Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Find Your Bliss

April 18, 2023 Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 8

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Many people feel a sense of disillusionment right now with systems, leaders… the state of the world. Considering what has happened in the past few years, this isn’t surprising. In order to grow spiritually though, we as humans need to peel away this numbness. It's time to reconnect to ourselves, our energy, and our sense of feeling. In this episode, Tom and Teresa dive into why it is so important to reconnect with your feelings, the methods they use to do this, and how to find your bliss in everyday moments. 

Tom and Teresa Shantz started TNT SpiritWorks to help others along their spiritual journey. Prior to that, Teresa has worn many hats in her life. She served time in the US Air Force, has been a full-time Domestic Engineer (aka homemaker), studied Astrology, Channeling, and enjoyed her own business as a Massage Therapist and Healer. Tom Shantz earned a degree in engineering, served as an FBI Agent, and operated as a management consultant servicing corporate clients in the USA and overseas.

Connect with Tom and Teresa at TNT SpiritWorks:

Listen in as Tom and Teresa share about: 

  • Teresa’s new book coming out- The Soul Quake Survival Guide: Reviving Your Connection to Spirit in Earth Shaking Times. Started in 2020 and finished this year, this book will help you navigate these spiritual times. 
  • The importance of understanding your energy state. When we are feeling distraught or stressed, we can’t really connect to our true selves. We need to reset our energy in order to reconnect

Join Tom & I on September 21, 2024 to explore your 4 psychic sensitivities and start making them practical today. Reserve your seat here!

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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One of the things that occurs to me is as long as I'm hopeful, and I enjoy the pleasant situation that I'm in, that can lead to, you know, my bliss. It doesn't have to be a big, you know, deal where I'm meditating on the mountain that I'm having some transcendent experience. I can be playing music, and it's very blissful. But I need to I know for myself, I need to just allow myself to accept the bliss of the moment. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path. This podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit, works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax, because another enthusiastic episode starts now. 


Welcome back to another exciting episode of enthusiastic Lee spiritual. I'm your host, Teresa. And I'm Tom. And this is our monthly episode of TNT Spirit works. And we're going to be talking some practical spirituality and seeing what's going on in the collective. Yeah, we like the theme of what's up spiritually. And one of the things I've been noticing, you know, I'm a drummer in a band in a country in western Bandha. I've been doing that around the local area here in Des Moines. And 


I've noticed that when I look at people in the audience, they look like they're a little bit discombobulated are under pressure at first. And so I was wondering to myself, what is up with that spiritually, because, you know, we work with some tools and techniques, that sort of forecast what's happening for us in terms of spiritual growth, and where to focus for that. 


That internal, you know, feeling good about ourselves kind of thing. And the month of April, there's a key word of bliss. And I have a couple of personal key words of

there's a key word of bliss. And I have a couple of personal key words of 


hopeful and pleasant. So I have to say to myself, you know, with all that's going on in the environment, without getting into any of that, here, it's, it's pretty, I can see where people are a bit shaken up. And so how do you reconcile that, you know, spiritual side of life, and all these folks that we run across that are spiritually aware, I mean, we, we talked to lots of people. And, you know, as you know, they all share, that they're more aware of things spiritually, and their sensitivity and so forth. So, you know, I think we have to find, well, where's the bliss in all this situation? Well, interesting is to say that because I've had this this week, I've had a couple of interviews, and the people that came on really shared more about, it's about coming from the heart and feeling. So I think what people are doing right now is a lack of really feeling. It's kind of a numbness and I get it, like, everyone's going through all kinds of stuff and all kinds of different variations. But it's getting back to that true feeling of who we are as a soul, that kind loving part of us, and how to access that, as we move through all this chaos that's here on the planet, which is never going to be ending, it's just going to be different variations of chaos. So well, are challenges. Okay, yeah, challenges, chaos, whatever, you know, whatever that word work works for you and what is going, what you're going through at that moment, because sometimes it can feel like a roller coaster, sometimes it can just feel like, you know, I'm just a little a little speed bump in my road, you know, as I'm moving ahead. So it kind of varies upon what word like I said, you really kind of want to use with that so well, and also you're 


getting your book published, which is really there to help people with all that. So what's the title of the book, The soul quake Survival Guide, reviving your connection to spirit in earth shaking times? Well, we really need that, don't we? Well, it's interesting because that books been birthing like since 2010, is when I started it and yeah, it's like all of a sudden it comes out in 2023. And it's unbelievable how much it really kind of in parallel to what I'm feeling people are going through and what you're noticing when you're out and about it's your gigs and and other things too, and what people are really, we're feeling because you know, I mean, as we walk around the we don't know what people are really going through, right? I mean, we're all going through all kinds of stuff, but I can feel it. Can you feel Tom? Yeah, and I can see it you know, I my first gift is a gift of vision. So I think in pictures and I see it in the faces of people, and I can read their energy. So what I can see is going on is a little bit of all my 


