Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Mindful Heart Healing with Dr. Winnie Chan Wang

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 6

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Anger, fear, grief, anxiety….we have these emotions swirling inside of us. It's part of being human. But these emotions are like viruses and if we don’t find a way to process them, they begin to attack our system. If you have ever been curious about shadow work, then this episode is for you. Tune in as Teresa talks with Dr. Winnie Chan Wang about the importance of shadow work, how to tap into your inner knowledge and how to stop blaming your parents for your trauma. 

Winnie Chan Wang is a mindfulness and traditional medicine expert, international speaker, bestselling author, and a professor in acupuncture at the Alhambra Medical University. In her private practice, Winnie applies integrative medical approaches (acupuncture, mindfulness training, and reiki) to help her clients reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, fear, and worry. 

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Connect with Dr. Winnie Chan Wang:

  • Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/honoringdarkness/?hl=en
  • Website = https://mindfulhealingheart.com/
  • Link Tree = https://linktr.ee/Mhheart

3 key takeaways from Dr. Winnie Chan Wang: 

  • You have all the knowledge you need inside of you. After a lifetime of overachieving including multiple degrees from MIT, it took an intense car accident for Winnie to realize her own knowledge was already within her. She just needed to tap into it. 
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, 70% of illnesses come from emotion. Anger causes the energy to rise and affects the liver. Many women get migraines around their period as it relates to the liver. To heal, we need to get rid of our anger.  
  • Once you start taking medicine, you don’t have to take it for the rest of your life. People often blame Western medicine for this instead of doing the deep work to change their lifestyle and explore their emotions in order to heal. 

Episode Transcript Link = https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VcItekzrlNAHsr6iC53V09kKGLUSiJZh/view?usp=sharing

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We are constantly transforming to the best version that we can be. And we're literally standing on the shoulders of our parents, ancestors and Giants, you know in terms of teachers, everybody. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path. This podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Welcome back to enthusiastically spiritual podcast. I'm your host Teresa. So today we're gonna dive into mind body and spirit with Dr. Winnie tun Huang, who is a mindfulness and traditional medicine expert, international speaker, best selling author and a professor in acupuncture at the Alhambra Medical University. In her private practice, Winnie applies integrative medical approaches, acupuncture, mindfulness training and Reiki to help her clients reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, fear and worry. She has the vulnerability of Brene Brown and the science based bracket background of Deepak Chopra, where she provides her clients with an integrative approach to how healing past trauma and challenges. Welcome Dr. Winnie. 


Thank you so much for having me, Teresa. And thank you all the listeners for tuning in. This is so exciting to be in the space together. 


It is exciting. And I will tell you first off that I love acupuncture. I have been a preset person using it for years and years and years decades. And I found it when I was going through autoimmune issues in my body. So that's I know a lot of times where people do find

autoimmune issues in my body. So that's I know a lot of times where people do find acupuncture and different Reiki and different things are going through. So how did you go down this path of finding acupuncture? 


You know, it's actually a really funny story. So in 2009, I had a spinal injury while I was giving birth to my second daughter. So this injury happened during the labor when I was pushing out the child and my spine became crooked. And if you can imagine a crooked spine means that everything that can hurt hurts, right. So it's like neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back pain, hip pain, ankle pain, the pain, and then my organs would sit in the wrong place, you know, and sometimes I'll like, you know, just lose control of my bladder and make a little accident just because things are not sitting in the right place, my organs are on the wrong place. And so I actually spend years feeling like a powerless victim, you know, like chronic anxiety and depression. You know, imagine all of a sudden, you can't dance, you can't play tennis, you can't do any of the things that you used to enjoy. You can't even sit in a chair for 10 minutes. And you know, this feeling like this is the end of the world. And, you know, you go down the western medicine route, you do the X ray and all these things. And they're like, Well, I can do surgery and like cut off a part of your spine, the last part of the coccyx, but there's no guarantee that the pain will go away. I'm like, Well, why would I want to do a surgery where there's no guarantee the pain will get better? Exactly. And so I kind of just felt really sad. Sorry for myself for years. Until and this is why it's so enthusiastically spiritual. One day, I was doing spring cleaning of my drawer. And I found an application to acupuncture school. I was like this is it. If there's ever aside that this is the solution to all of my life's misery. It's right here. And so I applied and yeah, so that's the story of how I became an acupuncturist. 


