not really picking the masculine or picking the feminine. Have you had clients that you've worked with that are like this too, that have had that kind of I see it as a teeter totter and they're right in the middle like, you know, balancing Absolutely, absolutely. Very often these masculine feminine concepts are not gender. This is not about gender, and sometimes people get confused because that you know, masculine, feminine sounds like gender based, but this is very fluid. And I think what's happening from what I'm seeing is there's confusion and where do I fit in this spectrum now, because in the last several decades, we have opened up this concept. So now as a society, we're all kind of playing in it not really knowing where we belong, where we go, but I think what's important is to remember that we move in and out of it as part of our natural process. There's no right or wrong place to be. Sometimes I am in my masculine because that's the best place for me to be in a certain situation. And then at other times we would be in our feminine because that's the best place to be so it's not about necessarily being in one place. It's not that static. So when we start to learn how to weave in and out of them as is needed for your situations or relationships, whatever's happening, then there's a beauty and flow to it and it creates a peace and a sense of being in your own space. It's very healing. I love that especially, I'm assuming around relationships and women that are going through either a breakup or divorce or whatever, and how to stand in their power because that's for myself, so I too like you i was the man I was married to before. was amazing. Beautiful, ma'am. But, but I was unhappy for many years. And, and I, you know, got to the point where I just found my way out I didn't do therapy, like you're offering these, you know, beautiful therapy sessions, which I'm sure are amazing. But for myself, I just jumped ship and went my own way and and it was okay, but for years the I was very unhappy. And so the thing that really caught my eye for my unhappiness was the lack of communication and lack of me being able to tell how I was really feeling to this soul. Yes, that's incredible. And this goes back to the socialization you and I being born in a certain time where we were socialized not to speak up and make it more about others. So we actually didn't know the skills of how to create deeper connection, while also being our autonomous self. Right. This is the masculine and feminine and so we have to learn to do that. But what's happened with the younger generation is they have now stepped into speaking at so almost aggressively, that that's not as effective either and both of them create kind of a disconnect and a sense of feeling invisible and not being heard by the other person because we want to be understood and heard. That's what love and connection feels like. But we have to also recognize how do you do this with two very different people, very different things happening and we all have our own stuff, no matter where you're born, and when we all have it to show up. And so how do you learn how to navigate when we get thrown off? And that's the piece that we want to learn to do. Some women who are struggling with this, they'll come and sometimes we figure it out in the stay. Because once they actually learn the skills of what's missing, then they realize they have an amazing relationship they just didn't know how to do it in a way that was healthy. And sometimes they decide to gracefully leave. That is a decision for them. But at least they're clear on where they are. And then they know what they need to do next. Yeah. And so that also to me, the aspect is about really going inward and accessing that inner wisdom. So I want to talk a little about this about really getting quiet and connected to ourselves as a soul and then recognizing Okay, so which direction do I really need to move for my for what's next for me? Yes, yes. And that's where your deep wisdom actually resides. Many people might call this the Holy Spirit, our inner wisdom. I refer to it as our divine GPS, because it's a sense of going inward past your fear and sitting with it enough to say what do I intuitively think this is leading. And then it is important to sit with that be accountable to what you're noticing and it is important to also partner with people or work with people to to gauge that to get a sense of feedback, but not feedback to do what they think feedback to take an internalize and then decide for yourself. One of the biggest things women need is permission to get messy in this process, and the most messy process leads to the most incredible results. But we have to be willing to get messy with it. Did you say that? I was like I mean honestly my I just kind of cringe a little bit like I go that feels uncomfortable but I know but that's where the good stuff is. Right? It really is as much as we fight it and trust me I was there I fight it. I'm still shows up that fighting it sometimes but I know where I need to go. And it's really the best place to be. Because it's so embedded in the generational stuff and lineage and you know, how did it work with my mom and my grandmother and etc, etc. And so yeah, but I like what you're saying about really you know stepping into that new light and that new I had a vision of like pulling up my dress and having like taken off my boots and just getting like all dirty it's raining today here iOS I'm like I'm in the mud and I'm getting down with the with the cows and I love that. That is the best play actually one of the things I do is paint and I only do this for me, because it's a way to dump pain and I get messy and it's it's actually the way to get comfortable with getting messy externally. Because then we start to get comfortable getting messy internally. Beautiful. Good. I like that a lot. Yeah. And I know for you as personal mission, your personal mission has been an instrument of helping heal women's hearts. Yes, yes. So I'd love for you to share a little bit about that. Yeah. So the masculine is more of the head of feminine is more of the heart and because we had such a shift into this masculine empowerment of women getting out there and you can do it you don't need