Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Show Up for Yourself in New Endeavors

February 28, 2023 Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 1

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Don’t you agree that there is something magical about the energy of new beginnings? Season 3 of Enthusiastically Spiritual begins today and while I continue to bring you fascinating guests in the realm of all things spiritual, I have some new endeavors in mind as well. Thank you for showing up for yourself as you embark on your spiritual journey and all that it entails. Tune in to this episode to hear about the changes coming in Season 3, previews of some amazing guests this month, and learn why it is so key to honor your spiritual journey.  

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3 things to note in Season 3:

  • This season’s keyword is Endeavor. It is time for new beginnings and showing up for yourself. It's time to honor your soul and your unique journey in this life. Each episode will bring you a new perspective to help you navigate this moment in your life. 
  • You won’t want to miss guest Daniel John this month. He is a medium who works with grief and helps loved ones connect with those who have passed. He helps us to not fear the unknown but embrace the journey. 
  • Also coming up this month is guest Stephanie Banks, a channel intuitive who connects with spirits. She has a calming, relaxing presence and guides us to find our inner connection with our souls. She helps us to find messages outside of ourselves that we may need at that particular moment. 


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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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What do I do with all this spiritual stuff? What do I do with my empathic abilities? My psychic awarenesses? How do I work with them and each guests that showed up, really mirrored that energy back to the listeners view. So I hope that throughout the season, you really got some 

insights for yourself in different ways. And maybe some things didn't resonate with you, but other things did. But I hope and I wonder if you also received and really felt that deepening of the energies of season two. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Welcome back to enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host Teresa, and welcome to season three. Wow, I can I believe in season three already. But it is. This is actually almost my third year anniversary. And I'm I'm releasing Season Three in March of 2023. So if you've listened to this or watch this in the future, that's when this was was released is March of 2023. So some new things I want to share with the listeners about this new season coming up. It will still have amazing guests in it. But I'm definitely going to complement those guest interviews with more of my own sharings more sharings with TNT Spirit works with my partner, Tom. And also an opening episode like this one where I'm going to be talking about the upcoming episodes, the guests coming up and the energy that's around the certain episodes. So for myself, I absolutely love this podcast, I absolutely love sharing this information out in the world for all of you. So this podcast really is a mirror of myself. So for myself, when I started my spiritual path, I dove into everything. And I loved I still do I still love trying things I've I'm more discerning now with what I resonate with and what I don't resonate with. And I don't jump on every single thing. But I love having like a buffet line of spiritual items to choose from. So some days I may want to do Tarot some days I meditate. Some days I do oracle cards. Some days, I just connect straight on to my guides. So it really all varies. But having a variety is really key for myself. And so that's why this podcast really is the way it is. Recently, I was asked by another person actually an upcoming guest, he said to me, Theresa, is there any guests that you really like a dream guests, like someone you'd love to come on like Brene Brown or Eckhart Tolle or someone like that, you know, I thought and I said, you know, no, really, there's not, um, there's a, there's a platform for all those people out there in the world. And they are on all kinds of podcasts all the time. These are big people, right? But there's also hundreds of 1000s of other people out in the world sharing just

as profound information, just as profound services and their passion is just as profound as any of the really big thought leaders and leaders out in the world doing spiritual work. So my answer was no, I'm so happy with all the guests that come on my podcast because each one adds a little uniqueness of the podcast. It adds something a unique flavor also to my life because I also gain insights from all the guests that come on. And honestly, between you and I listeners, some of the guests that I had on I actually started working with after they came on so not only am I you know, sharing with all of you lovely people out in the world, how amazing the Mind, Body Spirit aspects of our spirit depart are. But I'm also I've found my so my own mentors around the world. And I've been working with them in the last couple years. So it's a win win win for all of us for sure. So in this first episode of season three, I want to share a little bit about the energy of where things are at right now when these upcoming episodes are being produced and also sent out to you guys. So the energy is the key word is endeavor. So to me that energy is about starting new, new beginnings. It's about maybe going on a quest, and really what it boils down to is coming Eating and showing up for yourself. And that's what I really want to highlight in this episode about the energy right now is really showing up for yourself. And how does that look for yourself and how how that looks for you and how it looks for me and other people is all going to look different, but really being authentic and being an honoring who you are as a soul, and what you've come to do and what you've come to explore, for your own journey. Because as I say, each time our journeys are unique, and committing and showing up for yourself is so important. So this month, I've got two amazing guests on one, his name is Daniel John, and he's a medium and he really works with around grief, and I help you connect with loved ones after they've passed beautiful soul on a big mission. And I said, I saw that too, as being a part of that endeavor. And that quest of really understanding what happens when we pass on and not having fear around that. And knowing that moving into another realm of really energy and just dropping these, these skin suits I like the sun Time column is okay. And it's just part of our evolution is part of what we do time and time again, through our through what our soul does here on the planet we born we die. So him and I, we had a really wonderful discussion and sharing about death and about, you know, really understanding more on that evolutionary level of where we are as a soul and how to really embrace that and not have fear and anxiety around it. Especially with so much in the world right now. So many people transitioning and in a lot of people going through a lot of things that are that are intense. So it really is a beautiful episode coming up this month. And the next couple couple episodes, depending upon when you're watching this, that I think you'll get a lot out of, and then the other person coming up the next few episodes, her name is Stephanie banks. And Stephanie is a channel intuitive, so she really channels spirit. And I can tell you her energy was so calming, so relaxing, and she really has a very beautiful presence around her that makes made me feel like, you know, like, wow, calmer and just that she really is connected to source. And so a lot of what we talked about was really that inner connection that we all have within us to connect with source and to connect with our our spiritual helpers. And having that guidance of maybe you might need someone outside of you to discern something, and to really help you. And that's what she's here to do. She's really here to support and really help bring forth messages that you and other ones around you may need to hear at the right time through spirit. So that is it was a lovely, lovely upcoming episode. And I hope that whenever you listen to it, you really enjoy it. 