So, Dr. Weiner, you've also not only, I mean, do acupuncture, but you've come a long way with you have a degree from MIT, or you have two degrees from MIT, correct? 


Yes, yes. So and it's also funny how that happens. So I'm the girl with four science degree and valedictorian of my med school and all that stuff but then I never meditated one day in my life until this near death car accident was just a total wake up call for me. You know, I was just the most hardworking person you will come across perhaps that's my trauma of being an 

immigrant right? actually came with no family just me one person, so No Mom, no dad as a teenager. And the only way that I would survive is to work harder than anybody else, right to get a job, you know, those, you don't have network, you don't have nothing to fall back on. Except being the absolute best, you know, graduated valedictorian, all that stuff. So I used to be a workaholic. And, you know, instead of worrying about who I'm gonna go to prom with who I'm gonna date, and getting into all kinds of trouble doing drugs, or sex and alcohol, I just was addicted to work, that was my thing. And, and so then spirit, of course, had an intervention and gave me a near death car accident. Where I realize, you know, it's great to have a brilliant brain. But when I have a great brain, I'm always in the past and the future. I was holding so many grudges, like, I would remember everything that everybody did wrong. And then I would

worry about everything that could possibly go wrong in the future. So I was just constantly either in the state of anger or fear, and anywhere but in the now and just enjoying it. Yeah, so the the car accidents that me right, I started meditating every day and learn Reiki and then I became a spiritual healer. And oh, my God, I have to tell you something really funny that happened yesterday. So my client had a dog, and the dog had a little mass. And, you know, he hates taking the dog to the vet. Because, you know, the dog just cries and cries and, you know, can you imagine cutting open the dog to remove some, you know, a mass, kind of like, you know, we don't know if it's cancer or whatever, right? And I thought, hey, where are you? You've never studied dog anatomy and physiology, right? You don't have a degree in this. And you've never really interacted with healing animals. But why should healing animals be any different than healing humans? Because it's not me doing it? It's Spirit doing it? Right. So why do I think I cannot do it just because I don't have a degree and healing dogs. And, you know, just coming from my Hey, I got nothing to lose, right. And I gotta tell you, Ashley, the mask went down. And it's just just delight, the spiritual light that was able to come through. And it taught me such a fundamental lesson, which is when he is great that you work hard, but actually, you don't even need your degrees to do what you do. 


You got it all inside of you. Right? Yeah. What's interesting, because when I had a dog, I took him to get to get chiropractic care. And I know people that have done acupuncture with their animals at that point, I wasn't doing it. So but I definitely agree with bringing your animals and having them treated to because they they have energy and they have things going on. And so that's a cool story. Thank you so much for sharing that. 


