Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

The Best of Season 2 Plus a Sneak Peak at Season 3

Teresa Shantz Season 2 Episode 78

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This past season we dove deep into the shifting energies of our time and explored the different aspects of spirituality under the guidelines of mind, body, and spirit. Incredibly, there were 65 guests who came on the show to share the ways they use spirituality to positively enhance their life ranging from psychics to shadow work to sound healing. Over this past season, we have built a worldwide community of fellow spiritual enthusiasts in over 95 countries looking for ways to connect, grow and heal. Join me today as I highlight some of the season’s best episodes as well as give a sneak peek of what Season 3 has to offer. 

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Season 2 Episodes you don’t want to miss!

Episodes dealing with Mind:

Episodes dealing with Body:

Episodes dealing with Spirit:

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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What do I do with all this spiritual stuff? What do I do with my empathic abilities? My psychic awarenesses? How do I work with them and each guest that showed up, really mirrored that energy back to the listeners view. So I hope that throughout the season, you really got some 

insights for yourself in different ways. And maybe some things didn't resonate with you, but other things did. But I hope and I wonder if you also received and really felt that deepening of the energies of season two. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. 


Welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host, Teresa. So this is a special episode because this is the final episode of season two of enthusiastically spiritual. And I want to take a few moments and share about some of the energies of the season the guest and you listeners. So believe it or not Season Two had 77 episodes within it. There were 65 guests who came on, and it was listened to in over 95 different countries. So wherever you're at in the world right now, just imagine there's 90 Some plus other countries, with people listening to the same episodes and the same podcast that excites me so much, I can't even tell you how excited that is, when I when I saw that. And I'm like, Wow, 95 other countries. So in looking back and feeling into season two, there was a deepening of the energies. I don't know if you recognize or how long you've actually been listening to this podcast. But the first season, I pretty much did it myself because it was the beginning I didn't have many people to interview. And then season two really turned more into a sharing of other people. There are services, other guests that came on and provided some unique perspectives. And it definitely got in

deeper, there were some episodes about Shadow Work episodes about really diving more deeper into the body, explore, really exploring your soul and who you are. So what I noticed in season two, and mirroring, because I do believe that everything mirrors everything else. So Season Two mirrored where I was at, and some of the processes that I went through during this whole year, as well as the collective. So I noticed because I also go out with my husband, Tom, through TNT Spirit works, we go out and we do fairs and expos around the Midwest. So during this timeframe, when season two was going on, I noticed that people were showing up at our booth to talk about some really deep insights into things, they were feeling things they were seeing things they were experiencing spiritually and didn't know what to do about it. And really had no one else to talk to, besides coming to these fairs where everyone's like minded. So it's there's a lot of opportunity to really, you know, ask questions and be heard and really explore what's going on spiritually with them. And that's what I feel what my guest did for in spirit and season two is that they really showed up in that depth of what do I do with all this spiritual stuff? What do I do with my empathic abilities? My psychic awarenesses? How do I work with them and each guests that showed up, really mirrored that energy back to the listeners you. So I hope that throughout the season, you really got some insights for yourself in different ways. And maybe some things didn't resonate with you, but other things did. But I hope and I wonder if you also received and really felt that deepening of the energies of season two. 


So what I really want to do a really first off, I want to share a little bit about the guests. So believe it or not, the guests also came from different parts of the world. I had guests that came from that shared from Europe, from Asia, from Australia, from Africa, from Canada, Mexico, and then of course, a lot of people in the US. And I want to take a moment and really honor each and every guests that came on because not only did they share their time, they share their energy with all of us and the services that they offered. But they really came together as a collective group in season two and shared beautifully with what they what their specialty was in the world. And for myself, there were many highlights of the season. And if I don't know when 


You might have started listening to this podcast. But if it was recently, you might have missed quite a few of these people. Or if you've listened to some of these episodes, you then might hear something different if you listen again, or get some insights of what I'm going to share in a few minutes here, because what I've done is I've actually broken down the episodes into mind body spirit. And I want to share some key ones that really stood out to me and stood out to you listeners by lots and lots of downloads. So the first one I want to talk about is the mind. And in Episode 29, I had an amazing guests on Chiron Yang, who's from Asia. And he came on and he shared about something what he calls life quest, which is really a unique blend of work that he's created through his evolutionary astrology. And Dr. Darren Wiseman's work with the lifeline technique. What I love about Chiron is that he has a healing journey himself. And through his healing journey, he has explored different ways that work for him and how he can work with other people. And also with the evolutionary astrology that he brings forth, it is a powerpack way that he helps each and every client that he works with. So for myself, it was really understanding that no matter where we come from, there's a there's a way to be helped and guided towards and forward with your healing journey. And that's what he really brought forth in that episode was, how he healed himself, and how he supports others through his

