Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Discover How Tuning in to Your Own Orbiting Energy Can Transform Your Life

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 14

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Welcome dear listeners to our introductory June episode. This month we will be focusing on the theme of orbits and the energy that orbits around you in the form of soul quakes. Soul quakes are those profound moments in our lives when our inner being undergoes a seismic shift. It’s like the tectonic plates of our souls collide, shaking us to our very core. These soul quakes can be triggered by significant life events, spiritual awakenings, or moments of deep introspection. Join us today as Teresa will be exploring how to navigate and embrace these orbits of energy as well as introducing the upcoming June guests on the Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast. 

Teresa has worn many hats in her life. She served time in the US Air Force, has been a full-time Domestic Engineer (aka homemaker), studied Astrology, Channeling, and enjoyed her own business as a Massage Therapist and Healer. Today, she is a highly trained, certified Spiritual Educator and Consultant who helps people in their personal and spiritual development through her company TNT SpiritWorks.

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Listen in as Teresa talks about:

  • How we all experience soul quakes within our

Click here to watch FREE VIDEOS around your journey from The Wayshowers College

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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I stopped and I discerned Okay, look, what is this about? And so I'm like, Okay, well, this energy that moved in that orbited around me at that moment was not my energy. And so in doing that, and cleansing myself and really recognizing that's not my energy, I was able to overcome that and move on. But I'm telling you, it was so freaky weird because I've never said that word like that. And again, it happened over and over again. Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker, or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit, works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax, because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, I'm your host, Teresa. So I found that this is my favorite time of the month, the beginning of each month time to share with you guys share what upcoming guests are coming this next month, what's the overall theme of the energy we're moving into. And even if you're listening to this down the road in the future, there's going to still be some nice gyms in it for you. So the overall theme of this month that we're moving into is the theme of orbit. And so I've had something come up recently that I want to share with you, which is kind of ironic, because this is sometimes what happens when I'm getting ready to do a sharing and then spirit will show up and then this big thing will happen and be like, Oh, okay, I'm going to share this. So I want to share something that happened to me recently around my new book. So my book is called the soul quick Survival Guide, reviving your connection to spirit and earth shaking times. So about a month and a half ago, I went in actually wasn't a month, a half ago, maybe a month ago, I went in and I did it seems I mean time is flying by right Hello, I went in and did the audio recording of the book. And during the audio recording of the book, I had an incident happened energetically to me. So the book is I'm sharing 12 different spiritual awarenesses in the body of the book that are about that are around spirituality, and around different things that I've gone through in my life. So I share like a little incident or something that happened. And then I share about what that concept is and how to work with it in your life. And in one of these areas, well in some of the areas I talk about some intimate things I don't go into like you know, gory details or nothing but you know, I've been divorced and I've and I've you know had children and ironically enough the time when I was talking about in the audio book about divorce, I had something energetically orbit around and move in to me that I could not get this out. In audiobook literally it was like this it was the word became an I've kept saying be cam. I mean be can be cam and I said it. I think 20 or more

takes it was absolutely crazy. So what I did then, and why I'm sharing it with you now because it's actually part of what is in the book is I share with you how to cleanse, how to stop and okay discern, you know, what's me what's not me. So in that moment, I literally had to stop because I mean, it was freaky weird. I could not say become I said became and I stopped and I discerned Okay, look, what is this about? And so I'm like okay, well this energy that moved in that orbited around me at that moment was not my energy. And so in doing that, and cleansing myself and really recognizing that's not my energy, I was able to overcome that and move on. But I'm telling you, it was so freaky weird because I've never said that word like that. And again, it happened over and over again. So the reason why I'm sharing this is just to let you know that if this happens to you in different times when you're you're out doing something and energy moves in for you and might stir you up. So you know the book is called the soul quick Survival Guide. So I really had a mini soul quote there. I was like, What the hell is this about and how do I get past it? But in referencing back to the book I'm coming out with is that there steps in there to help you work through anything that you might be going through a little soul quake to a big master soul quake and that's exactly what happened to me. And this wasn't the first time this was a very prevalent one and a most recent but as I was writing the book, there were other soul quakes that I went through that, which a lot of times authors do when you're writing a book. And I did not know this. But if you're writing a book, oftentimes you experience whatever might be about the book, especially if there's a self help book. So anyway, back to what happened to me recently, it was really freaky weird. I just wanted to share that that, you know, it was really interesting, too, because I actually use the techniques and some of the things I'm sharing in the book for myself at that moment to get through that mini so quick. And so that is the big share this week is about when things orbit energetically around you that are not you. How do you move through it? How do you discern how do you cleanse. So if you're looking for some assistance, in that, you can definitely check out the book. And I'll have the link in the show notes. Actually, you know, what the books are coming out to June 13. So when this is actually released, I'll have the, I'll put a link in the in the show notes to the early bird list. So you can get on there. So you can find out and you'll get a, you know, a message when it is released. So I'll do that for you. But then down the road, it will be available on Amazon. But But anyway, so that's what I wanted to share this month about that would happen to me and how, you know, some energy orbited around me and I was able to discern, cleanse, and keep going with the audiobook, which was a very interesting experience, to say the least. So besides that interesting development and interesting situation that I had to come and share with you. I want to share what guests are coming this month. So I've got two amazing guests around this theme of orbit. The first one, her name is Jessica Evans, and she's a Canadian author. And she wrote this book called Fade to light, how I learned to dissolve darkness. And this is the most incredible story of stepping out of she was actually raised in a she was actually born into a religious cult, moved her way out of it and worked with her spiritual power to actually move forward in life. And it is one amazing, inspiring episodes. I hope that you turn in tune in for that one. That's Jessica Evans. And then the next one after that her name is Robin Eaton. And Robin is a shamanic practitioner, she lives here close by me in Iowa. And we dive into some really cool realms and good discussion around spirit, around energy and around how to work with that. Those those elements that we all that we see around us every day, you know, the elements about outside the water, the air, all the elements and how to bring those forth to really amplify and really enhance your journey. So it's a really, really great episode. And I'm really excited for both of them. And then of course, this month, we'll have the TNT Spirit works. What's up spiritually episodes, that's always a fun one, that'll be later in the month also. So I'm looking forward to this month, I'm looking forward to this amazing orbiting energy. And I hope that you are too and I hope that wherever you're at in your journey, that you might have gotten some inspiration from this episode from the sharing that I had, and perhaps from the upcoming people that are going to be coming up the next few episodes because they are really, really

amazing. So like I say, every time please remember that if you've not subscribed, please subscribe to this podcast. Please feel free to leave a comment. Please feel free to share with your friends and family. I appreciate it. I appreciate you so so very much wherever you're at in the world and you know where you're at. And I do look at my stats and I know where you're at today. You guys are in all kinds of amazing places around the world. So until next month, please or next month. Until next time, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.