God, what do I do with all this? And many people will experience that sense of disillusionment with things outside themselves, the systems, the leaders, the, you know, whatever's out there. And that's all part of the process of growing spiritually, because a big key for me, and what we'd like to share with people is that, you know, if you look within, you can find your own answers, and you can weather the storm, and really turn whatever challenges you're going through into more positive experience. So it's not about, you know, 



creating is much 


the optimistic viewpoint, optimism is just an idea that things are going to work out. Okay. But, and that's a good thing. You know, I'm not against that, but with being positive no matter what's happening, if I look to the positive. And so let me ask you, how do you look to the positive 


in the challenges that come up for you? Well, I mean, the number one way I've done it in the especially the past few years that I believe in Connect, the more of who I am as a soul is by working with the spiritual part of me, which is what you and I talked about all the time, because the fact that when I understand what's me what's not me what I'm feeling and picking up from others around me, and this happens to me all the time. I'm constantly feeling things and going, you know, is that me? Or I'm having a thought, and I'm like, Wait, where did that thought come from? That's not me. So being able to understand that when I have this backache, that's not mine, and then my mom, two days later, go, you know, Wednesday, I had the worst backache, I'm like, Oh my God, that's the night that I back was hurting me so bad. So in knowing that bigger picture and understanding that that's not my energy, and staying relaxed with Okay, so what do I do with that when it comes at me? Well, once I recognize that, that is not me, and that that was my mom, or I really probably should have, I should cleanse and just ask my guidance to come in close. Okay, so guidance, what is it that pain all about? Because I didn't have the back pain all day, I didn't have the back pain until a certain time. And then, like I said, she'd mentioned two days later that my god on that night, I had back pain so bad, and I'm like, holy cow. And so just understanding and getting that realization, this is not me, it dissipates. For me, that's what I've noticed, because it's not mine, okay, then I can cut that energy at that, Hey, would that that feeling of the back pain or the headache I have, which is from you know, the neighbor or the person in my house, I can then cut that energy and, and cleanse myself and really understand that that's not me. That's how I work with it will list the energy part? You know, and I think the, the added bonus is when you have spiritual helpers, or spiritual guides that you can tune into, and get some more information. So what I would do in that situation is, I would check with my guidance. Okay, where am I picking this up from? I'm I, I sense it's, you know, I'm picking this up from my first impression is, it's my mother, let's say, and okay, so why am I picking up on this? What is there anything I need to be do about this, you know, am I here to be of service with this, and what is my direction, you know, and sometimes it's just to be aware, you know, be aware of what others are going through. And sometimes it's to give a friendly phone call to lift somebody spirits or, or showing a bit of kindness and that kind of thing, because it goes a long way with with healing. So anyway, often, instead of assuming you know, that certain things I need to do, or I need to do some things out of obligation, if I can tune into 


that fulfillment that I get from being of service. And I work with spirit to know when I move in, and when I don't move in, to allow people to have enough opportunity so they can have their

and when I don't move in, to allow people to have enough opportunity so they can have their learning experiences. You know, to me, that's a big key. So it's a combination as Teresa sharing of sensitivity, I am sensitive, and we like to talk to people about the four types of ways people perceive their impressions and primary means and so forth. And then there's also working with inner guidance. And as you were sharing, Theresa, you know, working through my feeling part is where the answers are, you know, there's an area that I want to talk about. 


And often when people look to do spiritual work or spiritual things, you know, some of their training is to ask for protection or for asked to be saved. And often they're in the midst of the drama when they're asking to be saved. When and what I found is many of those situations that I found myself in I was really ignore 


During the flags along the way, or I wasn't trusting myself, I was kind of in automatic mode. And in fact, you might call that just being in my head being a little too intellectual. But the big key is, it's, you know, spiritual things aren't something I figure out. 


