Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

What’s Up Spiritually with Tom and Teresa Shantz

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 3

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This is our monthly episode on all that is happening spiritually in the world. In today’s show, Tom and I explore the idea of boundaries. When we grow spiritually, we do so at our own pace. As a species, humans often do not like change. When we go through change, there can be resistance from others. Tune in as we discuss how we set our own boundaries, how to respect the boundaries of others, and how to embrace your unique spiritual gifts.   

3 things to note when it comes to boundaries:

  • When we move forward in our spiritual journey, it can make others feel insecure because they are not at the same point in their life. Try not to get caught up in their insecurity. Be clear in your beliefs, but also give others compassion wherever they are in their journey. Lead by example.
  • We each have our own gifts that we offer the world. Everyone is on their own unique spiritual journey and we need to honor where each person is on that journey. It's not good or bad, it just is what is happening at this moment.
  • We are all mirrors of each other. What we put out in the world, is reflected back to us and onto others. That being said, be mindful of how you react to others. If you find yourself getting defensive, stop and think about how this is serving you or rather how it does not serve you.

Tom and Teresa Shantz started TNT SpiritWorks to help others along their spiritual journey. Prior to that, Teresa has worn many hats in her life. She served time in the US Air Force, has been a full-time Domestic Engineer (aka homemaker), studied Astrology, Channeling, and enjoyed her own business as a Massage Therapist and Healer. Tom Shantz earned a degree in engineering, served as an FBI Agent, and operated as a management consultant servicing corporate clients in the USA and overseas.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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But really all we're talking about with being psychic is and here's, here's the one thing I really wanted to share was, I'm just talking about my sensitivity, as a soul, as a, as you will, a light being as an energy being. Don't ask me all the ins and outs about that. But this you know, in our true feelings, we already know that 


whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit, works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Wherever you are in the world, welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host Teresa. And today this is an episode with Tom shots with TNT spear works called What's up spiritually. And this is going to be a monthly episode that we're going to do in regards to just kind of tuning into what's going on out in the world, what's going on with people and kind of getting some insights on how we can really maneuver through all that we're going through. So welcome, Tom. 


Thank you true. So it's great to be here. 


Great to be here in the midst of a lots going on in the world right now. Which I'm sure everyone is aware of. 



Yeah, that's right. There's a lot going on in the world, there always is there always has been and there probably will be for quite a while 


change is constant, right? 


That's right. 


So the topic I want to really kind of discuss is about boundaries. And the thing that I've noticed out, and some people I've talked to recently, and also in myself is that as as things are shifting energetically. And we're all shifting, and we're all you know, moving through different levels of 

consciousness, the people around us are having difficulty with who we are now, and who we were then and where our energies at. So I know for myself that definitely had that happening and going on, you know, for my personal aspect of myself and other relationships. And so I want to talk a bit about how to maneuver through these times and your energy and others energy around boundaries. So we'd like to share about that time. 


Well, the thing that comes to me first is that when I start to change and grow spiritually in it, and all that means for me is I begin to shed old concepts, old habits, and particularly in how I think about things, or not allowing the fear to move in on me or the stress to move in on me. And a lot of times that stress or that fear, I'm not even aware that it moves in until all of a 

sudden I get to this point of my sensitivity where I go, Oh, I'm a little a bit under pressure, as she says this to me, or as somebody said that or is this is happening. And so the as we peel the layers of the onion, you might say, of our spiritual growth as we're growing spiritually. And then the whole point of that is life gets gets better and smoother. And you know, I discover the rediscover the real knee. So, as that happens, so shifts happen, people around us get uncomfortable. And they don't they, they want to keep us in their little box of how they know how to deal with us. And they want us to play their games of not feeling secure. And you can't really blame them because they have nothing yet to replace it with. So it takes a bit of courage and fortitude or stamina, whatever you want to call it. It's not that hard. But you know, it takes a conscious decision to want to move forward. Because what I really want to say is, lately, I've been taking that as a positive sign that I'm moving forward when those folks around me are beginning to arc up, as we used to say in Australia or get uncomfortable. So they look for ways to try to pull me back into my old way of thinking they want to be as they want me as fearful as they are. 