You know, it's really funny too, because so usually, I do shadow work, right? I have a book on Shadow Work, and it's the Bible. It's because I'm nerdy. So I wanted to write a textbook. So I wrote the ton top 10 shadows that everyone should look at. And usually my process is I have I sit down with a client and I let them tell me what their challenges are. But because my client was a dog, right, I cannot ask any diagnosis question. Okay, how long has it been? How long have you had this pain? You know, it was just like, Okay, I gotta like fly. You know, kind of, I call it blind faith, right? Because I don't know what the heck is going on. I can't talk about the dots childhood trauma. Uh, what was your life before you got rescued? Okay, like, you know, I was like, there's no talk, right? So yeah, it was really challenging for my part. And I've never tried to be a medium because I'm like, Well, if I want to ask a question, I'll just ask my client, but then I was like, You know what, I need to talk to the dog because the dog has something to say, right? Yes, yeah. So I just said, when you have nothing to lose, try and ask the dog for message. And it was really interesting, because I was guided to put my hands on the dog's neck. And then I felt the messages come through the tips of my fingers, like, you know, kind of like electrical impulses was sent into my body. And I said, Okay, I know the message came. But now how am I gonna translate this? Right? I'm like, okay, just get real creative. Let just let whatever wants to come out, come out. And it turned out to be the diet, you know? Yeah. So the dog needed a different diet, the diet was high in fat, and that's why it was causing some, you know, I mean, if we get too much beef, and fat, we're gonna have the same problem. And so that was what the dog was trying to tell us. And I thought, wow, I have no idea I could do that. But just, I think sometimes people are like, oh, when he Are you, like spiritually greedy. You're like, you do this

and do that. But I tell people, no, it's like, the gifts come out of necessity. When you're like, really desperate. You're like, Oh, my God, like, I need to talk to the dog who could talk talk to me, please. 


Right. Exactly. Yes. You're using your intuition. You just you showed up, the dog showed up and magical things happened, right? Yeah. That's super cool. So let's talk a little bit about shadow work. Because a lot of people do this. And I'm really intrigued because I've never seen an acupuncturist really focus on shadow work. And so I'd love to hear a little bit about how you you tuned in and you really got the guidance to go that way in your practice. 


Yeah, so actually, in traditional Chinese medicine, we say that 70% of illnesses come from emotions. So you know, my classical example is anger causes your energy to rise. And it impacts the liver. So a lot of women, you know, we get migraine headaches, especially around menstruation. It's actually because menstruation is related to the livers function of storing blood. And without giving you a four year degree on this podcast. Basically, a lot of migraines and you know, even stroke, high blood pressure, these things can be healed if you gave up your anger, right? And the opposite direction is fear. Fear causes energy to go down. Right? So actually, recently I was treating this gentleman with you know, does pelvic floor dysfunction he's actually very young only 2425 but he had frequent urination painful urination, you know lower back pain and you know, erectile dysfunction and it's all psychological. And so people are like, well, when do you why did you write a book on shadow work when you're an acupuncturist? It you know, this is why I tell them I said, Imagine somebody came to me and said, when it can you help me lose weight? I said, Yeah, but if you're gonna eat 21 Cheeseburger a week, doesn't matter. I could be the best acupuncturist in the world. I cannot overcome your habit of eating 21 cheeseburger, right, right. So I can be the best acupuncturist in the world. But if you don't give up your anger and your fear, you're just gonna come back week after week and then you say acupuncture doesn't work because you know, I don't graduate from going to my acupuncturist. You might even blame your acupuncturist. You're like, acupuncture is addictive, right? Like, I gotta go, you know, and then I have to go the rest of my life. No, you do the shadow work, okay? You stop being angry and being afraid of everything, then you don't have to come see me 


anymore. And that's what we all want, right? As healers and as as you know, people out in the world doing spiritual work. We want to instill that in people being an active participant in their own healing. 


Exactly. I think Western medicine gets a bad rap. You know, a lot of people are Like, Oh, you know, once I take antidepressants, that's the rest of my life or once I take this high blood pressure medication, that's the rest of my life not true. You know? Are you actually dieting,

pressure medication, that's the rest of my life not true. You know? Are you actually dieting, exercising, meditating and doing all the wellness stuff, right? And if you don't change your diet and exercise, then yeah, you know, don't blame the western medicine. You just got to do the work yourself. 