They're, the intellect helps me organize what I'm feeling. And I need to know where I begin and end with that. So there's a little hint there. And that one of the things my guidance has been sharing with me is that, you know, when I'm under pressure, and when I'm really distraught, is not really a great time to 


try to tune into them, I need to do something to change my energy. And one of the techniques we share with people at our workshops, and is the spiritual cleansing technique. And it's a way of re centering yourself and getting back to that good, kind, loving sharing part of you. And, you know, there's times when we have reactions to things I've noticed, and they do hit us, you know, like, even at all the experience I've had, Theresa and I were sharing about something the other day, where 


friend of ours kind of stimulated a reaction in us. And, you know, instead of me just gutting it out, and I want to ask you how you work with it. But in the past, I would just like, Okay, well, I don't feel great about this, but I'm not gonna you know, I just got a muscle through it. And in a sodas, so to speak, you know, and it'll pass kind of a thing. But then again, it'll come up again with somebody else, and I'll get stimulated. So until I look at what's causing this discomfort, or this disease within myself, I'm going to keep experiencing it. So, you know, one of the things we did was we we chatted, we both got key words from our guidance, and we sort of chatted

about how we have similar vibration, and our selves, Teresa myself in this certain area. And you know how to move through that in a more clear way so that we're not so stimulated by that silly little thing to it's not even something big, it was a little thing that just sort of, you know, rocked our boat a little bit emotionally, you might say, how do you work with it? Well, it's interesting, because when this surfaced, and it obviously was silly, both know, and it was something that I'm just a situation that happened. And so the first place I go to these days is well, of course, first I was I was hurt like, Well, why? Why is it happening? I mean, and what did I do, which is a lot of times the places people go, right, okay, so what did I do? How did I, how did I make this happen? And then I recognize, and that's what where I'm at now is that a lot of what people are projecting onto me is not even about me, it's not about what anything I've done to them. But there's an awareness and like, Tom was mentioning, there is something in me that triggered whenever this happens. So looking at that for myself, and going okay, so how do I do that to other people maybe, or when did the show, you know, the past where I had to, you know, to work through it. And again, you know, this is like those layers of onions, like, you know, it's, you know, as a spiritual being in a physical body, we are layered, and so, you know, some people might go through and go, you know, oh, it's a time of let me let me ascend, and let me get this bigger place of spirituality. Well, that's great, and all but we have these layers that have got to be, you know, taken one layer off, and then there's another layer and I truly believe, have layers until the moment I pass on and move to, you know, back in the spirit form, because that's what I'm here to share about. And that's what I'm here to work through is understanding that we are we have all these layers and things like Thomas mentioned, that happened to us, you know, what, this person just triggered a something that was at a deeper level. And so for myself, I have, you know, besides the work that Tom and I do, I have, you know, people that I work with, also, as my spiritual, you know, my team, my, um, my healing team, I'll call them in different things. I mean, I've got yoga and astrology in different ways that I, you know, work through some of the processes, as well as Tom and I regrouping really on a daily basis in the morning and at night, you know, what's gone on today? And what things do we need to kind of like, you know, look at at a deeper level. So that answer that question, Tom? Well, I think so. 


That's a long answer to the one little question so how do you do it Teresa? 


But big key for me is checking with with my guidance, you know, there's a combination and working with my guidance. It's a combination of trusting my feelings. And 


and there's times when I attract certain situations, or it looks like attractive, but I really, in this particular situation, I saw the flags the signs coming up for months before 


And when they did show up, I was a little bit like surprised. But why was I surprised because I

And when they did show up, I was a little bit like surprised. But why was I surprised because I was picking up on it for months. And I guess it takes two to tango is one of my favorite lines. And that, you know, there's a lot of talk in this world about what others are doing to me and 

how they treated me. And that kind of thing. But usually, you know, there's a little something, and this kind of takes a leap of, you know, spiritual trust that, you know, there's a little something I'm doing to keep attracting the situation, or I keep, I keep getting stimulated by it. And I guess, truthfully, you know, we're always going to get stimulated by certain things that keep us from our bliss, you might say, I mean, and I'm talking about this is just a little a little sort of thing that happened, and almost didn't happen. It's kind of why we're talking about it. But, you know, you look at that keyword list, and there's a lot of talk about that, in the spiritual realm. And, but really, it comes down to me recognizing what concepts are, what emotional fears do I have, you know, what beliefs are not working for me, what our limiting beliefs. And what's great about sharing with other people, and sharing with like minded people is we remind each other, that, you know, we're souls we're here to learn to grow, and there is no death. And that not only is there no death, we actually have spiritual helpers, souls who have mastered the areas we're looking to learn about and, and master that, you know, love us and love to be of service. So, you know, to me, that's what what's up spiritually is, is that I'm not expecting to walk on a path where I'm perfectly blissful all the time. At that moment, I'll probably be checking out so I can go work on something else someplace else. It's a weird thing to say. 


