Leap of Faith

Sasha Karabut | Solo Episode - Thursday Truth: How To Get Over And Move Through FEAR

September 01, 2022 Sasha Karabut
Leap of Faith
Sasha Karabut | Solo Episode - Thursday Truth: How To Get Over And Move Through FEAR
Show Notes

Ready to hear some hard stuff today?

You’ve been a coward.

At least once in your life, you’ve felt paralyzing fear. One where you’re just too stunned to do anything. I have. We all have.

Fear is what crumbles our foundations. Being afraid makes us irrational, uncalculating, and stupidly clumsy. This state of mind will wreck you and all that you have.

Don’t let this happen. Control and channel the fear inside.

Today, we’ll talk about the right way to beat your fears. In this episode, I’ve outlined the steps you need to take to conquer the fear before it conquers YOU.

If you’re ready to face your fears, it’s time to listen.