Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

The Light of Man with Kevin McCrudden

Teresa Shantz Season 2 Episode 75

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In an age where we are so divided by religion, by politics….what will bring us together? As people become more conscious and aware, they notice a shift in the energy around them, something that is calling to us. Whether we call it universal consciousness or universal truth, there is an awakening happening around the world that we cannot ignore. Listen in as Teresa and Kevin dive deep into the shifting nature of our times, how people are responding to it, and techniques that help to bring about fulfillment. 

Kevin McCrudden is an author, speaker, and award-winning filmmaker. His written books include The Light of Man and Who Are U? He is known as America’s Chief Motivational Officer (CMO) and works to inspire others to find their inner light. 

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3 key takeaways from this episode:

  • There is a diversity of religious beliefs out there, but they have a lot in common- universal truths that align across time and culture. Stemming from Native American beliefs, we are all connected We are connected to the planet, we are connected to the stars. We are discovering this more and more as science evolves. 
  • Sometimes it takes a national tragedy suc

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Is this idea of universal consciousness and it was kind of what Einstein was talking about. And Tesla was talking about and the Einstein famously said, you know, the more I study science the more I believe in God. Like he, he understood there was something else. And so to Tesla. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Welcome back to enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host Teresa. How well are you with embracing your inner light, that energy that you radiate into everything you do? That energy that others can feel emanating from you. If you are in need of some support in that area, my guest today is here to motivate and support you in finding and embracing more light in your life. His name is Kevin l McCrudden. Also known as Mr. Motivation and America's cmo chief motivation officer, and is the author and award winning creator of the light of man. After dedicating over 20 years of the field, a personal and professional development, and motivational inspirational management, leadership and sales training. He is now an award winning filmmaker. Kevin has spoken in almost every state in America, and has appeared on international radio and TV programs. In addition to being a TV, radio and podcast host. In addition to being an international author, and keynote Commencement speaker, Kevin is a former semi professional soccer player, candidate for political office entrepreneur and college lecturer. Welcome, Kevin. 


Thank you, Teresa. Sounds like. 


Well, do you think you've been on a little journey there, Kevin?


I think right, as we all have, but yes, that one's been a long one. 


I think so I'd love you to tell me and my listeners about how you found your inner enthusiasm through the motivation that you brought forth to where you're at today, Kevin? 


Sure. So I think what's interesting is that obviously, we all have a journey. And for me being the youngest of an Irish American family, my parents came here from Ireland, after World War Two, with my four eldest brothers and sisters. And, you know, had four more here, a nice Irish Catholics. And, you know, I think the idea that they instilled in us is that America is the greatest country in the history of the world. And that in America, you can achieve anything. So I think from an early age, that idea of being motivated or inspired, has been just a part of my life. And then being the youngest of five boys, my other four brothers were professional athletes. So one was a professional fighter are both Christian who unfortunately just lost recently. And then my other brothers were professional soccer players. So in my household, there was no sitting around, there wasn't a laying around. It was about performance. It was about being motivated and trying to achieve. And so I think that has been instilled at an early age being motivated and energized. And then that's, that stayed with me most of my life. When people asked me like, what, you know, what led me to be into this motivational space and inspirational space, you know, not to be too rude, but I said, Life, kick my hips. And I think, you know, for a lot of us, it doesn't always work out the way we intended. And it's how we respond to those challenging moments. And that's been a big piece of this journey. 


So a lot of it, I hear what I hear you saying, Is it inspired from your family? 


Yeah, absolutely. That was instilled early, but that motivation to continue to persevere. Look, we can all be inspired by different things, right. But you know, the motivation, that daily motivation, of you know, getting up and getting the work done. That's that's the challenge is actually every day, the performance of getting things done. And then now you're 25 years into this journey after creating national motivation, inspiration day. Look, I was so inspired by the actions of people after 911. So while we watched and saw the tragedy, I saw this unity I saw people working together, it didn't matter who you are, where you were from. People wanted to help out and the thought was like, Why does it take a tragedy for us to work together to collaborate, to be unified and connected So that journey now has been, you know, 20 something years of motivating, inspiring uplifting people, you know, eight books and audio books later. That really has been my focus now for most of my career.


I'm really glad you brought up that, especially about 911. Because I that just came up recently when I was talking to someone and how, gosh, it was so paid. I mean, like I do, I believe America is the best country in the world. I do. And I love being American. And there's clearly a reason why I incarnated through America and the energy of America. And but that after that event of 911, like the patriotism and the community, and then it was so unique, and it was so inspiring, it's manufactured. During that time, I went to New York City, about six weeks after the event, I already had something planned. And everyone around me was like, don't go don't go. Are you kidding me? Go. So we went. And it was the most inspiring event and more inspiring visit I've ever had, cuz I've been there since then. But that timeframe of America, and what we experienced energetic wise, was just phenomenal. 