So what I also want to do with this is this episode, I'd like to share a little bit a couple comments that I recently got from some, some viewers and some listeners of my podcast. So one comment comes from Daniela from Art Soul talking and she said, keep up the good word about

the things that unite us as humans. There's still more people who need to wake up to the subject than those who already woke up. And whoa, that was a powerhouse of a statement. And I just appreciate her so much for listening to it. She listened to a recent episode that really was all about how we're all one, how no matter what you call your higher source, God, Allah, whatever you call it, we are all one and really embracing that. And it was actually the episode with Kevin McFadden called the light of man that she was referring to so just wanted to do a thank you for Daniella for his her support and for continually sharing insights as well as beautiful words on some of the episodes that she's enjoyed. Then I also received one by Tracy Chaplin six to seven. And that one was said very useful. This podcast always has practical advice and action to take and make your life better. I love starting my morning with it. Thank you so much, Tracy, I'm so happy that you enjoy this podcast, and that you love sharing it in the morning and listening in in the morning. And honestly, that's a lot of what I'm about is making it practical. There are so many beautiful souls out in the world sharing in different variations and different different residencies. And so being able to make all this practical, making it practical that when you pick up a hunch and inside an impression from spirit throughout your day that you can discern that and you can get the message you need or get the insight for that moment or get the premonition of what's coming and so really making it practical even like energetically. You know, we walk through this world where everything is energy II. And no matter if even if a lot of us can't see all the different realms of energy, they're out there. So being able to discern and keep yourself cleanse and keep yourself buffered and keep your aura high as you move through, because I can tell you from my experience, and I do a lot of energy work on myself as far as trying to, you know, just keep myself intact and moving forward every day. But I too, have energies that move in on me. I just had one the other day where I was going to a restaurant with Tom and we were going to have lunch. All of a sudden, I felt in the in our car, I had a headache. And I'm like, what is what is wrong, I don't feel good all of a sudden. So went into this place, and I went to the bathroom, and Tom went and sat down. And I still wasn't feeling too well. But as I came out the bathroom, I saw Tom and I saw the waitress. So I kind of hustled over without even looking down. And there was a little ledge and I fell onto my left side onto my shoulder and my hip really hard. And I was like What in the world I fell because it was a step up that I didn't even see. And so it was pretty intense. And why I'm sharing this with you is because an energy moved in on me that I later discerned what it was I discerned what the you know, why did i Why did all that happen? But these things happen to us all the time. And we don't recognize or understand why did I fall? Why did that happen? Why? A lot of times it's outside energy. So again, back to your beautiful message Tracy is that making it practical? Understanding what what happens every day and why I mean, we don't have to understand everything. But there are times like that when I had that accent. I'm like, What the hell is this about? And so for my discernment, and regrouping, why did that happen? Why did that energy moving on me, what was that energy about really helped me shift my energy to a new understanding of discernment of when that comes in on me, and how to not allow that to have me fall all the time. Because if I fail all the time, my God, I would be not in a good place. So that was one way that I make. I make spirituality practical and all this that I do share with all of you guys. So another beautiful message was from Luther Volkman 4718, he said, or he said, awesome, awesome podcast, the only one that actually motivates me, and I enjoy. Wow, Luther, thank you so much for that comment. In the you know, I don't know how many millions of podcasts out there. And this is the only one that actually motivates you. That means so much to me. And I really appreciate you so much for saying that to for this podcast and for what motivates you and I'm so happy it does. And honestly, that's part of why I do this, because to give a platform to people to speak truths to, to share freely about mind, body spirit aspects of spirituality and getting the message out there. So even if every single one of these episodes may not resonate for you, there may be some that do more than others. Or in each one, there might be a little gold nugget that you might need to hear for your journey on that

day or that time when you were driving and listening to one of the episodes. So knowing that there are people out there that this this podcast does motivate just really mean so much to me. And I really absolutely appreciate it. So another one that I want to share was from Kobe funk 6746. And he wrote Love, thank you for this podcast. You're awesome. So I want to say to Kobe, thank you so much Kobe, you're awesome. And that's why I do this podcast. And that's why I am so excited about season three and about bringing new guests and new insights and new sharings because I think this podcast is pretty awesome myself and I love sharing enthusiasm with all of you out there. And it just means the world again that you know you guys leave these beautiful comments for me and these all came from Apple podcasts. So thank you all so much and all the other people that recently left message for me I appreciate you so so very much. So back to the energy of this month, which is endeavor. And you know, looking forward at the upcoming episodes I have for this next few few series, it's going to be amazing. And again, that's the new format is going to happen I'm going to have an intro like this where I'm going to be sharing the energy of the upcoming episodes, sharing a couple a couple guest episodes one with Tom and I for TNT Spirit works and then a closing episode. So I hope that you enjoy the new format. I hope that you enjoy the new guests that are coming this season and I am so excited about it. And then I also wanted to say that please make sure that if you not subscribe to this podcast that you do and that you also like and comment like some of these beautiful people did the other last month as well. Well as if you would like to support this podcast, there's a couple different ways you can do it. And they're all in the show notes. One is called pod inbox. And at pod inbox, you can just leave a support, you can actually leave a message you can actually do a shout out I can give a shout out for your name or business on my podcast. And so you can check out that there's also some other ways you can support the podcast that you will find in the podcast the notes so thank you all for listening and I hope to enjoy this new season it's gonna rock I love number three, so that means it's going to be rockin amazing with spirit by my side. So, until next episode, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.