And that's the that's the key to it. And I know for myself, like I mentioned the beginning, I found acupuncture when I had a big psoriasis and I had a big skin disorder and autoimmune, autoimmune symptoms. And so it helped me work through that. But again, like you're saying, I'm Dr. Winnie is that I had to go deep, I had to dive into what is this about? And it wasn't even about this lifetime. It was somewhat about this lifetime, but it was about previous lifetimes. And it just took me there. And I and I explored it, and I healed it. But it's, it's a progress. And it's like, the onion layer, you know, one after another? 


Yeah, thank you for talking about past life. Because, you know, I call myself the hacker, right. So, you know, when my clients come to me, let's say they have psoriasis, they don't care if it's Western medicine, Chinese medicine or spiritual medicine. You know, if it works, it works, right? Yes. And so it's this idea that, you know, we all have an iPhone, and we all have an operating system. If your operating system has bugs, it's going to crash. So sometimes, I get a lot of clients that come in, and they're really angry at their parents for giving them to childhood trauma, right? They're like, Oh, my mom's so critical. And my dad is so emotionally unavailable. And you know, what, I've been there and done that I've really got angry at my parents for all the childhood trauma they gave me. But actually, I like to think of them as iPhone 11.0. And I am iPhone 13.0, which means that, yes, they gave me a lot of programming that causes crashes. But they did the best that they could write their parents is like the 9.0. And then, you know, the 7.0 and five, three, like, and then it, we are constantly transforming to the best version that we can be. And we're literally standing on the shoulders of our parents, ancestors and Giants, you know, in terms of teachers, everybody, right? So did that our parents mess up? Yeah, but we're messed up too. I mean, I mess up my kids big time. Okay. Yeah. Me too 


big time. Yes, yes. Because we're doing the best we can do. We don't know what all right, 


no, no. And, you know, I can only hope that my daughter will be like, the 15th. You know, she's gonna be better than the version that I am. Yes, 


exactly. And so then adding in a course that part about past lives, which, you know, I think a lot of listeners of this podcast, probably believe or have had experiences, perhaps, in regards to

what some of their past lives may have been in mind just showed up in, in cranial sacral therapy really showed up in my body work. And it came out in different aspects of, you know, where I, where I've lived and things I've done in the past and, and then of course, it came up to because of the healing aspects. So adding that layer on to to the fact that yes, the parents are, you know, the concepts and beliefs we picked up from them. And then past life stuff coming in. It's like, it's a big, it's a big ball of what makes us up and what we have to work through as we're here on this planet. 


Exactly. So. And what's really interesting too, is we have a pandemic, and we know Okay, COVID and we can take a test that tells us of what COVID positive or negative and imagine these things like anger, resentment, shame, unworthiness, fear, grief, these shadows are like emotional viruses. So if I don't take care of myself, I can give it to my kids. Right. And as a practitioner, whether you are a talk therapist, if you're a massage therapist, if you're an acupuncturist. If you don't know how to protect yourself, can you imagine? Like, I'm an ER doctor and I'm going in to treat a COVID patient I have to put tubes and hook them up to ventilator. But I don't wear a mask, I don't wear protective gear. Right? Imagine you are a talk therapist or, you know, you're an acupuncturist and massage person you go in, you're touching people's past life, emotional viruses, but you're not protected, right? This is why I am so enthusiastic about mentoring other people because actually, my first year as an acupuncturist, I was helping a stroke patient, and some negative entity came on to me. And it was really funny, because I remember I know specifically the moment that that negative energy came into me. And I'm very blessed to have really great mentors who did take care of me. But you know, so now I'm like, you know, everybody, you got to speak energy, you got to speak protection, because otherwise, you're walking around, unconsciously passing your viruses to your children, your best friend, your husband, and you can be catching on protected from your friends. 