Yeah, yeah, it really isn't. And I think it's happened several times since then, where there's been events throughout the world. Right now. You know, we look at Ukraine, you know, the unification people coming together to face these challenges and saying, Look, I'm with you, I got your back. And I find interestingly, as we're talking about light and energy and sharing energy and unification, you know, the light of man is an evolution after my first book of who are you, where I introduced the most significant addition to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and 60 years. So as a as a trainer, who had conducted management and leadership programs, Maslow's hierarchy continued to appear in training materials. And the question for me was always how can a one dimensional model represent the complexity of a multi dimensional life, and it can't. So that's how I created the multi dimensional model of Maslow's hierarchy, the 21st century multi dimensional hierarchy of needs, but that top piece of self actualized piece, that fulfillment piece, that's, that's the pinnacle, that's the pinnacle of our lives, that's the pinnacle of the human experience, is to be fulfilled, to tap to fulfill that energy and light in that commonality that we all share. And that's what it's led 20 years later, to the light of men and this unifying message that we all have in common, and how we should all be embracing. 


Oh, I just love it, because that is exactly it feels like where we're all moving towards. And we have to I mean, because we're at a pivotal point. And I feel our existence of, you know, the polarities and the differences between, you know, religion, or politics or whatever it looks like. We have to have that fulfillment, and also that commonality. And like you said, that collective coming together as a unified, you know, your consciousness moving forward, because that's the only way we're going to survive. And it's funny, because I was thinking like, God, do we need another tragedy to come upon like to really bring us all together? Again? Like it? Who wants that, right? 


Well, we're facing it with, you know, what, whatever you want to call it, whether you call it global warming, or whether you call it the dying of our planet, or whatever it is, you want to define it as there's something happening. And so you can't you can't ignore it. I think anyone that's ignoring it, like, oh, you know, all these storms, and all this stuff that's going on. And, you know, essentially, the western part of America becoming a desert. You know, look, there's only so much you can ignore. And so we're in a global battle. And it is something that we all need to be aware of. But what can we do

collaboratively? What can we do together? How do we transform, change, transcend? How do we change our behaviors? And one of the things that I talked about in the light of man is this idea of evolution, and how we're not really evolving. And I hate to say it, the dumbing down not only of America, the dumbing down of a lot of places around the world, the kinds of things that people watch the TV shows, they watch the, the things that they do for entertainment, we're not becoming more sophisticated, we're not evolving. And yet, we're being called to evolve. And so people like you that are on sort of the cutting edge, the leading edge of like, hey, come along here, because there's something else that's calling us, you should probably pay attention to this. And so when we talk about consciousness and awareness, a lot of people just aren't there yet. They're just not there. 


But do you believe Kevin, that we're all there? We're all at different places that our souls you know, we're not we're not all at the same place energetically. Do you believe that? 


Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. It's part of the evolution. I think we're all we all have different journeys. We all have different missions on our time here on the planet. But I think through science And in light of man who proved this, and obviously, it's a conversation that's been going on, is this idea of universal consciousness. And it was kind of what Einstein was talking about. And Tesla was talking about. And the Einstein famously said, you know, the more I study science, the more I believe in God. Like he, he understood there was something else, and so to Tesla, and so to incorporate that into the movie, I think is powerful in the sense that look, science is proving this existence. But what I what I feel proud of, was one of the segments in the movie, we talk about Native Americans, indigenous people of America, and and throughout the world, is they believed a very fundamental thing, that we're all connected, that we're all connected to the planet to the universe, to everything around it, they may have had multiple gods, and unfortunately, Western Europeans that came here said, No, we have to convert you to Christianity. And so the reality is, is the more we're learning more we understand science and this universal consciousness, the more we can reflect on the Native Americans and indigenous people and say, Oh, you were right in the first place. 


They're pretty damn connected, right, Kevin. But that's 


their culture. That was their culture. And the thing that's interesting is it reflects or connects to many of the Far Eastern philosophies about life and spirituality and, and India, the idea of Sanskrit and our connectivity to the planet to the universe. It's not foreign, but I don't know how it got from the Far East, to the Native Americans in America without any flights. I don't know, I don't know of anyone that flew to tell them about it. So kind of amazing, kind of amazing. 



It's kind of like, well, those, what a lot of people talk about universal truths that permeate between like, you know, the shamanism, the Indians, the Hindus, wherever the Native Americans, they all have that universal truth, and they bring it forth. And what comes to me too, is how they're so connected a lot of them to the planet, and to the star. So it's like that, you know, above and below connection. 


Absolutely. Absolutely. Right. 