Yeah, I think the word that came up when you're saying that is secure. So if someone is insecure what they're feeling inside and you're secure for where you're at in your journey, they're they're going to have issues with that because they're not feeling exact Please wear what I'm feeling or what you might be feeling listeners. And so it's really important to understand that we're all which I've said so many times as podcasts, but we're all on unique journeys. We're all having our own unique experiences. But of course, we do have to interact with people, especially those that are close to us in relationship that we might live with, or parents or grandparents who are at different places. So for myself, I know that my baby is really just honoring, like, where I'm at. And just also honoring what, like my mom or other people that are close to me where they're at, and what they've put together for themselves to get to where they're at right now. Because we're all unique people, you know, experiencing and unique souls, having these amazing experiences and trying to, like you said better yourself and really get to a place where I feel secure with who I am, how I'm walking around the planet. And what I want to do while I'm here, 


I think the big thing for me is as, as those shifts have occurred in my life at different stages and phases. Sooner or later, there's a point where I know that I know. And when I have that feeling secure, you know, somebody's encroaching on my boundaries. And I'm actually feel that I know that and I'm very relaxed about it, they begin to change because they, I don't allow them to do that anymore. So sometimes for me, it's just been having that, at least in my experience, my version of working with this is just allowing myself to be clear. And I noticed that when I haven't communicated my boundaries, clearly in the past, that the times that I start to communicate them can kind of come out rough, and probably a little stronger than I even mean to communicate it. That's okay, too, because I'm finally letting that dam burst, the next time I communicate will be smoother. And the more consistent I am with it, I really do those folks a favor, because they're really looking for an example. They don't know how to how to break out of it themselves. And, but they will say, you know, we lead by example. It's, uh, that's probably the one of the keys is we lead, you know, we lead by example, 


right, and also, that whatever we're feeling that resonates from us, and so those around us are feeling that. So I know for myself and like back to that security and, and really being okay with where I'm at and where you might be at listeners in your journey and the people you're working with around you. Is that knowing that, you know, it's all okay, there's nothing bad. There's not there's not there's not a good or bad, it's just where we're all at. And I know lately, too, I've been thinking a lot about the fact that there's so many there's so much going on the planet and obviously the last few years, obviously, all the time, right? I mean, if you look back in history has always been things going on. But knowing that I'm here right now, to have this experience, and my soul puts everything together to get me right here right now. And that to me is when I think about that bigger picture spiritually. It's actually liberating going oh my god, yes, I you know, I'm in this room, I'm sitting here with Tom, I'm on this podcast, I'm, there's, I put everything together to be right here. So to me, that's a really big aspect of understanding your journey and being able to like compromise, create those boundaries for yourself and others with love. But knowing that you know what, you're on a unique journey, and you put so much together to be right here, right now.


One of the, when people have breakthroughs in this area, you know, one of the keys to really having those breakthroughs is to listen to my spiritual helpers. Because we all have a version of how we do it, you know, there. There might be some people, for example, if I'm in business, I might be very clear about my boundaries. But when I get into my personal environment, I might allow my family to encroach, because there's concepts about family, you know, obligation or duty or, you know, we all have variations on these themes, these different concepts. What the way I do it is in the way I live it, my guidance can give me insight into that into that, and they can also give me solutions. So I think the other thing to remember is we're all just practicing and one of the key concepts that we work with in TNT Spirit works that we've had shared with us is that and I really don't see this very many other places is I'm already perfect. I'm just here on planet Earth, the unfolding new parts of me or new qualities, or relearning something that's so that I have it more clear, as I grow in my awareness. So you're just practicing, you're already perfect. And you're allowing yourself to just unfold those qualities that you already have within, and you already are successful, you're here in the first place you made it, you've got to organize as a soul to be here. So those are some of the ideas that help you know myself. 


Yeah. And so to piggyback on that, about the efficiency of relationships, and the people that we work with, in our family, or maybe in our business, or in our social aspects, too, is that we're all mirrors for one another. And I know that I've gone over this before in other episodes also, but it's so good to refresh it because of the fact that what I'm what I'm, you know, resonating and putting out there, someone's mirroring it back to me. And I guess we can look at this in the bigger picture of like, you know, what's going on the world with leaders with other people out there and what, whatever they're mirroring back to us. Sometimes it's not looking the prettiest picture, right. And it might even stimulate us inside. But they're mirroring something back in there that for myself that I need to look at, because what I see in you, I have in me, and now this is a biggie, guys. This is not a little concept. This is a really big one. But it's important as we move through our evolution and grow spiritually, is to understand that yeah, like Tom is a mirror to me, and I'm a mirror to Tom. And we definitely have our things we go through because we're to individual souls. And so is everyone else. So I know you have something you want to say on this, I might tell. 