Yes, I guess, well, what I want to say is back to the bliss, and I'm back to being practice practical with your spirituality, which, honestly, is what we're about we, I mean, like, we live this everybody we don't, it's not like, you know, hey, what, you know, this is our two to 4pm. You know, now we're spiritual leaders know, we live our life like this every single day. And that's what we've come together to do, really. And I mean, we've come together to do a lot of things, but that's one of the most amazed that's the overload overlaying you know, component or a big umbrella is about our spiritual work. So which we both love so much. But what I want to end this with really is that back to that bliss, but how the subtlety you know, moving through life, and you know, when we talk about spirituality or spirits, things that happen, people like, Oh, my God, you know, you had an ND E or you had, which is a near death experience. Or, you know, you had an awakening where, you know, you had this heart filled thing, well, no, like, every day, we these subtle things can move in on us and Ando, we can have subtle, beautiful moments of bliss, that are something that maybe some people may not really talk about much because like, you know, yeah, I woke up today, oh, my God, I feel I felt so good. I felt so refreshed. That could be bliss. It one of the ways you think could be bliss, Tom? Well, I think, you know, when I work with spirit or my guidance, and you know, what I'm talking about courses, and I love to say this there, you know, it's the highest source that's available to me, they're 100% Positive. And, you know, it's all about evaluating what I'm doing, not judging myself for doing. And, 


you know, if you want to feel guilty, that's okay. Go feel guilty for a minute or two, and then evaluate what you're going to do differently and move on, because that's how spirit really works.


And that some of the things we talked about in the courses, that there's a great piece and a great level of understanding one can attain if one just bothers to ask, 


you know, one of the things that occurs to me as as long as I'm hopeful, and I enjoy the pleasant situation that I'm in, that can lead to, you know, my bliss, it doesn't have to be a big, you know, deal where I'm meditating on the mountain, that I'm having some transcendent experience. I could be playing music, and it's very blissful. But I need to, I know for myself, I need to just allow myself to accept the bliss of the moment. That's the thing that occurs to me, despite what's going on around me, because I don't have a lot of control over everything, but I can be a healing influence. If I stay positive. If I stay relaxed, if I move with spirit in terms of I move with my guidance in all my relationships, and that I had that mutual 


Respect, you know, my rights begin where your rights end and vice versa. So I know that those are those feel like some good notes for me to work with for April. Yeah, absolutely might come comes up absolutely and beyond because these are you know practical just words and wisdom and insights to just really give you a bigger picture for where you're at and also working with other people around you because we're all in different places, even those deals we love and work with and live with, like Tom and I were at completely different places, even though we're on the same parallel, you know, as far as what we're doing with our spiritual work and etc. But we are on where, you know, different ages and different cycles. And so, yeah, just finding your bliss, however you can with the people, you're I'm actually much younger than Teresa. I just look older. Well, if people are listening to us, they can't see what you look like. But if you're watching on YouTube, you can definitely see what Tom looks like. So, yeah, well, that sounds great. And there was a couple of things that I just wanted to note that, you know, what we share here is just meant to stimulate some thought for yourself 


and maybe 


reaffirm some of the insights you've been getting. And, you know, some of you may be very masterful in the areas that we're having challenges in, and some of you may need and we may be married very masterful in some of the areas you're having challenges in. So it's great to share with like minded people. And we appreciate the opportunity to share with you and remember there is no death, your soul, your energy, you have spiritual helpers, and allow yourself to accept that positive guidance so you can live your thrust what you came to do your unique thrust, you know, more clearly more easily and more of the time. Well said Tom, thank you very much. So if you if anyone out there wants to know more about working with the

spiritual part, then you can check out TNT spirit works.com. You can also go to the show notes and check out the early bird list for my book, The soul quick Survival Guide, reviving your connection to spirit in times and shaking times. And earthshaking time. Sorry about that. 


And see, I'm kind of shaking too. How about that? Maybe I'm having a little soul quick right now. 


I don't think so. reviving your connection to spirit and earth shaking times. And until next week, just remember that life is too short to 


not be enthusiastic about your unique journey. There. You said it. See you guys next week. Bye. Bye.