So what are some keys that you can leave people with understanding how to get that fulfillment in their lives, how to motivate themselves to move forward? Because there's, obviously there's a lot going on, I mean, everyday, there's a lot going on, right? But lately, with a lot of people leaving the planet, a lot of things, you know, still kind of up in the air as to how are things really going to turn out day to day? What are some keys that you give people to help them really feel that inner fulfillment and, and the motivation that really just keep on going? 


So I think the the interesting thing is that dealing with my executive coaching clients, the people that I've worked with closely, you know, look, a lot of them make a lot of money. And in here in America, look, that is the sort of underlying motivation is people are motivated by capitalism, people are motivated by making money. This millennial group seems to have distanced themselves from that. There's, you know, anti authoritarian ism, there's, there's essentially, you know, they're against sort of the status quo. And they are doing some interesting things and making some interesting changes. But the people that I work with, that are traditionalists that have made a lot of money in their careers, what they're trying to find now is to try to find some peace and some balance. And so that's where what you're doing, what we're talking about, is this coaching of right, so what's next. And so we all know that money can't buy love or happiness or health. And so when we talk about this, this sense of inner peace, you know, it starts with prayer and meditation, finding that center finding you part, not only our core belief system, but our core value. So that's a part of it. But then it's about coaching and making decisions about decision making on a daily basis. And as we all try to juggle the family, friends, job, career, financial challenges, that's where the stress, anxiety, pressure, those are the things that kind of pull us apart and pull us away from this consciousness that we're talking about. And so look, we can't we can't spend every day in tranquillity or in Nirvana and not get things done. And that's one of the greatest push backs I get is like pink cab look, I'd love to meditate for an hour or two morning, still get to the gym to work out. And then I still gotta get to work. And then I still got to get home. Like I get, like I get the realistic piece is how do you find that inner light, that inner energy that we're all born with? And, and then kind of find that stillness. And in the movie, I have this great woman who's my theologian, my religious expert, Dr. Beale Hoffer money offer. And she's not only a theologian, but she's also a psychologist and neuroscientist. And what she takes out of the Bible is the verse of Be still and know that I am God. So whether so whether you're you believe in Allah, whether you believe in God or Elohim, or Krishna or creator, it's all the same thing. It's all the same higher power that helps motivate and energize this planet. So when you tap into it, it's largely about going in, not out. And that's the biggest transformation, I think, for most people, is to understand this idea that all this outward energy that we're spending yelling at people, because they're Democrats or

Republicans, or they have different belief systems, or this antagonism or these accusations, that's not the answer. The answer is inside, not outside. Right. And that's where understand, and that's where you, you have been, you're in this space. And there are this is a growing number. It's a growing group of people that are saying, the answers inside not outside. And so we we have to help lead people. And I think what the light of man is doing is, and it's really what I've done for most of my career, is taking some fairly complex ideas and simplifying them. So that the the common man, the normal person can look at it and say, Well, wait a second. Right. So what essentially the one thing that I'm saying, in the light of man, that literally, I guess hasn't been really 710 1000 years, 1000 years, is so that very spark that creates all living things, at the very instant of creation? Is God, God, Allah looking creator, whatever you want to call it, that is God, and it stays with us until we die. And then that energy, depending upon what you believe, it leaves and when it leaves, I'm not sure where it goes, I'm not sure what it does. Some people believe in reincarnation, some people believe it goes somewhere else to transit, whatever that next stage is. But in dealing with the expert in near death experiences, Dr. Ray moody, he's talked to 1000s and 1000s of people that have had at least gone halfway there and then have come back. So so the folks that have gone there and saw whatever they saw with light and energy, and come back to share it with us, we know that there's at least that far, we know that at least as far as they got through the turnstile, or through the front door, and then came back, they could tell us at least what they've seen. And so I think all of us embracing that, that acknowledge that we are all truly connected. And not only a global consciousness and a string theory, but also, as we live here. If we could learn to embrace and respect each other, I think that's the next piece. How do we get people to do it? We can close with COVID we can close because people were respecting each other, respecting each other's spaces, for obvious reasons. And people were concerned that people were dying. And I think there was genuine empathy. So close. And that was global. So many people are they're capable, we're capable of it. Just what's what's the compelling reason for us to actually get along to collaborate to work together. 


And to me, that seems like it's individual. But each person has to individually get there. So having a beautiful movie like yours, the light of man, available to people to watch, and to really explore who they are as a soul and the different religions and the different perspectives is really what we need. I 

mean, that's why I love doing this podcast, because there's all kinds of different ways that people are exploring and, and resonating with different people, different events, but having a beautiful movie like yours. I mean, it's it's great. It's it's much needed, Kevin. 