Absolutely, if people could see what we, what we walked through and move through every single day, energetically in our homes, in our environments, moving out into going to the you know, the stores, it's mind boggling, because I'm right there with you, you're speaking to the choir, because I discerned energy every single day, I'm very good with keeping a buffer and doing my, you know, my aura cleansing, but, man, this place is full of energy. And so I know recently, you were on Instagram, you did some posts in regards to some of the situations going on in the planet right now, that are very traumatic for people, and putting out the, you know, the plea of hey, people, you need to, you know, understand how to work with acupuncture, how to work with other healing modalities, because we're going through so much energetically and traumatically emotionally, that people are not getting the help. And so they're acting out and they're having these horrific things that they're doing. And it's going to continually happen until people like you and get out in the world and really share this message that is so profound of how we can really help ourselves because it all starts with us, and then move out from there. I mean, you know, there's always going to be people on the planet who are going to do horrific things. There's no question it's, you know, part of what, you know, unfortunately, the there's the, you know, the the positive and then there's a negative, it's always going to be here. But being able to be okay with who we are and moving through this world is, is challenging. So Dr. Whitney, I'm so happy that you're here to share this with my listeners and with hopefully the

people they share this podcast with, because it's so important for all that we're going through right now. And like I said, I've got chills I say that. So I know this is such a topic of you know, a heated and heartfelt topic that you came upon recently and shared on Instagram. 


Yeah, so just to update the listeners. About two weeks ago, there was a mass shooting 20 minutes from my house. And it turned out it's not even, you know, what we call like, a race crime, right anti Asian hate crime. It was just a gentleman who was jealous that his ex wife was dancing with another man. So he went into the ballroom with guns to shoot everybody. And so this is really an example of the shadow of anger. Right? So and instead of pointing the finger at that man, right, like why what's wrong with that person is to look that we all have anger. And the way that we can do something about it instead of feeling like oh, here's another mass shooting. I'm a powerless victim, you know, unless something happens with you know, the government. I just feel powerless. No, not true. As it turns out, we are more connected than our wildest dreams. So each of us can make a choice. Our choices we don't do the work and then we walk around unprotected from other people's anger. We can get triggered left and right by our kids, our parents, right think about Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. And at the workplace, right, everything that doesn't go away, we get triggered, let's be honest, right? Or we could choose the other way which is we do the inner work of finding compassion. For our own anger, right, it's almost like we give ourselves the big hug. And so when other people are angry, we're like, oh, well, I can relate, you know, I've been there. Actually, in my book, I talked about my divorce. And one time, I was so angry, that I actually saw with my third eye, like a knife into a heart. And I was really shocked at that moment that I had that darkness in me, like, I wanted my ex to feel the pain in my heart. And that's why I was shown that third eye image of a knife in the heart. And, you know, ever since that moment, where I got clarity that I, when I am in pain, I want the other person to feel the pain that they gave me. So I realized that it is my responsibility to heal my anger. Forgive him, forgive me, so that I don't have to walk around as a threat to myself, to my children to everyone in my community, right. So really encourage everybody to pick up the book or, you know, take my course, or just simply follow me on social media, right, where we can do the shadow work together, because, you know, I really believe that we also have like this broken healthcare system, right? Like, we focus on what's wrong with the person. Instead of we focus on the light that is in the other person. And I'm actually in the process of writing a book called unlocking the light. Because when my clients sit down, I don't want to just focus on what's wrong with you, I want to bring out that source light, you know, your spiritual authority. What are you here to do? What is your life purpose? I want to bring that out. Why? Because if you analyze what is anxiety, what is depression, anxiety is because you don't trust yourself. Because you're disconnected. Depression is because you're not living what you came here to do. Right? So anxiety, depression is not taking a pill. 


Right? That's covers it up. 


Yeah, exactly. Mask. Yeah.


Well, Dr. Wen, he also want to really talk about Urawa regular maintenance, because, you know, when I found acupuncture, I had already been on a healing journey. So I hit was in massage therapy school, and then all kinds of work and stuff. But, but then I was guided to go to acupuncture and start deeper and you know, and what I was going to heal, but have regular maintenance, the importance of that, and in the practice of someone's, you know, life is so important. I'd like you to talk a little bit about that. 