anybody, right? These are these strong messages. You're just as strong and competitive as anybody else. Those are all masculine terms. So what happens is we move out of our head and into our heart, out of our heart and into our head. When we come from the head and we're missing the heart we're missing connection to the divine GPS. So now we're coming from strategy control, you know, manipulating to fix it to make it work. And that becomes exhausting. You need the structure, but you need the GPS guidance. The two together have to work together otherwise it becomes exhausting and forceful. It doesn't feel from a place of empowerment. So when we heal the heart we learn how to tap back in and remember who you are, because it never went anywhere we just abandoned. Once we go back to that connection and create the connection between head and heart. It all starts to come together and people start seeing things in incredibly different ways. And so in that healing aspect, let's talk a little bit about because I know on your website, you've got a beautiful branding of connection, healing and freedom. Yeah. So I'd love for you to just flow with that and share a little bit about how that ultimately gets us to that freedom. Absolutely. The head gets us disconnected and we are more in ingrain ingrained and coming from our head. We are more connected to information right? This is the age of information. We're flooding our heads with all this knowledge yet we're still not actually healed and happy. So something's missing. So to start with internal connection, and that's the first step, heal what's going on inside and then you'll feel a sense of freedom and peace which will lead to healthier connections to others. So that's why that three step process came about with the branding. And the picture and the logo is this bird coming out of the ashes sort of out of the dirt. And you mentioned the mud, right taking your boots off, right, it's coming out of the mud and growing into that sense of feeling free and discarding all the old and that's how that came about. Almost like a phoenix. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I talked about. Oh, I love that. Well, that is such an empowering way to really think about this whole process of coming into where you're at with your relationships, how you want to maybe better them or work with what you have or like you said gracefully exit whatever works for each person. So let's talk a little bit better about how people can how you can work with people and how you support them in your work. Yeah, well, when we start, the thing that happens is we look at our past and we tend to bring the past into the present, because it's part of our habit and it's part of what we've learned and how to do things. And some of those things are helpful, but a lot of them are not a lot of them are they served us then but you know service today. So the first step we do is we start looking at the old view. And then we start to get into vision of the new view. And then we learn how to create a plan to become the new view. That's the step in therapy. We often talk about the past and bang away the past and we unwittingly stay in the past. So the value of the past is to honor it, love it and be willing to accept it for what it was as it brought you to who you are today. But we want to create a new you moving forward otherwise you'll just keep repeating. Right. So the whole goal is to change what we're doing to something new. So sorry about that. That's okay. You see here like I'm sorry. That's all right. Those little things come in every so often so. Gotta love technology. That's all right. Good luck. Right I guess the one thing about us we can we can all relate Right? Like Absolutely. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, Britta, so you do work with people, obviously in person. And you work with people, obviously online also. I actually am exclusively online now. I am speaking of great, yeah. Well, I was doing that prior to COVID. And then COVID really stepped into expanding that and so I work with people all over the country, actually, and even in Canada. So I'm reaching beyond the borders to help women and I work initially with women. Sometimes we'll work as a couple and then at some point, the men come in and that's when it goes full circle and it's great. Oh, I love that because that's I mean, it's like putting it all together. Right. The puzzle. Yes. Yeah. And pieces. Yeah, well, beautiful. And so how would people get in touch with you Beretta to to find out what you're doing? They can go to the website at healing with britta.com and there is a link there to schedule a clarity call so we can really get clear on where you are and where you want to be and then create a plan to do that and you can link to that at meet with berta.com awesome and I will have all that in the show notes. And but it's been such a pleasure having you on today because again, for myself, having gone through divorce haven't gone through relationship it's this is a big part of body mind spirit and understanding how to really work with who I am as a soul and the other souls that I'm coming in relationship with. It's so it's such a big deal for myself as I'm so glad you came on today and shared. Thank you so much for having me. You know we really are relational and social beings and when we are too masculine or too disconnected from one another, and we're actually starving for connections. So it's a beautiful thing and it's an honor to be with you and to get to speak with you today. Thank you. Thank you. So much. Thanks for listening in to another episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual and if you're in the place of needing some support for your relationship or yourself or your the relationship you're in with your spouse or loved ones. Britta is the person to contact because she has definitely got her mojo going for how to work with relationships and support you and where you're at with your heart healing and moving forward. So if you've enjoyed this episode, please make sure that you like it. You subscribe, you let your friends know about it. And I appreciate each and every one of you for listening in today. And until next week, please remember that life is too short to not be