Well, yeah, that's true. And also knowing what someone's first gift is, spiritually. In other words, what's that, that type of psychic perception that they work with. And, you know, we, when we're at our workshops, and when we're at the fairs, we do readings to help people find out what their four gifts are, and the order that they work with them. So if my first gift is a gift division, so I think in pictures, and you've probably heard me say that before, but you know, when a visionary is out of balance, they have tendencies, for example, to want everything perfect, or they could become bitey with other people. Now I remember, you know, becoming aware of that through one of the courses that we offer, and I thought, Oh, I'm not bidi. And then later, I was regrouping with my guidance, you know, which is just a fancy way of saying, you

know, I was sitting there reflecting and I asked my guidance, will you know, what, which one do I do? And they told me bitey, that gave you that number on the list of the couple of the key things. And I all of a sudden, what came to mind was times what I get a little bidi. And I never really thought of that as being bitey. But I've noticed that I can do that. So it might not be exactly the way I would have described by the or I would say how someone else does it, but I have my own version of it. So lately, one of the things that I've been one of the breakthroughs I've been making is just realizing that I don't have to get bypassed. That's not helping anything. It you know, my solution is to just tune back into how can I be of service if I can even be of service in the situation, because it might not even be my opportunity. I love the 


fact that you brought up our psychic perceptions and the the session that we do offer, like you said, at our fairs, expos, and also we do online, too, for our own clients. And in understanding these four aspects of our psychic perceptions and what we are, like Tom's mentioned about being a visionary being that his first gift of perception, my first gift is being what we call an intuitive, which is someone that's clear audience. And so being talking about how to balance in balance when I'm out of balance, I can be a control freak. I want everything my way. Hey, don't stop. Don't laugh, Tom. I guess he's gonna, you can confer that. Is that right? You confirm? Yes. True. She does get like that. And throughout the years, I've actually I mean, my whole life, I've been like this. And so sometimes it's you know, people say well, you know, she can be a little biatch right or I'm also a Leo so that's another aspect of you know, I've got strengthened me I'm a Leo um, you know, assertive, but no, it can be at control. I'm just wanting to control everything and like Tom said, for myself, I find that these days when I get that way, I'm not doing myself any favor and I'm not doing Tom or anyone else. I'm working with a favor. It's like it's making things worse. So it's really tuning in and understanding through like I said, the one of the sessions we offer which we share with you what is your gift order and that's important because understanding that my first gift is intuition. His first gift is visionary. Your first gift may be prophecy or may be a feeling. There's a certain way you communicate and a certain way you move through your life through that gift that really helps you understand who you are as a soul and how you work at a deeper level. 


It's all about being imbalanced and being imbalanced when we talk about that we mean with our thoughts and our feelings, or our true feelings is what we're talking about. So you've heard me say this before, our true feelings are not our emotions, emotions are almost programmed ways that we're taught to feel about things, or express what we're feeling. So it's legit to be angry about something if somebody's stepping on your toes or stepping across your boundaries. And it's legit to be able to communicate that you know, in a in a clear manner. Being spiritual is not all being is not all being Lovey Dovey, airy fairy, it's being real in the real world and making it practical. But finding that power within to be respectful, to be loving, to be clear with people, and to move forward and forge ahead. Planet Earth is a great school for that. And yet, we've got many levels of consciousness, I've often said it, not just a few, not just three, or four, or five, or six or seven, but probably hundreds, you know, you could check with your own guidance, though. So you know how to work with your guidance and just ask, you know, what, what are some of the numbers that you run across. So having that understanding is in that picture, allows me to accept what I'm going through better. But here's the good news,