Thank you. Thanks so much. I think once again, we're all on journeys towards the end, and you've found your voice through this podcast to speak to people. And you know, I have a podcast and I love doing interviews and I love meeting people. And it's so fascinating, isn't it when you get to meet just really interesting people and what their thought processes and the things that they've done. And I know that through my motivational speaking career, you know, I used to say to people like, look, I may not be the guy. It may be Tony Robbins and maybe Brian Tracy and Deepak Chopra, maybe Wayne Dyer. Like I get it. So if you don't follow me or listen to me, follow one of them. Because we're sharing similar messages, to motivate to inspire, to uplift to help people live a better life. So if it's not me, it's okay. And so what you're doing is your voice your Life's out there in the universe saying, Hey, guys, we got to awaken a little bit here. And I think to your point, the first, the first part is an individual journey of awareness. The first thing is that people have to be aware, they have to be

aware that there's something that's changing. There's, there's something that's evolving in this universe, this planet around us. And the planets talking, and I think there's, there's a movement towards this consciousness. So that's happening too. So people just have to find that moment of stillness to say, Wait a second, I need to become aware, I need to be enlightened about, there's 

something else going on here. And so for you, for me, probably for millions of other people that are in the space. I, I call the light of mana divine journey. Because frankly, I don't think I could have thought of all the things that I've put into the book in the movie, they kind of came to me, the people that I have in the movie. Just there's, there is no way that in my life or career, I would have connected with these people, there's really no reason for me to have connected with them. And somehow they came in all the right time and all the right place for me to have them in the movie. absolutely divine. Right. So So I've lived it. Right. And so I'm like, You, I know you've lived it's just things happen. Sometimes it's like, I Alright, I gotta show him off. I got I got like, whatever the energy is. It's like, I got it. Thank you. All right. All right. 


You know, sometimes we're the tools were the channels, we you know, show up, Kevin, that's the big thing, too, is a lot of people. It's damn showing up. Like you have to show up and be sincere about what you're offering. And you are clearly sincere, and very motivated to bring this forth and really help help the masses are those that can find it. So let's talk about is it already available? And how can people find this documentary? 


Yeah, so it's not so thanks for asking. So you know, the little plug. So the audio book, the light of man is out there. So you can go to audible to download it. The the book really is Dr. Hoffer and I talking about the Reverend Dr. Hoffer and I really talking about the diversity of religious beliefs, and how expansive they are, and then how much we have in common. So if I don't want to say this the wrong way, but if if I were to say that there's a battleground, with this idea of the light of man, it's about religion. Because people want to embrace and hold on to their personal beliefs, their personal the way they were brought up the religious beliefs that they have. And it's fine, it's fine. That's okay. But now we have the movie coming out. And with the movie coming out, it actually incorporates a little bit more. So it's not just a religious piece. It's history. Its science, its metaphysics, it's quantum physics and string theory. And it really now builds on the whole message of it puts the whole piece together. And so we're finished with the movie. And so now it's literally just waiting to be sold. So who's who's gonna buy it? Is it Netflix? Is it really was it, you know, in the movie theaters, is it so it's exciting, nerve wracking? The movie itself has taken me approximately about 12 years from concept to completion. And certainly the past three years to COVID really focused energy on getting it done. And I'll tell you, Avalon media, my producer, Dominic and his team, Kevin, Fred and some others, there's just no way I could have done it without them. And that was sort of a divine gift for them to show up in my life to tell complete the project. So we'll know within the next month, where it can be seen. 


Beautiful, beautiful. Well, you know, Kevin, I honor you and your process and in your determination to get this out there to the masses. And I'll definitely have the link in the show notes for them to access the audible book and the book and get that and then definitely put on that the links to wherever the

the audible book and the book and get that and then definitely put on that the links to wherever the movie is out there where to find it at so I really want to thank you so much for coming on your motivation is, is awesome. I love it. 


Thank you so much. And in the movie truce, one of the things that I clearly bring up is, I embrace our history, the world's history and one of the things that I embraces, you know, the ancient wisdom of Sanskrit in India people and so one of the ancient words that they use is Namaste. And for those of us that practice yoga and meditation, you know, mistakes used a lot is that thing with the light and need, not just the light in you. But actually the ancient version of namaste is the divine in me, acknowledges the divine you and what I'd like to say in which in the movie I say is, I would like to believe that back then what they meant that Find the light of God within me acknowledges the divine the light of God within you. So when I say Namaste, I acknowledge the light of God within you. 


And namaste back to you, Kevin. 


God bless. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it. Hello, everybody. 


Well, a big thanks again for Kevin for stopping by today and sharing his beautiful motivational, enthusiastic energy for his new documentary to come as well as his audio book and book the light of man. I appreciate him so very, very much. And thanks to all of you for listening in to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, I appreciate all of you also, and make sure that if you've not subscribed that you do subscribe, please like please share this episode or any other episode that you might have enjoyed with your friends and family. And until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.