beautiful life quest. Then in Episode 32, I had a wonderful guest named Walter ze check. And Walter is an amazing psychic from California, who wrote a book called they came beyond deja vu. And if you listen to this story, he tells an amazing story about how he when he was a young child in Germany came and he had his spiritual guidance that helped him and really work with him as as you know, spirit. And then later on in life, he met this spirit in real people. So it is a dynamic story about really trusting and believing in what you're seeing, hearing picking up. And then also later on whenever he came upon these people in real life, he had some things he had to work through and and he actually came upon them and was able to express Hey, you know, I knew you and spirit form and it's unremarkable, remarkable story about, really the resilience that a soul it has in this lifetime, through all the trials and the challenges that we have, and how he broke through that and how he's able to help people with Spirit and with his psychic mediumship. Work through what they're going through and how to really trust and believe in the process that they individually have. So if you did not listen to this episode, please check it out, because Walter has just a dynamic, amazing story that he shares. Then in Episode 51, I had another gentleman on named Steven Twohig. And Steven came on and he is all about shadow work. So this was actually one of the highest rated and highest watched and listened to episodes of the whole season. When suit when Steven came on, I was in a place. And so again, I find that these guests really kind of mirror also what I'm going through. So when Steven came on, it was like, I was like Game on. He does shadow work. We're going there. So in this episode, he takes me through a process of really going through some healing work, and how he does and and it is, it was a challenge. But it was amazing. And like I said at that moment, I was so ready to go there. So if you have missed this episode, it's one to check out because it's dynamic to really not only see how he works, but also the process of how he does shadow work, because there's all kinds of different variations in the world of shadow work. And so the way he does it is really unique to him, because of course he's a unique soul. But it's a really awesome awesome episode that checkout. So please make sure that if you've missed that one you do check it out because that was one of the highest watched and rated episodes of the season. Next, I'm going to tap into the body. There were some people that came on this year that talked about chakras about energy. And the first one I want to talk about is Noah Hammond Terrell on episode 24. So Noah is all about CBD oil and helping you heal and transform through working with CBD. And Noah has an amazing courageous healing story that he talks about with his father who has had a battle with cancer. And what they did to really help him actually live life and heal because he was actually on his deathbed. So this episode just really took me to a different place because I love the fact that 


It, Noah is working with CBD, which is a, which is everyone's heard about it maybe a lot of people don't know about it, but he shares a lot in this episode in regards to how this plant medicine and healing modality can really help people. So this is one that's really really amazing to understand and to really dive into the healing powers around CBD. Then on Episode 28, I share Dr. Elsebeth. Muth and Fred is and tall Weaver from the tantra Nova Institute. So this one was so unique, because they talked a lot about healing energies, working with your body, as well as in working outside your body with other people in relationships. So they are all about tantra. And if I don't know, like, in the past, I've had some things like what is Tantra? What's that all about, and there's people doing interesting things with Tantra, but they are really of service they are, they're there to help people and to really support people in understanding more about how to work with our energy. And then not only that, but expanding it out to the body. So this episode really was a fun journey that we took together. And if you missed it, please make sure you go back and listen. And check it out. Because it's a dynamic episode.

Then on Episode 58, I had Leia Robell on and she was of all about powerful yoga series and pelvic floor health for Believe it or not women and men. So Leah, is a beautiful soul who's again, automation, like all the other beautiful guests I've had on. But she really is in tune with how to move with the body, and how to really support the pelvic floor health and and build up that the muscular area as well as energetically, and bringing those in balance together to help support where you're at with that I know there and she shares in her book, there are men and women who are challenged in this area. And so being able to strengthen and really move forward in in, you know, healing some of the trauma many of us have in that area. It's amazing. So Leah is that's another episode that if you missed it on Episode 58, please, please, please go back and listen, because it has some really great wisdom and she's a beautiful soul. 