you can navigate, you can circumnavigate, you can move through it, you can move through the gauntlet of life's experiences, as you know, as long as you trust yourself and your sensitivity, and the more that I do that, because all of us are kind of trained away from that, at least within the system that you know, we grew up in. And so sometimes it's about rediscovering that. And then going back to that childhood feeling of like, you know, when I just wasn't in the right place at the right time when things fell into place, and doors opened and, and then there's other times in life where it doesn't seem to happen. One thing I wanted to say about you know, being out when Theresa is not a control freak, unless she's a little bit out of balance. So, so she's either her intellect, she's overthinking or she's under organized. And so we, you know, we can all do that at one time or another. But my point is, is the wear and tear is more on her than anybody else when she's in that mode. In other words, she's more stressed out, then she's going to feel that physically. And so there's an idea there too. But I didn't want to get too deep into all this, but just shared that the solutions are beginning to work with my sensitivity. So there's a lot of talk about ESP and psychic. And there's lots of fancy words for spiritual things. In fact, one of the things that's been on my mind is how everyone seems to create their own language, for the same thing. And we can even say that, you know, psychologists talk about similar things that we talk about, and they have psychological language, or some of the religions, I was raised Catholic, you know, say similar things, but they have a religious language to it. Really, spiritually, there is no dogma or theology that's kind of over organizing an impression, you know, of my sensitivity, or the psychic part, or this mystical thing. They're great words to use to catch people's attention. And in a sense, or mystical, because we've covered it up. But really, all we're talking about with being psychic is and here's, here's the one thing I really wanted to share was, I'm just talking about my sensitivity, as a soul, as, as you will, a light being as an energy being. Don't ask me all the ins and outs about that, but this, you know, in our true feelings, we already know that. So a lot of what we share people often resonate with because they go, you know, I have a feeling for that, which is when that's when you buy something when you really feel it, you buy it. And that's that 


gut feeling like I know it this is this is true for me. 


Yeah, it's true for me, or I can relate to that. So we love to use those words, mystical, psychic, and all that sort of thing all coming in this and that and the other. But really, we're just talking about your sensitivity as a soul, that there is something more than what you see in this physical body, and what a great opportunity to be in a physical body on planet Earth at this particular time. And I know that many people might say, wow, it's a challenging time right now. Believe me, I'm aware err of that. However, the only way I can move through this is if I focus on what am I gaining out of the spiritually. So in other words, if I'm focusing on the breakthroughs I'm personally making, like, I'm beginning to be clear about my boundaries, I'm beginning to be what was the other thing I was sharing about earlier that I was discovering? Oh, you know, I don't need to be so bidi. That seemed like a cool idea when I used to do it. But really, I'm not helping my situation. I'm not, I'm not leading myself and others through that challenge when I get that way. Because it really comes down to the service. And I think that probably my final point would be, there's hope. I mean, there's hope for all of us. We Don't Die, we never have died, we never will die. Now there's a plethora of YouTube videos on people having after their

death experiences, and pre remembering, and all this kind of thing. And many of these things that people share are available to everybody. But then at the end of the day, with that information that I don't die, then how am I going to make the best of what I'm doing here? So, there you go. 


There you go, folks, what's up spiritually? Yeah, what's up? What's up spiritually is we all need to work on just keeping our energy intact, our boundaries. You know, really what came to me as you're sitting right now to is giving ourselves a break, damn, we put hard on ourselves, everybody, I don't know how you're feeling about your journey. But I know for myself, throughout my life, I've been probably the hardest on me. And where I'm at when it's like, no, this is a great journey, I'm doing the best I can and as well as everyone else's. And keeping that perspective for myself has given me really the freedom and that's one thing I want is meant to the spiritual freedom, just knowing that you know, yeah, like Tom saying, we're, we're all soul, we're all moving through this journey, we're here for a short period of time are moving out. And just getting that feeling that everything is going to be okay. Because we're there's no death. We're just moving through what we're doing here at the moment. 


