Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Be Open to the Journey

March 28, 2023 Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 5

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How do we become more blissful in our life? While there is no easy answer, we do know that the journey matters. It all starts with knowing who you are as a soul and being open to exploring the aspects of mind, body, and spirit. Your journey is unique, so resist the temptation to compare your spiritual journey to anyone else. Tune in as Teresa gives a pep talk and some practical advice on how you can be enthusiastic in your unique journey even when life is throwing you lemons.

Teresa has worn many hats in her life. She served time in the US Air Force, has been a full-time Domestic Engineer (aka homemaker), studied Astrology, Channeling, and enjoyed her own business as a Massage Therapist and Healer. Today, she is a highly trained, certified Spiritual Educator and Consultant who helps people in their personal and spiritual development through her company TNT SpiritWorks.

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Then check out our Spiritual Coaching Sessions. We can help you along your journey whether you are a beginner looking to explore or more advanced, ready to dive deep. 

Spiritual Coaching Sessions = https://tntspiritworks.com/beginning-spiritual-coaching/

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  • Website = https://tntspiritworks.com/
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3 upcoming guests were previewed on this episode: 

  • Dr. Winnie Wang is a medical intuitive and acupuncturist. She dives into shadow work to help you become who you are by moving through those dark areas. 
  • Odille Remmert helps people heal from traumatic times through subconscious reprogramming. This is a hot topic in the spiritual realm, this idea of diving into the subconscious. Get ready for some good insight into healing. 
  • Michael Andre Ford is an angel intuitive and helps people communicate with angels. He is a dynamic communicator who is enthusiastic about how he helps people with his gifts. 

Episode Transcript Link = https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WTBHkIOc1MkglCZLseMIFfa08o-5fCeW/view?usp=sharing

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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and each and every day depending upon where you're at, what you're going through how you're feeling is going to be really how you also gather that spiritual part of you and help move you into some of these places that might be where you want to be like more blissful, more joyful, even more happy, more satisfied with all the stuff I'm going through in my life. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker, or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you'd like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. 


Welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host Teresa. There's some key words that are being thrown around a lot in the spiritual community these days like dimensions moving from fifth to seventh to 12th, the 50th. Ascension, how quickly can you ascend? How quickly can you really tap into yourself and rise up like Jesus or Buddha? And some of these key words and phrases? Well, for myself, they're not real practical. Because as humans being as souls in physical bodies, and having this human experience, we really need to understand how to make all of it practical. So there's a key word that's really prevalent right now for myself that I really want to share with you in this episode. And it's a key word of bliss. So bliss also is a big one kind of like the joy even like enthusiasm, like I mean, how many days do you wake up and go you know what, crap tree so I'm not enthusiastic today. Like, there's a lot of crap going on in my life. And how do I capture that? Enthusiasm? How do I capture that bliss? How do I capture that joy for what I'm going through in life right now and to move through my day with paying the bills, taking the kids to their 50 Different errands, I need to run making lunch, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I mean, like all of it takes a toll on us. Right? So the word bliss and the other key words ascension and joy and, and even enthusiasm. They are

really keys to your intimate journey with yourself. And each and every day, depending upon where you're at, what you're going through how you're feeling is going to be really how you also gather that spiritual part of you and help move you into some of these places that might 

be where you want to be like, more blissful, more joyful, even more happy, more satisfied with all the stuff I'm going through in my life. So working with these goat with this end goal and this in mind, you know, it's really about step by step. And it's really about not, not comparing your journey to anyone else's journey out there, that you're unique, you've got your own journey. And step by step, you only know how you can reach those other potentials of enthusiasm and joy and bliss and love and harmony within you. So some of those aspects are reasons why I do this podcast because I love bringing on guests that really have unique perspectives and different services out in the world that you may or may not resonate with. So recently, I was at a metaphysical affair with Tom and TNT Spirit works. And I really shared with a lot of people the different aspects of mind, body and spirit and how, depending upon where you're at in your journey, will really depend upon where what you want to really tap into and where you're really ready to go to, like how wide open are you to exploring where you're at in your mind right now? How wide open are you to exploring your physical body and you know, the aches and pains and how to make it healthier and stronger? And how are you with really tapping into that wide open space of the spiritual part of your journey. So in doing this work, I really love to share again, how I bring on these people every single month, you know, week after week to have these amazing services and in the upcoming month. I've got some really dynamic souls who are coming on to share and one of them the first one is Dr. Winnie Wong. She is a medical intuitive and an acupuncturist. She's out in California and her main service at right now really has helped people understand about working with the shadow 