That next I want to talk about spirit. So we had a lot of people on this season talking about spirituality and being a soul and a physical body and how to work with different aspects of spirit. So my favorites are, there was episode 31 With Gabriella guard box from Australia. So Gabriella is all about sound healing and working with galactic energies and bringing those forth in sound. So that might be a whole but that's a big mouth, word of mouth. A full mouth right there wasn't it, but I love, love, love sound healing. And I've been doing it for years, in the sense of going and attending Sam journey's, actually when I was in Tallahassee, and I used to do massage therapy and healing work, I was even involved in a group where we came together and did healing together through using different instruments and sounds, it was so profound. So when I found Gabriela, it was so amazing because the galactic energies that she brings in, they feel new, they feel they're at a different level than just regular instruments. Not to say instruments are bad, because instruments are amazing too. But it's definitely a different vibration. Because she not only channels like this, not just one galactic energy, it's a lot of different galactic energies. And so I found that this episode really went right to my soul, especially with my love of sound healing. And she also shares about her journey and how she found this beautiful and really unfoldment into being a channel and working with this energy. So if this is something that you've not listened to please make sure you go back and do because she also in this episode, gives as a short sound, an example and a sort a short sound journey through it. So it's a really great way to get a little kind of like a preview of what you can do and work with Gabriella because she has monthly M sessions that she works with every single month around the world. Then episode 62 I had on a gentleman named Richard Lasseter. So Richard came on at a beautiful time because this episode was all about spiritual freedom. And if you missed it and you aren't feeling too free right now in your life, go back and listen to this because Richard is a practical man doing moving forth in the world through his spiritual life and helping support others and understanding how to make the mundane practical to really to work with the practical gifts. We have 


In our life with our intuition with our spiritual helpers, and when you work with this and really trust and believe in that insights, intuition, hunches, then you can feel that spiritual freedom, and you can feel free, no matter where you're at, no matter what's going on around you. It just it's really, it's an inspiring episode, not only because of the fact that I absolutely love spiritual freedom, and we're love working with my team of inner guidance and working with my psychic perceptions and intuition. But also knowing that there are people especially men out in the

world, showing up and being of support and it's really It's, um, it makes me feel so good inside especially because as you guys know, I have Tom in my life who is also a spiritual man who's very down to earth, who's very practical. So when other gentlemen come on as guests, it means so much to me to be able to, to share that they're out in the world also doing and showing up and supporting all of us out there in the ways that they are. And so this episode with Richard is such a powerful one on spiritual freedom. 


Then one of my also favorite episodes this season was episode 60, with Rob Hoenig from the reconnection. 


So this episode really was one of my absolute favorites because of the fact that when I was doing healing work, I actually took all the training of the reconnection. And, and I love Reconnective Healing. So what I loved about Rob, as he showed up as a guest, at the perfect time, when I was like, Oh my gosh, I hadn't even thought about Reconnective Healing, honestly, in years. I don't remember how long it's been. But it's been quite a while that I took the training maybe 10 plus years ago. So for him to show up. And for me to feel that power behind Reconnective Healing energies. It just reawakened, I don't know. Just like, it really motivated me to how much I loved, loved, loved Reconnective Healing. So when Rob came on, not only did he bring forth Reconnective Healing, but he has his energy, which he's dynamic. I mean, I'll tell you what, as a spiritual leader, and also here's another man showing up he was an is a dynamic soul. So and so passionate about helping people really step into and understand the potential that they could have as a soul. And working with Reconnective energy and Reconnective Healing is one aspect that Rob is passionate about, because he himself has such a transformation through working with the energies. But he was a joy in Episode 60 is also one of the highest rated and highest Washington viewed episodes. So please make sure if you missed it, you go back and check it out. And also in this episode, Rob does do a technique and I swear, you might be able to feel the energy through the podcast, or through the YouTube, if you watch it on YouTube. It's amazing. 


So season two was amazing. These nine episodes that I showed today really was only a piece of the wisdom, the insights and the enthusiastic energy that was brought forth through all 77 episodes. So no matter where you're at in the world, and you listen, I really want to thank you for my heart. I also want to thank those that left comments about how much you enjoyed the podcast. And a few of them just from recently were Michael's a para 21 He wrote the best. My go to daily motivation. KENNETH Morgan 67 wrote, life changes. I've been a good person since listening to your podcast almost every day. Richard squadra 45 I hope I didn't, I didn't mess up your name. But Richard squadra 45. Thank you. Thank you so much for what you're doing for us. Alonzo Anderson, 56. I love this podcast. I listened to it every day. And there's many, many more people. And so I thank you so much for leaving all the beautiful comments. And if you'd like to hear your name called out or you have a question for me, please go to pod inbox.com forward slash enthusiastically spiritual, and the link will also be in the show notes and you can

leave me a message you can ask me a question. You can also get a shout out of your name if you'd like that on upcoming episode. So now, what's next? Well, season three is next. And I'll tell you three is a special number for me because a lot of cool things come in threes. The birth life death cycle, the mind body spirit soul cycle, the three acts of a typical story. There's lots and lots of threes and I love three three to me is also spirit. So in season three, there's going to be a lot more mindful and creative aspects to the episodes. I'm looking forward to sharing each one with you beginning in March of 2023. 


So I hope that you enjoyed this reflective episode. Please make sure if you've not subscribed that you do, and if you're interested in leave me a comment for me please do. Also please share it with your friends and family. And if you want to watch any episode, you can find them on TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So until next season, which is only next week. Remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.