So the next step is now that you're aware of that, how are you going to make that practical? Now that you know that you're psychic and you have premonitions? Or that you have visions? How do you make that practical? And how do you feel good? Or how are you mostly happy, mostly enthusiastic about what you're going through? I know, for me that when I discovered how sensitive I was, and, and how to work with my spiritual helpers, you know, those are those souls that are 100% positive, have mastered the planet Earth, and they're really just there to be of service, you know, and of course, we were raised with angels being Catholic and the word for Angel, it really just is a word for messenger, you know, of God or messenger of spirit. So, there's solutions. So world is actually the universe is actually, in my view, and my feelings are pretty benevolent place. And let's get you know, it's easy to get back to that feeling. But you know, it's okay to get a shot in the arm once spiritually, or if you go to the doctor, you know, you might need some medicine, or you might need them to fix your broken leg or something. That's all good. But, you know, spiritual growth is this ongoing unfoldment. And if you want to get involved in going beyond just becoming aware of your ESP and aware of your spiritual guides, and then how do I make that communication better and clearer and more practical, we're going to be at a number of places through the coming year and some of the upcoming events are Theresa, 


we're going to actually be in oelwein, Iowa, April 21, at the naturally doing our naturally psychic workshop, which is a two hour amazing workshop that tunes into all of these four psychic perceptions, and we do techniques and it's a wonderful way to come together and really tune into wow, you know what, I do have this awareness within me. And there's no woowoo it's just really like minded people coming together sharing this amazing event. Then on the 22nd We're doing an Earth Day event, actually an old wine I was still with vibes of Heartland who's

sponsoring it that's going to be an amazing day coming together with other again like minded people and sharing. And we'll be doing the Iowa metaphysical fair, May 21 and 20/20 and 21st mysid Fest in Omaha June 3 and fourth medicon in Kansas City, July 14 through 16th. And the Kansas Convention also in Kansas City, August 25 to 27th. And these are some of the events 

you can come to a we are doing. We're offering short readings, about your psychic perceptions tuning into those four gifts and we share with you what your gift order is. Also it's a way to come in. If you do that when you also could do another short reading with us which is about finding out how many spiritual helpers you have his lifetime. And in the midst of all these also we'll be doing classes and other events. You can also definitely check out TNT spirit works.com the Events page, they'll tell you where we're at beyond here, because this is just the next few months we'll be going a lot of other places this year too. And obviously, anything want to share about that time? 


Yeah, we're, we're getting the works to go back to Australia for a visit. Teresa's finishing up a book that's going to be published in a few months. And we've got a lot happening at TNT Spirit works, you know, our primary mission is to just pass along tools and techniques to help others become their own best Groover or their own best psychic. Now, we all need a little, we need to share with each other just like Teresa and I are sharing with you and we share with each other because it helps me learn or reflect upon what I'm learning and what I'm putting together. And once in a while a penny drops something Teresa shares or, or someone in one of our courses shares up. That's how I do it too. That's I want to release that, you know. So there's a lot of power in coming together. There's a lot of healing power. So but if you want this to be an ongoing thing in your life, so that you can really continually make it practical because there's always new challenges. I mean, I don't want to list all the challenges that are in the news today. But you know, every week there's something new so and have never ending in my 60s. I have to tell you it's always been like that, you know, I wish we've had there's always been something going on like Rosanna Rosanna Diana's mother used to say it's always something 


so funny. SNL How about. So what's up with that? Exactly. So we hope that you received a couple gems for your journey today from what's up spiritually with TNT Spirit works for this month, and we're so happy that you're here. And wherever you're at in the world. Thank you for listening in. Please make sure that you do hit subscribe, you like please share this with your friends and family if you know someone that might be interested to hear a little insight about who they are, what their psychic perceptions are about or their spiritual helpers, or learning about boundaries and where they're at energetically. Also, make sure if you'd like to please make sure that you comment on the episode how you liked it any episodes you might like to see in the future, any topics you'd like us to share on. And until anything else you want your time. Yeah, 


and we've got a pot inbox set up for the podcast. So if you'd like to ask us a question directly, and communicate directly, that's a great way to do it. And if you'd like to help support it, you know, there's some great merch that you can get. I love this cup that Teresa had created. It's

know, there's some great merch that you can get. I love this cup that Teresa had created. It's called I Love ESP. And of course there's a dual meaning there enthusiastically spiritual podcast as well as your own ESP. So there you go. So this is cool. People buy this one. This is a great one. We've got a few 


versions. And that's on TNT Spirit working on Comm Mert in our merch shop in our merch shop. We've got a lot of cool merch there. So 


yeah, to remind you to trust your sensitivity. There you go. The other thing I wanted to announce was that look for my videos on YouTube. I'm going to be doing episodes about the spiritual businessman and how to make this practical from that perspective. And coming soon coming soon. 


So until next week, just remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.