Yes, I hope every one have you brush teeth twice a day or regularly. Okay? So that's the same as if you have a yoga or Qigong practice. If you do that every day, that's like cleaning your energy, like brushing teeth. And then you know, if you go to the dentist twice a year for deep cleaning, in my humble opinion, everyone should get acupuncture minimum once a month. And that's just imagine not flushing a toilet for a month. Okay, how gross that is. Okay, just going to an acupuncturist once a month, in my humble opinion, is the bare minimum of flushing all the toxin and buildup that is in your body because of all the you know, unconscious anger, fear, grief, we got stuff stuck in our body, the body keeps a score, you know, the lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidney, it's just holding a lot of stuff. So instead of waiting till you have enlarged prostate and breast cancer, please go see an acupuncturist once a month. And then if you're actually having what I call an active episode, right? So, if you're having active anxiety, or you have, you know, an active flare of psoriasis, that might be two or three times a week, right? And this is so much better. Because acupuncture is helping you restore your balance, your yin yang balance your five element balance is basically putting your body into a place where it can heal itself. Right? I always joke, you know, hiring me, it's like hiring a plumber, okay, I walk around your house and be like, Okay, this sink is clogged and that pipe is clogged and, okay, I stick a needle here, I stick a needle there. And literally, I am just reconnecting all the circulation in your body. Right? Imagine I walk around the dark house and flip the light switch in this room and flip the light switch in that room. Right? Why would it you choose to have somebody turn on the light in every room of your body? Right? Why do you want to be stuck in your pain? Right? 


Well, that's I believe, it's also because people are different places, energetically. So again, you know, with my listeners of this podcast, there, I'm sure in a place where they're either coming into their spirituality or they're they're already going down the road and just looking for different modalities to add in or listening to beautiful people like you Dr. weenie of sharing, you know, some of your, your tools and techniques that you offer and ways that they can really enhance their journey through Shadow Work through more acupuncture and different aspects of you know, what your offerings are. So it's so important that we, you know, we get this message out, and which I know, you know, because we're obviously both passionate about, you know, helping people really understand the importance of the energy field, their body, their mind, bringing it all together in a beautiful array of healing that they can walk around and be in this earth in a better place and a lot of people are at right now.


Yeah, well, one of my famous things that I tell everybody is, if you want to know if ice cream is sweet, try it. Okay, we can talk about how great acupuncture and Shadow Work is on the podcast. But until you have stick your tongue into the ice cream, we can spend hours telling you how good the ice cream is, but until you have actually tasted it with your own body. Oh, yay. Okay, so then when you do acupuncture and shadow work, you're going to have this wow. This moment like, Wow. I've never felt so much peace. So much clarity. It feels so good. To be back in my body to be me again. To be authentic to to really be in love with myself again. Yeah, yeah, let's go try it. 


Go try it. So let's talk a little bit about where you're located at Dr. Wynn. So you're obviously in California in Southern California, correct? 


Yes, about 25% of what I do is local. But most of what I do is books, podcasts, online courses. So yeah, I encourage everybody to check out what I have to offer. 


Without a doubt and it'll all be in the show notes so you can get a hold of Dr. weenie and read her book, do some shadow work and shift your whole being I love it. Dr. Whitney, thank you so much for being on today. It's been an absolute pleasure. 


Thank you. I love you, Teresa and peace to everybody who is listening. 


Thanks for listening to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, and a big thanks for Dr. Winnie for coming on today and sharing her expertise in acupuncture shadow work and helping her clients heal from the inside out. If you've not subscribed to this podcast, please make sure that you do so you don't miss any of the upcoming episodes that happen every Tuesday. Also, please make sure you like comment and share freely with your friends and family. If you would like to support this podcast, please find pod inbox in the show notes. And it'll take you right to a place where you can support the podcast. You can leave me a message you can also get a shout out for an upcoming episode all in pod inbox. So until next week, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.