aspect of who we are, and helping you move through some of those dark areas, some of those hidden things that we have within us for maybe our childhood. And maybe even if you believe in this past life, I mean, all these areas of ourselves that are really hidden in the shadow. And so she's really tuning in, and she's honestly she's on a mission from God alone. She really is on a mission to help people move through things to help people understand where they're at, what they're going through, and how to move through that. So that's going to be an amazing, powerful episode coming up soon. The next one is with a beautiful soul named Adil remmert. And she is also about helping you move through some of your past issues of beliefs and subconscious crap. All of that's in our system, through subconscious reprogramming. And really looking back at when you were a child, what did you go through? What did you experience, what really affected you to your core, that you need some shifting on this area now, and I'll be honest with you, in being out in amongst, especially this past weekend, and the psychic fair, and seeing what everyone's out there doing and what other people are doing also out in the world and podcasts and different things. This is the hot topic right now is really tapping into your subconscious through either hypnosis, or through these reprogramming programs people have or acupuncture and really accessing this deep level. So I guess what I want to share is that you know, like right now as a collective, and where we're at energetically, it's really, it's like a broad, it's like being like wide open, like being broke open. And so all these things are coming to the surface now. And it is a divine time to step into and heal pieces and parts of you if you're ready, because it's your journey, and it's step by step. And you can choose however you want to move forward. But there is a big aspect right now to doing this deeper work to access the shadow sides of us and really being able to heal in order to move forward for what's coming next in your journey. So besides those two amazing souls, I also have another episode of our monthly What's up spiritually with TNT Spirit work, that's going to be where Tom and I

come on and just kind of share what we're noticing what's going on in the collective and what's going on energetically and, and different ways that you can use the practical side of spirituality, to work out with what's going on now and moving forward in your journey. And then the last person is coming month is Michael Andre Ford, who is an angel intuitive. And he helps people communicate with angels, as well as he communicates with angels and brings through messages. And I'll tell you what this guy, he is, he is dynamic. And he is passionate and absolutely enthusiastic about connecting with angels and helping you get those messages that you may need for your journey. So as you can tell the next month and the next few people coming up are really a wide variety of amazing souls and their services coming on to share with you. So I don't know about you, but I'm excited. And I can feel that inner bliss for myself, as these people come on to share because just like you being here, right now, we're all showing up. We're all being here to really explore what's going on to heal to be present in our amazing journeys. And so these next three or four weeks that these people are coming on to share are going to be this great time to get in tune with who you are as a soul, what you're here to do, connecting with your inner guidance, understanding your purpose and your spiritual thrust. And then the ultimate goal that I asked you to embrace is more spiritual freedom for what you've come to do. Because I don't know about you, but I want to feel free while I'm here and I want to really embrace more of that wide open intimate part of me so I can really feel the bliss and the the love that's that I have within me and sharing that with others which I know you have within you. 


So if you are in a place where you are trying to access, you know more even enthusiasm, like I said, getting out of bed What the hell what am I doing? How can I you know, move forward with what I have going on in my life. You can also check out TNT spirit works.com You can check out our events page, we've got a lot of really cool events coming up in the Midwest of America. If you're not in America, you can continually obviously listen to this podcast and connect with me on TNT Spirit works we've got some one on one consultations that I can help move you into understanding more about your psychic perceptions. understanding more about your personal team of spiritual helpers that you work with, and other ways to so you can always check out TNT spirit works.com And so I hope that you really embrace and enjoy these next games. 


So you've come on in the next month, the energy they're bringing forth. They're amazing services. And they're really ability to help you really rock the heck out of your journey and understand more about your healing and how you can heal and move forward in a divine find way. So that's just as many more so episode everyone, thank you so much for listening. Wherever you're at in the world, I'm sending my love and enthusiasm to you, hoping that you're having a good journey wherever you're at. And if you've not subscribed to this podcast, please make sure that you hit the subscribe button. Please share this episode or this podcast with friends and family. Let them know that, hey, there's people out in the world really sharing about how to make spirituality practical and how to really embrace more of who you are as a spiritual being in a physical body. So until next week, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.